Whether it is the Battle Array or the cultivation Technique, in fact, it is for the Combined Strike Technique.

Of course, some military training methods are different. For example, there is a special training to become an assassin type, and the pursuit is only a kill!

Do your best, just ask for one blow, one person can’t do it, just one hundred people, one hundred people can’t do it, and there are thousands of people!

In a word, this assassin-type soldier, they train hard, the goal of their life is to launch a hit more than more!

Of course, there are other types of soldiers, and even some immortal countries have directly produced suicide-shaped soldiers.

This kind of soldier, trying to cultivate the cultivation base, but there is not much actual combat power, because their fighting style is self-destruct!

However, in general, most of the Xianguo army relies on the Combined Strike Technique, whether it is Array or Battle Array, Culture Technique!

Goal, only this one!

Therefore, this is also why the soldiers of the Yuanzheng Zong are just like the soldiers of the Qingzhuo Xianguo.

This is not an imposing manner, nor a will.

Just because their tacit understanding is nothing more!

Generally speaking, without the tacit cooperation of decades or even hundreds of years, it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to be truly unified as a whole!

As for the fighting power of the Xianguo soldiers?

In a word, since they are existence, then there are reasons and meanings for presence!


At this time, Zhao Fang took off alone, but he knew the danger in his heart, but he had no choice.

He must use this battle to boost morale at the same time, as much as possible to shock enemy!

Sōu sōu sōu !

Suddenly, from the opposite Battleship, a pair of soldiers suddenly rose from the air, and in a moment, it was blocked in front of Zhao Fang.

“Bold thieves, still do not surrender quickly, if it is now surrender, or can be saved!”

One person is loudly shouted, and the voice is full of dignity.

But Zhao Fang didn’t take it for granted!

The Xianguo army, although powerful, Combined Strike Technique, is exquisite, but if you want to rely on this trivial, you want to stop Zhao Fang?

They think more!

Zhao Fang didn’t talk because there was no need to talk nonsense.

Zhao Fang gently raises his hand, and in a flash, a Sword Qi is condensed!

Destroy the magic of the world, but for Zhao Fang, this Sword Qi is still his favorite move!

A Sword Qi condenses in the air, sharp rays of light, shining is the exciting killing intent!


“Hey, act recklessly!”

Suddenly, the leader of the Qingzhuo Xianguo said disdainfully. Then, with a wave of his hand, immediately, the thousands of troops were like one, even at the same time, they pulled out the sword!

“Sword, hey!”

The teenager was loudly shouted, and the long sword broke out in the hands of a group of rays of light, but it was also a Sword Qi move towards Zhao Fang!

“Sword! Hey! Kill…”

Thousands of people are like a person, shouted in shouted, meanwhile, and the sword light is a very accurate shot of the Sword Qi released by the teenager.

In that mid-air, gather together!

Originally, it was not put in the Sword Qi in the eyes by Zhao Fang. At this moment, it broke out the power of the Powerhouse Full strength strike.

Of course, even so, in fact, Zhao Fang is still not in the eyes!

“go with!”

Zhao Fang waved, and the Sword Qi’s fast move towards the front rushed over!

Directly like the Sword Qi that broke out from the military array!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The violent explosion is endless.

In the midair, a path of fierce fluctuation blows everyone’s clothes to dance with the wind.

In fact, this is just a little bit of prestige nothing more than the outbreak of emits!

Most of the power, early and ready to annihilate in the collision!

Zhao Fang’s side, countless Sword Qi move towards the front rushed over.

And all of this Sword Qi, there is only one goal, that is, Sword Qi from the enemy army array emits!

Zhao Fang’s side, Sword Qi constantly condensed, but Zhao Fang, but is proud of the air, as if not affected by a little bit.


The teenager shouted loudly and at the same time, commanding everyone to strongly activate Immortal Force.

The Immortal Force of this stock gathered together, but the sword that supported the mid-air did not dissipate.

The military squad kills the enemy, although it is tough, but it also has loopholes that belong to them.

Of course, these problems are generally minor problems, but now they are fatal problems!

Why do you say that?

Because, they are facing Zhao Fang!

What they face is that they don’t care about the consumption of Immortal Force at all, and they are able to mobilize Immortal Force’s Zhao Fang with the help of the reincarnation of magic.

If it is a general Powerhouse, the fundamental impulse is like Zhao Fang’s endless condensed Sword Qi, launching a wave of attacks against them!

They only need to overcome the impact of the first round, then they can take the opportunity to launch a counterattack, but absolutely did not expect that Zhao Fang’s attack, but there is no stopping trend.

“sōu sōu sōu !”

Suddenly, from the 50 Battleship above, another pair of soldiers flew out, and the number of people this time is still only about a thousand.

“Hey, waste!”

An angry drink came out of the army, but it was a young man who came out.

This person’s bright body clothes, the bright Armour, this Armour, is specially made by the Qingzhuo Xianguo, and is specially used for the Qingzhuo Xianguo High-General.

Not only with powerful protection, at the same time, it also has a certain Immortal Force amplitude effect, which can effectively unify the Immortal Force under the unit.

And the person’s under the foot, but also stepped on a Purple Flying Sword.

But unlike other Flying Swords, this is behind the Flying Sword, followed by two smaller Flying Swords!

It turned out to be rare, the mother sword! “I didn’t expect this Continent, you can still have a master like you, but unfortunately, it’s a pity! Brat, don’t say this Young Master doesn’t give you a chance. Now, you immediately surrender and sacrifice your spirit, then This Young Master can spare you not to die,

You can even bypass your entire Yuan Hui Continent! If not, hey! ”

The man’s tone is arrogant, it seems that there is no Zhao Fang, even put the entire Yuan Hui Continent in the eyes.

Zhao Fang took a look at the man and finally faint start to talk: “Oh, otherwise? How about you?” “arrogant, brat, don’t think that your cultivation base is right, you can stop the less attack, tell the truth You, don’t you say that you are just a mysterious peak, even if you surpass Xuanxian, today, if you dare to do the right thing, you will definitely die.

! ”

Zhao Fang has no doubts. After all, as the advance team of Qingzhuo Xianguo, they have Magical Treasure that can detect the Zhao Fang cultivation base, which is not surprising.

However, this brat who? From the tone of speech, it is not like the regular solider of Qingzhuo Xianguo?

Is it difficult? Or is the clansman of a big singer in Qingzhuo Xianguo want to come to the Yuantin Continent to mix military power? If so, I am afraid… they are looking for the wrong place!

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