With the attachment of this sacred Sect Master, then Zhao Fang wants to find the Treasure-House that plucked Xianzong. It is not difficult at all. It can be said that Zhao Fang has almost no effort, so it will be plundered. Almost all Treasure-House is scraped!

The only pity is that in the great war of before, many Treasure-House are destroyed, and the Sect Master launch guard Sword Array also consumes a lot of resources.

As a result, Zhao Fang actually only obscured the Secret Treasure of the fifth of the sacred ones!

But even so, in fact, Zhao Fang has made a big profit this time!

He used 300,000 cents of soul points in Exchange’s nine extinctions of the Great Array.

After the battle, the front and back add up to about four or five thousand soul points!

That is to say, against the sacred immortal Zhao Fang invested about 350,000 sacred points!

But compared to the harvest, these 350,000 are all worth saying!

Because, even if it is to remove the resources that are considered by the System classification to be useful for Zhao Fang, even if it is only System Recycling, it provides nearly 800,000 soul points for Zhao Fang!

Nearly x2 half of the income is definitely worth it!


“Master, what should we do next?”

The sacred Sect Master is in the hands of Zhao Fang. At least, it seems that it is still more obedient.

Zhao Fang looked at it and thought about it. He said, “You must first integrate the remaining Influence of the Emperor Xianzong, and concentrate everyone, I am useful!”

The smuggling Sect Master ordered nod, which promised to come down, but soon continued.

“Master, there is something, subordinate feels, maybe you should know!”

“what’s up?”

Zhao Fang looks at Sect Master, I don’t know what he wants to say.

“Master, in fact, we are robbing Xianzong, actually controlled by an influence called Black Dragon Palace!”

“How powerful this Black Dragon Palace is, even I am not sure!”

“I only know that the Black Dragon Palace Emissary, which is responsible for contacting me and including all the forces at Continent in the Yuan Dynasty, is a million-year-old demon dragon transformed into, Strong is extremely powerful!”

“And this demon dragon, there is also a Black Dragon Wei Legion, even if even the Qing Zhuo Xianguo, they dare not easily provoke them!”

Black Dragon Palace? Million years of dragons? Black Dragon Wei Legion?

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkled, I did not expect that the destruction of such a sacred fairy, even caused so many things!

However, what does this singer Sect Master mean to himself?

Even if the Black Dragon Palace once dominated the ruling immortality, at this time, the cemetery Headquarters has destroyed, I am afraid that once the news is heard, the Black Dragon Palace will only feel that the sacred sage is already destroyed, so give up the piece. !

However, since the Sect Master has been raised separately, I am afraid that things are not so simple at all!

So Zhao Fang is start to talk and asks: “What do you want to say to me? This Black Dragon Palace once dominated the sacred sect, it seems to have nothing to do with me?”

Of course, in fact, Zhao Fang is very clear that this Black Dragon Palace has nothing to do with himself.

After all, the two pieces of the Black Dragon Palace in the Continent of the Yuanxu are all destroyed by Zhao Fang. The Black Dragon Palace is simply impossible and so easy to stop!

Perhaps, at this time, the Black Dragon Palace is early and ready to explore Zhao Fang!

You must know that when the corpse temple was constructed, Zhao Fang was once told that they are behind this Black Dragon Palace!

However, at that time, the corpse temple was not as clear as the Sect Master said.

Sect Master looked at Zhao Fang, but the expression was changed, but in the end it was said.

“Master, Black Dragon Palace, we don’t know what purpose, but we know that this Black Dragon Palace is extremely powerful. It can be said that all Continent in Qingzhuo Xianguo, they have arranged power!”

“According to speculation, perhaps the purpose of this Black Dragon Palace should be to replace the Qingzhuo fairy country!”

Zhao Fang didn’t talk, the ambition of this Black Dragon Palace is not small, but it seems to have nothing to do with Zhao Fang.

Even if Zhao Fang’s goal is also Qingzhuo Xianguo, but this is not the same as the Black Dragon Palace!

However, the next thing to do with the Sect Master is to let Zhao Fang have to frown.

“Master, Black Dragon Palace will let us sneak up the five hundred qualified virgin boys and girls every 100 years. According to my secret investigation, these boys and girls are quickly trained by the Black Dragon Palace with the secret technique!”

“The subordinate ability is limited, so the information that is detected is not comprehensive, but even the information we have explored is enough to show that this Black Dragon Palace has a great conspiracy!”

“The power of the Black Dragon Palace at the Continent Strongest is the Black Dragon Guardian, but this Black Dragon Guardian is divided into two types: the inner guard and the outer guard!”

“This inside guard, how to choose, I don’t know, the only thing I know is that the strength of the inner guard is generally more than seven cents!”

“However, I know this guard. The main source of Black Dragon’s guard is the Corpse Puppet of the Temple of the Dead and the boys and girls who got from us.”

“It is said that once the boys and girls are sent to the Black Dragon Palace, they will be trained in a group of 100 people, and only one of the 100 people can or complete the training and become the real Black Dragon!”

Zhao Fang’s brows are slightly wrinkled. You must know that this sensation of immortality will give up five hundred boys and girls every hundred years. The main reason may be that the talented boys and girls are not so well collected.

This is enough to prove that these 500 people are absolutely talented, even if they can not be called talent, but at least it is not mediocrity!

With five hundred qualified people, spending a hundred years of Time, will be five Black Dragon Wei!

The 10,000-year-old Corpse Puppet is even rare. After all, the 10,000-year Corpse Puppet must be cultivated for 10,000 years to succeed.

As for the cultivation of the Corpse Puppet, Zhao Fang knew early that it would be successful to use a living person as a sacrifice.

Wannian Corpse Puppet, even for the Temple of the Dead, is not cultivated at all!

Then, how many Black Dragon guards can the Black Dragon Palace send to the Black Dragon Palace every 100 years?

I am afraid that it is at most a dozen or twenty!

Black Dragon Palace!

I am afraid it is not as simple as imagined!

From their ambitions, we can also see a lot of things. After all, their goal is to replace Qingzhuo Xianguo.

At this time, Zhao Fang smelled a conspiracy of aura. I am afraid that this Black Dragon Palace is far more terrifying than the Sect Master said.


Zhao Fang is skeptical, I am afraid that this Black Dragon Palace is more difficult to deal with than the Qingzhuo Xianguo!

No, you must find a solution. After all, if you are aware of Zhao Fang’s existence in advance by the Black Dragon Palace, I am afraid that all the arrangements of Zhao Fang will be destructive!

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