Regardless of whether Zhao Fang himself is an Alchemist Master.

It seems that the effect of this Pill Medicine seems to be useless for Zhao Fang.

There is System’s existence, Zhao Fang, can completely pass the killed enemy obtain experience, and thus level up, and, Zhao Fang’s level up, there is no breakthrough at all.

As long as the Experience Value is sufficient, Zhao Fang will be able to upgrade directly!

Naturally, in the precious things of others in the eyes, when you come to Zhao Fang, you may not be so valuable.

However, this Pill Medicine auction is a means for Zhao Fang to see this heavenly treasure building!

Pill Medicine, which can help break through the mysterious fairy, is definitely a treasure.

This Qingzhuocheng is the core of Qingzhuo Xianguo’s rule, and it is inhabited by most of the Qingzhuo Xianguo. It can be said that in these eyes, Pill Medicine, which is able to upgrade the mysterious fairyland, is absolutely It will be worth their big take action!

From the beginning of this Pill Medicine auction, someone was significantly increasing the price.

However, Zhao Fang still found a strange phenomenon.

That is, every time the price is called, if there is a short time stagnation, it seems that the auction is going to be successful, but immediately there will be someone who will increase the price immediately, and the increase in the price of each time is not big!

Even the bidder will deliberately with restraint to provoke everyone and use words to stimulate others!

Zhao Fang looks a bit strange. If it is replaced by other auctions, I am afraid that such people have already been cleaned up, and this is a blatant offense against others. Isn’t they afraid of revenge?

Perhaps I saw Zhao Fang’s confused eyes.

Solitary but not arrogant, said: “Master, don’t watch, those fellow, are auction, please nothing more!”

Zhao Fang gave a slight glimpse: “You said they are trusting? And, as if you all see it? This is what’s going on?”

Duo Hetian hehe smiled: “Yes, these people are the support of the heavenly treasure building. Every time when they come to auction this good thing, they will maliciously set the price. This means, everyone knows it!” However, this is the same thing, but what can be done? The location of these people, the heavenly treasure building has been laid out by Restriction. If you can’t believe it, you can’t see through their real Strength. No way to see through

Their true looks! ”

Is there this?

Zhao Fang’s thoughts, an Immortal Force is to explore the past, but the result, but really like the solitary saying that Zhao Fang’s Immortal Force, there is no way to penetrate the person who is obviously in the chaos of price!

At first, Zhao Fang would still suspect that everyone is like this. Wait until Zhao Fang tried others, but found that it was not like this.

His Immortal Force can easily sweep over those people, and it’s easy to see through those people’s cultivation base!

In other words, being protected, in fact, there are only a few people.

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkled: “This heavenly treasure building is so obvious to you, do you recognize it?” Solitary helpless smile: “I said Master, heavenly treasure building behind standing, but Country Lord, no If you can figure it out, let’s say, auction nothing more, but it’s not forcing you to buy it, but they’re all high-value

Treasure or Pill Medicine ! ”

“They bid, if you feel high, you can not shout the price, this kind of thing, it can be regarded as your favorite thing, even if you know that the heavenly treasure building has a means to play, it is not only forget!”

This is the truth, the heavenly treasure building is playing with you, you know it is a pit, but for example, this Pill Medicine, if you happen to be at the critical juncture of the breakthrough, I am afraid that even if you know that it is a pit, Will also voluntarily jump down.

Heavenly treasure floor is a beautiful play, plus behind them are the Qingzhuo Country Lord support, this hand has been no one has to!

Anyway, they are the people they arranged. This thing didn’t go out. It’s a big deal. They are waiting for one year. So, there is no need to worry that the price will be too high and no one will buy it.

Instead, these bidders, even though obviously know the price is high, but they have to buy it!

For example, this time, Zhao Fang saw that there was a person in the distance who was in a hurry!

“Oh, I didn’t expect that there would be a breakthrough in the Pill Medicine of Xuanxian, damned, how many sacred stones do we have!” “When you return to the old man, the fairy stone in our house, and the industry that can be mortgaged, the Magical Treasure sold, etc. In our participation before the small account, the big one has three million two million stones! But the lord, now the heavenly treasure building will be the price

Called 25 million, if we continue to bid, say that this heavenly treasure building will increase the price… If we really photographed this Pill Medicine, I am afraid that it will be ruined! “I can’t manage that much, A big already seclusion for three years, but there has been no breakthrough.” If you take this Pill Medicine today, Ada’s breakthrough will have hope! Old Man attends the auction before, and he is very nice to say hello to everyone.

If this year, Pill Medicine, Old Man, which helped break through the mysterious world, will be bought, and in the next 20 years, Old Man will not participate in the auction of similar items…”

The old man’s face is full of helplessness.

The heavenly treasure building has a means of heavenly treasure building, but everyone has their own countermeasures.

Especially for this Pill Medicine auction, in fact, there is no personal need for breakthrough, so there is such a default rule between Strong almost Clan.

For Pill Medicine, this breakthrough, in general, the value is about 20 million cents.

Twenty million lower than, everyone will naturally bid.

However, once the breakthrough is 20 million, everyone will follow the agreement to let the one-year qualified Clan participate in the auction, while others will not intervene!

But in fact, don’t look at the competitors, but in fact, the pressure that Clan can participate in is still not small!

After all, without the bidding of other people, what he needs to face is the malicious lifting of the heavenly treasure building!

It can even be said that they can only hope that the heavenly treasure building should not be too greedy, so that they can’t afford it at all…

Zhao Fang silently at the sight of this happening, and my heart, for the practice of this heavenly treasure building, it is quite disdain!

This heavenly treasure building is really greedy!

Although said, these good things are indeed found in the heavenly treasure building. If you don’t bid from here, it is hard to find elsewhere.

However, such a malicious move, how can there be a point of auction?

However, Zhao Fang did not intervene. After all, he did not want to trouble himself.

But sometimes, the reality is not so easy to let Zhao Fang stay out of it! This Pill Medicine was eventually bought by the Clan for 31,000 immortals.

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