However, it is only now that the evacuation has begun. Is it really coming?

The answer is obviously yes!

Accompanied by the loud voice of the heavenly treasure building, at this time everyone has moved towards distant evacuation, and even, there was no formation between the panic and early.

However, they are now evacuated but also already late!


A big rumor came, it was rushing to the front of the head of the Demonic beast, the move to heavenly treasure.

In fact, this Demonic beast is now very nervous. For some special reasons, he has provoked two other Demonic beast kings. At this time, he is escaping nothing more.

However, even if you escape, it is not in front of these trivial Human Race can block. In this poor spiritual wisdom of Demonic Beast, there is no way to judge whether these Human Races are deliberately blocking him, or happening on his way, he only knows that these small Human Races dare to block him. Going, then he is

To clean up!


A loud bang came, and the powerhouse in the heavenly treasure building was proud of the eyes. They only saw one piece of bloody mouth and suddenly moved towards them.

That row of sharp and incomparable teeth, like a winch, is terrifying!

Even, it seems that those teeth are still spinning fast!

Between the rotations, a path of brilliant emits, of course, accompanied by a strong stench!

Can erode the odor of Immortal Force!

Can make even the mysterious fairyland will be easily stinky!

Elder at least five heavenly treasure buildings, the horrified looks at the huge mouth they swallowed, but their body seemed to be out of control, and they stayed in place.

In a short moment, the five Elders of the heavenly treasure building were directly swallowed by the Demonic beast!


That Giant once again plunged into the soil, but the huge body was still very constant…

Zhao Fang in the distance, who saw this scene through Divine Sense, was shocked.

Even without the prompt of System, Zhao Fang can guess what it is!

Demonic beast Earth Dragon !

“damned, it turned out to be Demonic beast Earth Dragon! And it’s still the Earth Dragon King with a mysterious peak cultivation base!”

At this time, everyone in the heavenly treasure building was nothing but utterly distracting.

This Demonic beast Earth Dragon is not considered powerful, in fact, and is the most common Demonic beast in this Demonic beast mountain range.

They are generally hidden underground, and most of the strengths are really Realm, but the body length is more than ten meters nothing more!

However, in front of this Dillon King, not only the owner of the Xuanxian peak cultivation base, but also has a terrifying body with a few kilometers!

One bite!

Just one bit is Elder who can swallow five heavenly treasure buildings!

Just this is just to see how terrifying it is.


The savage screams shouted from the mouth of a peacefully treasure building Elder.

The people in the heavenly treasure building, even the landlord of the heavenly treasure building, is also terrified!

Ordinary Demonic beast Earth Dragon, can not be powerful, but their attack means, but you can’t guard against it.

After all, this Demonic beast Earth Dragon can smash, and as long as they are willing, they can even be quiet in the ground, then lock in prey and rush out!

So terrifying King Dragon King, who can stop it?

In a flash, Elder, the three heavenly treasure buildings, was swallowed by the King Dragon King!

“Fast, take off!”

The long Boss of the heavenly treasure building shouted.

This is the reaction of everyone. Yes, this Earth Dragon attack is mainly from underground attacks. Isn’t it safe to hide in the air?

The people who responded to it all vacated, and at this time, who still managed the flying Demonic beast in the sky?

It is said that there is an imposing manner of Earth Dragon, and I am afraid that there is no flying Demonic beast.

However, just as everyone thought so, an extremely sharp and harsh scream was ringing!

The moment of hearing this call, the landlord of the heavenly treasure building even immediately complexion pale!

“It turned out to be it, how come it is here!”

Heavenly treasure The landlord muttered to himself!

If you say that the most famous Demonic beast king in this Demonic beast mountain is, then I am afraid it can only be the master of this voice!

Five Great Demonic beast Wang Zhong, the only one flying Demonic beast.

Eagle lion beast!

The reason for this name is because he is obviously a flying Demonic beast, but with an extremely strong body! It is like a lion with wings!

This lion is extremely terrifying, because he can not only perform one kind of terrifying sonic attack that can instantly pull people into the illusion, but more importantly, its speed is terrifying!

The ultimate speed, even if the heavenly treasure landlord, exhausted all Magical Treasure, but it was impossible to escape!

“damned, now we only have one way to live! Several of you, immediately arrange the Transmission Array, the rest of the people, I am entangled with these two Demonic beast!”

Heavenly treasure, the main building clench one’s teeth said!

The appearance of the lion and lion beast made him understand that if he escaped, he would never have a way to live!

It is impossible to compare speed with hawk and lion, so the only choice is to leave through Transmission Array!

The Array of the Qingzhuo Xianguo is quite powerful, but the technique of Xianfu is relatively backward.

Because of the particularity of the Demonic beast mountain range, this Qingzhuo Xianguo has no transmission charm that can be used in the Demonic beast mountain range.

Therefore, this is the root reason why the heavenly treasure building owner makes the Array.

Listening to the commands of the heavenly treasure landlord, the heavenly treasure Elder showed excellent qualities.

If the common team encounters such a situation, I am afraid that no one will pay attention to the command of the leader, and will not flee.

But everyone in the heavenly treasure building, after talking in the heavenly treasure building, immediately began to move closer, even those who had been ready to escape some distance, and clench one’s teeth rushed back!


Heavenly treasure The main building is shouting loudly, and the rest of the Elder is not using the Immortal Technique.

A path of Array suddenly rises, but it builds a barrier in front of them!

Even the under the foot has not been let go!

The person who can be heavenly treasure building is absolutely impossible. In fact, at this time, the eagle lion beast is actually killing with the Earth Dragon beast.

If they leave now, no matter whether the lion or the lion or the Earth Dragon beast will attack them.

However, the heavenly treasure landlord made a wrong judgment, thinking that these two Demonic beast kings will definitely fight to kill them, so prepare for the defense.

But, with them, how can it be blocked?

The eagle lion looked at the Earth Dragon beast on the ground, and suddenly it was a screaming scream.

The screaming screams, the people in the heavenly treasure building were prepared for the early, and few people were dragged into the illusion, but the sound itself still made them uncomfortable. It is no exaggeration to say that if they are not all of them, they are all cultivating bases. I am afraid that the screams of the lions and lions alone are enough to kill all of them!

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