Before Zhao Fang I just can’t see anything by using the ordinary attack.

However, with the killing move started, this word is only beginning to show!

And these, in fact, are just some of the power that the phantom of the Great Array is extinct.

To be precise, because of the instability of energy, there is a constant energy spillover from the Great Array.

However, these overflowing energy was revealed by the nine annihilation Great Array in the form of energy rain.

At this time, the protective Great Array above of the ancestors is the light fog that is constantly rising up the Immortal Force.

After all, this energy rain will inevitably affect the guardian Sword Array.

At this moment, whether it is the plundering of the people, or the purple fire!

Even Zhao Fang, also ready to focus on that to phantom above. At this point, the body of the nine extinct Great Array runs extremely slowly, and the impact has not collapsed. However, obviously, because of the killing move, the nine genocide Great Array is actually in the recovery period, there is no recovery of Time, let alone move

With killing move, I am afraid that the attack will be quite difficult.

Even exaggerated, at this time, Zhao Fang is betting everything.

If this blow can’t beat the sacred sect, then Zhao Fang has only the power of defense, and even the power of defense is less than one…

Perhaps the only variable is the smuggling Sect Master.

What is he doing?

Even if he was robbed by Xianzong himself, he did not understand at this time.

The only thing that can be affirmed is that the current practice of the Sect Master is because he was influenced by the Inheritance.

Perhaps, is the use of the sword in the comprehend stone, comprehend this guardian Sword Array true might.


Time !

The most important thing now is Time. If the Sect Master can quickly use the comprehend stone sword, perhaps this battle will change.

Even Zhao Fang is likely to lose!

And if he can’t do it, I am afraid that the consequences can be imagined!


Finally, nine annihilation of the Great Array’s phantom began to face the sacred Sword Array.

The a path of the towering light sword hit the first wave of the nine extinct Great Array.

This is from the collision between the pure Immortal Force!

There is nothing too much movement, and some, only the constant annihilation!

In the position where the nine extinctions of the Great Array and the guardian Sword Array collided, the energy of the terrifying energy was significantlyfluctuated.

The tumbling Immortal Force, as early as ready, is like boiling!

At this point, two Immortal Forces belonging to different Great Arrays collided.

The power of the Great Array was transformed into the most refined Immortal Force move towards the Scatter.

If someone can stand in the fog of Immortal Force at this time, I am afraid that speed can be increased by a thousand times.

Because, that’s because the two Great Arrays are crushed against each other, losing the property of the pure Immortal Force in the collision.

However, I am afraid that no one can practice in such an environment!

Don’t talk about the real fairy, I am afraid that the big Luo Jinxian will not be.

The terrifying Immortal Force, which seems to have no damage at all, looks so pure, in fact, the Berserk aura, which is contained, is afraid to go away immediately after entering the human body!



The mountain where the priest was located was slowly destructed from the top of the mountain.

Nine extinct Great Array phantom, just like a giant mountain blocked by impossible!

At this time, it is crushing the mountain where the prince Xianzong is located!

Only the destruction of the nine extinctions is not so simple that the mountain is cracked!

But let it disappear completely!

Phantom constantly falls, no power can stop!

And the sacred Sword Array of the sacred sects, at this time can only be strictly crushed!

If there are not dozens of Elders instead of the sniper Sect Master is controlling the Array.

Perhaps now, the guardian Sword Array of the sacred ancestors, the early already is completely broken!

However, even if they are brave enough to maintain, it just makes the Great Array not collapse, and wants to block the landing of the nine extinct Great Array phantom, but they can’t do it!

Of course, at this time, the power of nine extinct Great Arrays was also rapidly reduced.

However, the 81 Immortal Force small arrays are still running.

At this time, Zhao Fang, the solemn in his eyes is incomparable.

In fact, he has only one control for the Great Array phantom, which is the detonation of the Great Array!

As for the others, he can’t do it at all.

However, detonating the Great Array can be said to be as simple as that.

Without complete understanding, Zhao Fang did not dare to have extra moves.


Suddenly, at this time, the Sect Master’s eyes suddenly slammed open.

It turned out to be laughed loudly!

“ha ha , ha ha !so that’s how it is ,so that’s how it is ! Ignorant children, even dare to provoke me to smear the fairy! Today, Old Man will let you open your eyes, let you see and see, I plucked Xianzong Guardian Sword Array Real might!”

A voice sounded, but the phantom of the smuggling Sect Master appeared in the air, cold at the view at Zhao Fang.

As if, he has a complete grasp!

“not good!”

Zhao Fang couldn’t help but ge-deng a bit, from the reaction of the smuggling Sect Master, Zhao Fang is not difficult to see, perhaps, this fellow already comprehend the stone sword, but I don’t know, his understanding is how is it?

But in any case, I am afraid that the Sect Master will definitely be able to break out a lot more powerful than before!

What Zhao Fang can do now can only be looks at.

Because, he also has no effective means at all.

The nine extinct Great Array bodies have not recovered yet, which makes Zhao Fang fundamentally impossible to launch new effective attacks!

Suddenly, Zhao Fang saw that the smuggling Sect Master was slowly pulling up the sword in the stone!

The most strange thing is that with his slow pull of the sword in the stone, in the Sword Array of the sacred sect, all the light swords seem to have Sense, and they are slowly moving.

What’s even more bizarre is that the place where the sacred sacred mountain is surroundedings, and even Zhao Fang has arranged nine extinct Great Arrays, there is also a light sword!

The terrifying coverage can be said to be more than ten times more than the coverage of the nine Great Arrays!

Looking around, at this time, the range of sight can be inside, even all of them are filled with light sword.

Although, these light swords have not yet fully appeared.

But anyone who looks at it, once the smuggling Sect Master pulls out the stone sword, this billion Dao Guang sword, afraid that it will be at the same time for him!


“ha ha, the guardian Sword Array left by the Taishi ancestors, turned out to be so powerful, and I thought that the guardian Sword Array is just the area where the Sect is located!”

“Actually, this guards the Sword Array, but it can absorb the free Immortal Force between heaven and earth, and turn it into your own power!” “Once it is successfully launched, it can be said that the power of the entire Great Array will be enough to kill all enemy. !”

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