Just a half-day Time, the Liu Family, who was entrenched in the Yuanzhen Continent for tens of thousands of years, turned out to be such a destruction.

The Liu Family is a clansman, dead and wounded, and even if it is spared, it is hard to throw any waves.

It can be said that Zhao Fang took action this time, which is to let the entire Yuan Xu Continent first time recognize this person!

Also first time, let Zhao Fang appear in the eyes of the high-level people of Qingzhuo Xianguo.

However, at this time, everyone in Qingzhuo Xianguo still did not regard Zhao Fang as a threat. After all, the power of this trivial Continent is nothing to the whole Qingzhuo Xianguo.

Of course, this is a good thing for Zhao Fang. The unification of the entire Yuan Xuan Continent allows Zhao Fang to unify all the forces of Yuantin Continent.

Sect, Clan!

Especially the power of Clan, for a fairy country, is the first problem to be dealt with.

In the fairy country, it is not allowed to existence Sect and Clan, but it must not let their strength grow.

It can be said that any fairy country will suppress Clan Influence and control Sect Influence, especially the tension that is just starting, just like Zhao Fang.

After all, if Clan Strength is raised, it is enough to threaten the rule of the Country Lord. Zhao Fang didn’t expect to be able to integrate all the influences at once, but with his strong influence as the card, and then relying on various means of differentiation, it can be said that the entire Yuanzhen Continent is moving towards Zhao Fang.

The standard is moving forward.

A large number of Xianshi, a large number of Pill Medicine, and some Culture Technique, were distributed by Zhao Fang.

On the one hand, it is to improve the overall strength of the entire Yuan Xuan Continent, on the other hand, it is also to differentiate the local influence of the Yuan Xuan Continent.

In fact, as far as Continent is concerned, don’t look at Zhao Fang’s extremely fast movements to integrate the entire Yuan Xuan Continent, but in fact, many of them are not fully recognized by Zhao Fang.

This is not a good thing for Zhao Fang’s plan. After all, don’t look at these people who usually have nothing. In the pressure of Zhao Fang’s powerful strength, they can only obediently follow the example and simply dare not provoke Zhao Fang.

But in fact, it is not impossible to secretly violate the darkness.

However, Zhao Fang used a lot of Pill Medicine and Xianshi to buy the road, but it was for most people to vote for Zhao Fang.

After all, for any practitioner, cultivation is king, and Strength is everything.

Zhao Fang has Strength and is generous, so that these people can see hope.

Yuantin Continent is a remote place in Qingzhuo Xianguo, and the resources are relatively scarce. This has led to the overall strength of Yuantin Continent being worse than other Continent.

However, Zhao Fang now has so many Pill Medicine and Xianshi out, which will definitely enable them to upgrade quickly.

What’s more, if you perform well, you will also receive Magical Treasure reward.

This is a lot better than their original Clan or Sect.

A powerful country, in fact, can not be separated from Clan or Sect Influence.

However, the special stage is to have special means, at least for now, Zhao Fang can not allow the second sound of the Continent.

However, these means are simply impossible in a short Time to upgrade the entire Yuan Hui Continent’s Strength.

Just when Zhao Fang is fully prepared.

Qingzhuo Xianguo also finally knows the changes in Yuantin Continent.

There are many smart people in Qingzhuo Xianguo. What Zhao Fang did, naturally someone can see the clue.


On this day, Zhao Fang was observing the soldiers’ cultivation, and they were rushing over.

Today’s solitary, can be said that the full face and his old man turned over his face, at least, on the bright side.

The soldiers who guarded the Continent to send the Great Array level, in fact, had already been fully loyal to Zhao Fang under the arrangement of Solitary.

As for the dissatisfied person? Early alive is handled secretly.

After all, the soul of Solitary is still in the hands of Zhao Fang, and he is not allowed to disobey.

“Master, Master, not good!”

When Duo Tiantian came to Zhao Fang, he shouted.

Zhao Fang looks at his expression, knowing that something happened, so it was start to talk and asked: “What happened, what happened?” “Master, a team of Qingzhuo Xianguo is ready to leave because we When the Transmission Array was closed in time, they could not directly descend to the Continent of Yuansha. However, the Continent of the Yuan Dynasty was also the Qingzhuo Xianguo, and there was no Xianguo Guardian Existence, so

, from three days to five days, I am afraid that the troops will be High-General, we will be Continent! ”

So fast?

Starting from Zhao Fang, I know that there will be a time when there will be a confrontation with Qingzhuo Xianguo.

But Zhao Fang did not think that it would be so fast!

“How many people have come, how is Comprehensive Strength?”

Zhao Fang brows slightly and then asks. “Back to the Master, this time, Qingzhuo Xianguo sent a defensive Legion, the total number is about 100,000 people, the average cultivation base is around the true peak! However, their equipment is quite sophisticated, with enough Three hundred feet of Battleship, and

And, the flagship is more strategic level of existence! ”

“And, there is a strategic Array of troops in this unit that can be equipped with a powerful strategic Array!”

“In addition, the leading general is the cultivation base of Xuanxian, which is one of the twelve cents of Qingzhuo Xianguo. The cultivation base Powerhouse is more than a hundred people!”

Zhao Fang ordered nod, just like Strength, but it still can’t pose a threat to Zhao Fang.

The Battleship is powerful and has the control of many soldiers. It can be said that any Battleship, the might that erupted can not be underestimated.

And the entire Yuan Xuan Continent, actually owned Battleship but trivial but more than a hundred.

Of course, Zhao Fang believes that there are hidden Battleships in the hands of many Clan or Sect, but Zhao Fang is always possible to seize it. If he did, I am afraid that he will not have to wait for the Qingzhuo Xianguo to fight. Chaos.

Battleship is not a general Magical Treasure. It is not a matter of time to build.

And it’s quite a waste of resources. It can be said that Zhao Fang is in Short Time unless you use System, from System Exchange Battleship, otherwise, fundamentally there is other ways to quickly acquire Battleship.

However, Battleship is expensive, even if Zhao Fang replaces all the fairy points with Battleship.

What’s more, at this time, Yuan Zhenzong, there is still a lot of things that Zhao Fang needs to pass through the Fairy Point Exchange.

Zhao Fang and how can it be to Exchange Battleship!

Zhao Fang did not answer the solitude, but quickly began to think about it.

With a wave of his hand, a virtual map projection appeared in front of Zhao Fang.

This is the map of Continent in Yuanxu. The total is not complete, but after all, it can see the topography of most of the Continent.

Suddenly, there was a place that caught the attention of Zhao Fang. Ten mountains!

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