Each team has a relatively fixed line when it is patrolling the mountain. This line covers almost the entire sacred sect.

And because of this, the seven representatives, after receiving the Task, only need to know which line the three people are going to be, so they can easily search along the line.

However, this goes, but it is not seen all the time!

You must know that the entire grazing mountain has the most patrol routes, only half an hour. On this mountain, there are dozens of patrolling Elder.

These patrolling Elders are each responsible for a range!

The average patrol takes half an hour, which is because it needs to go very slowly. The search is very careful.

But in fact, most of the Time, the patrolling discipele is afraid that even half of Time can not be used, it is able to complete the patrol Task.

Full time past, but I still can’t see the mountain recipe.

This mountain Elder is a little panicked.

He felt that I am afraid that something must have happened.

Bite clench one’s teeth, he said to one of his confidants: “You stay here, if after half an hour, I have not returned, you immediately reported Law Enforcement Elder, request the support of the law enforcement team!”

“Elder, then you?”

That discipline looks at the mountain Elder, some strangely asked.

“I have to go and see for myself. Ten discices have not come back. This line is afraid of something wrong!”

“Elder, let me go with you, if there is anything, there is a care.”

The relationship between the discipline and the mountain Elder is good. It is because he is also an old discipline. After a year or two, he may become the Elder.

The second reason is that he was also taken care of in the Elder normally. He did not arrange for him to patrol the mountain, just to deal with some chores.

Upon hearing the discipline, Elder, a patrolling mountain, said with a smile: “No, I go alone, the goal is small. If there is any problem, then I can escape.”

The discipline thought about it and thought it was such a truth, that is, what was not said.

Soon, Elder is leaving.

But his departure did not attract the attention of other disciplines.


Zhao Fang is now focused, the layout of the Great Array, the ready to the final stage.

In the final seven core small arrays, the nine extinct Great Arrays can be completed.

However, this last seven core small arrays is also the most error-prone time.

Therefore, Zhao Fang naturally does not dare to support the big.

Just as he battled heard, it seems that a batch of disciples of the ancestors came here.

Zhao Fang knows clearly that there are two consecutive batches of patrolling disciples, and I am afraid that the early has caused the vigilance of the princes.

Suddenly, Zhao Fang heard a Guardian shout in his ear.

“Quick, stop him!”

Zhao Fang separated a Divine Sense, but saw it.

In the distance, a sacred sage is now laughing wildly, but in his hand, he holds a special Magical Treasure.

“ha ha , Xuanxian Powerhouse! I didn’t expect it to be Xuanxian Powerhouse, but even if I die, Sect will definitely know your presence!”

After that, the man crushed the items in his hands in desperation.

In a flash, hundreds of Dao Guang Mangfei shot.

Several purple fire clansman and two Guardians took full action to intercept those golden lights as much as possible.

In the end, there is still a golden light to escape.

“damned, is the secret technique of the sect of the sacred sect, I am afraid that it is the sacred sage, and we know our presence!”

“There is no way, everyone spreads out, we must be vigilant, and Zhao Fang’s layout will be completed soon. If we can insist on the completion of Zhao Fang’s arrangement, then even if the sacred sects arrive, we don’t need to be scared!”

“Yes, Zhao Fang is a strategic-level Array. With this strategic-level Array, there is no problem in breaking the Restriction of the Blood Runner. As for the disciples, how many of them do we kill? !”

When Zhao Fang heard this, he recovered his mind.

However, he did not worry, after all, Zhao Fang still have confidence in the five Guardians.

He doesn’t believe that the Sect Master of the sacred sect will come here at the first for a moment!


Grab a sacred mountain spot.

A discipline looks out into the distance, the regiment, a golden light suddenly move towards him.

He did not hesitate to hold it in his hands.

“This is , Elder’s messaging Secret Treasure!”

The disciples were surprised, and then the Immortal Force was injected into the golden light. In an instant, the scene before Elder’s temporary appearance was in front of him.

The discipline complexion was terrified, almost without hesitation, and rushed away.

“Hey, what’s crazy about that fellow?”

“Who knows, no matter who he is.”

In his behind, the patrolling disciples did not have the slightest bias. They are still doing their own thing.

The discipline came to the Law Enforcement Elder with his fastest speed, and the golden light of the slightest hesitation was handed to the Law Enforcement Elder.

Law Enforcement Elder is the higher level 1’s presence than the Elder Mountain, and the law enforcement team in hand is a powerful composition.

They are normally responsible for the discipline in Sect, but if there is an invasion by a foreign enemy, it will immediately become the first force to guard Sect.


“Damned, there are people who dare to offend me to sing the fairy, it seems that they seem to be arranging some kind of Array!”

“No matter what they are doing, dare to offend my dignity, it is in court death!”

“Enforcement team, collection!”

Shouting loudly, immediately, one hundred and twenty law enforcement team disciplines, no matter what they are doing, are immediately assembled in front of this Law Enforcement Elder.

This is the difference, I think that the Elder of the mountain, even his own subordinates can not control.

And this Law Enforcement Elder, but it can be ordered, instantly assembled!

The Law Enforcement Elder didn’t hesitate to take the move towards the front and rushed out.


“Elder, it’s here. According to the message from my family Elder, the enemy should be in front of it.”

Said the road to the mountain discipele.

After that, my eyes flashed a trace of sadness.

He and the singer Elder are just the lowest level of the exquisite.

Although not to say that it is dependent, but it is also a rare friend.

In the death of Elder, he was naturally sad.

Law Enforcement Elder does not care so much, with a wave of his hand, immediately, he behind standing law enforcement disciples, it is a ten-person family, move towards the front of the police.


“Well, there are people who have plucked Xianzong. This time, it seems to be a team of law enforcement teams looting Xianzong!”

“Who is the one who comes to him, it is destroyed!”

One Guardian finished, with the slightest hesitation rushing past, while the other Guardians did not move at all, still vigilant at the sights at surroundings.


“You, is who, why are you in the sect of Xianzong?” The Law Enforcement Elder was not in a hurry to try to figure out the way forward for these people.

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