The second hundred and ninety-three chapter is you! !

The battle of bloodline.

The spell is the level of the bloodline.

Followed by the comprehend and development of the bloodline.

Furthermore, it is the bloodline user’s cultivation base.

The Seventh Imperial Prince has the Immemorial Blood Spirit Dragon bloodline, which is pure in bloodline and is the authentic Dragon Race.

Even tyrant can’t be compared to it.

However, Zhao Fang’s Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline changed after refining the ‘Blood Spirit Dragon ‘bloodline.

On the Grade alone, it is no less inferior to the simple Blood Spirit Dragon, and even a strong line.

As for development on bloodline, Zhao Fang is already close to 1st layer Perfection.

The Seventh Imperial Prince is also a natural talent, and the difference between the two people is small.

and so.

The focus of this bloodline battle is on the most inconspicuous cultivation base gap.

Hōng hōng !

A silhouette of the blood sprinkled and fell out.

On the occasion of seeing the silhouette, Yu Xi in the eyes flashed a trace and panicked.

“Zhao Fang !”

She yelled and wanted to go forward.

But it is at this moment.

A bloody Berserk silhouette, like a blood thunder, crashed down and directly hit a body in Zhao Fang.

Pēng pēng pēng !

At the time of terrifying’s boxing, two far-reaching Martial Venerables were directly shocked into Blood Mist.

Zhao Fang’s body flew obliquely, and it was smashed more than a hundred feet. After hitting dozens of boulder stones, it was only able to stop.

Everyone saw this scene. Latest fastest update

I feel my lips dry.

The power of the Seventh Imperial Prince is not what the ordinary Martial Emperor can afford.

Among the people in the place, I am afraid that there is no one who can survive after hardening such a terrifying punch.


Just when they made Zhao Fang a must.


A flash of weak cough came from the ruins not far away.

When you heard this sound, everyone was weird.

“No, it’s not dead!”

They were shocked in the eyes.

Even the Seventh Imperial Prince is a gaze, in the eyes of the cold, coldly snorted, stepping back to Zhao Fang again.

Just playing against Zhao Fang, he made a trace of wariness that is not much smaller than himself.

he knows.

The reason why I can force Zhao Fang is to rely on his two-star cultivation base.

If Zhao Fang also has 9-Star Martial Emperor cultivation base, then there is nothing in this battle!

That is why.

So, he wants to completely Resolving Past Tragedy.

“Ten Veins Divine Sword !”

Just as Seventh Imperial Prince stepped forward, there were a few Sword Qi electric shots in the ruins.


Seventh Imperial Prince complexion is cold.

Just now, under the martial skill, he ate a lot of losses.

Many injuries on the body are caused by this Sword Qi, and I have been worried about it.

Just waiting for him to shake the Zhao Fang attack –

“I know, Seventh Brother, I know who he is!”

Suddenly, a scream came out of Prince.

Seventh Imperial Prince frowned, he didn’t have to look back, he also heard it, talking, snow, snow Thirteenth Imperial Prince.

“Seventh Brother, kill me this guy, it was him last time, and I was humiliated in Raging Flames Country!”

The snow screamed, and when I saw the silhouette that rushed out of the ruins, the eyes were revealing the hatred of the bones.

Raging Flames Country on the day.

He thought that the marriage with Raging Flames Country Princess by his own country, Prince, must be a matter of course.

But I did not expect it.

Will be destroyed by Zhao Fang!

not only.

He himself is also because of Zhao Fang’s sake, the face is very damaged, the difficult situation is unbearable, such as the stray dog, leaving Raging Flames Country.

After returning, he always wanted revenge.

Zhao Fang is in Raging Flames Country, who has nothing to do with Snow Territory Empire.

He waited for two or three months and had no news.

At this time, he always sent a letter to Seventh Imperial Prince, who asked him to enter Five Elements Ruins World and help him.

The snow fell almost without hesitation and agreed.

One is that he did not dare to offend Seventh Imperial Prince.

Secondly, the failure of Raging Flames Country made him the horror of Prince of Snow Territory Empire. Prince did not bother with him. Even the emperor Your Majesty also alienated him. When he was bored, he came to Five Elements. Ruins World.

I thought.

There is no chance to see Zhao Fang again in this life.

But just in the previous Main Hall, when you saw Zhao Fang’s means of dealing with the three murders, the snow fell.

Thinking about it, I thought of Zhao Fang.


The person in front of him, whether it is the appearance or the Martial Dao cultivation base, is far from what Zhao Fang can compare.

and so.

He always felt that he should be the wrong person, and there would be no sound.

But just now.

The familiar feeling, and Ten Veins Divine Sword, which made him frustrated, reappeared, and he made the person in front of him coincide with Zhao Fang.

“who is it?”

Seventh Imperial Prince did not return, and asked indifferently.

“Raging Flames Country, Zhao Fang !”

“Zhao Fang? But Zhao Fang, who returned from Raging Flames Country.”

“It’s him.” Snow fell to face hatred. “Although he changed his appearance, but the martial skill, and the martial skill that was used, the impering manner contained, even if it was turned into gray, I also recognized it.”

“If I remember correctly, at the beginning, he was able to survive because of the three moves with Li Yuanyi.”

“Yes, Li Yuan’s third move made all efforts, but he was blocked by this person with a strange armor. This is barely enough to save his life!”

“What cultivation base did he have at the time?”

“It seems to be 8-Star Martial Venerable !”


This statement is not only shocked by Seventh Imperial Prince, but also in the place, it is an incredible color.

For the snow Thirteenth Imperial Prince returning from the Raging Flames Country, they know a lot through some hidden channels.

Also know.

It is only because of one person that causes such change.

An 8-Star Martial Venerable!

Today, Xuelu said that the 8-Star Martial Venerable is the 7-Star Martial Emperor.

In just two months or so, Time spans almost Tier-1 cultivation base.

Are you damn sure you are not teasing me?

But when you see the sultry expression of Seventh Imperial Prince, everyone’s expression is more weird, it won’t be true!

Seventh Imperial Prince ignored the unusual reaction of everyone, just stepping toward Zhao Fang, in the eyes of the killing intent, more solid, inside, if there is a bloody long dragon lying on the body, roaring to Azure Heaven, seems to be at any time To be rushed.

“Whether you are the Zhao Fang, it is undeniable that there are many secrets in your body. Since you are not willing to surrender, then Prince, you can only kill you and check it out in person.”

On the occasion of sneer, the Seventh Imperial Prince silhouette turned into a bloody shadow and disappeared in place.

Zhao Fang, who just climbed out of the ruins, has not yet established a firm foothold, and he feels that there is a terrifying killing intent.

Crisis moments.

He is out of the slightest hesitation and follows the Cloud Rising Immortal Step suddenly retreat.

The Seventh Imperial Prince attack fell in the air.

But he did not stop, continue to take action, an expression of irreconcilable until death.

Zhao Fang, while dozing, looked at the blood trough of the head of Seventh Imperial Prince, but when he saw half of the HP, his corner of the mouth showed a gloomy smile. “The tiger is not angry, you are a young master, a sick cat Ah! ”

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