Chapter 295 Snow Territory Pursue and Kill Command !

“Old Man, Young Master has no skills to play with you, let you put a horse for the time being, the next time you meet, you must take the dog head!”

Zhao Fang smiled coldly, and the figure would rush out of the underground Palace.

“Little bastard, no next time! Leave Old Man!”

The cold voice, with a strong killing intent, in the all of a sudden, a destructive fluid.

Zhao Fang was shocked and looked back. Suddenly, the souls of the dead were all taken.

“Old Ghost, you damn crazy!”

But see behind number hundred zhang (333m), Xue Yuanhai True Force condensed incarnation, is burning rapidly.

An unspeakable destructive sexual shock, pervading its with the body.

He obviously wants to self-destruct True Force Clone!

“Insane? Ha ha… You are wrong, this is just a True Force incarnation of Old Man. Like this incarnation, as long as Old Man is willing, can condense millions. Use an incarnation to change your body. Piece of treasure, Old Man is not lost!”

Xue Yuanhai Clone laughed loudly.

“You damn no loss, i your father is losing money!”

The fatal Crisis feeling, such as the skeleton of the bones, Zhao Fang knows that if it is really affected by the self-destruct of this Old Ghost, even if he is lucky enough to survive, Yu Xi will die!

“Cloud Piercing Shuttle, fast, fast, fast!”

Zhao Fang Daxie, using the Cloud Piercing Shuttle to the extreme, the figure turned into a residual image, and instantly escaped the underground Palace.

All of a sudden escaped from Zhao Fang.


The earth-shattering sound of the explosion suddenly rushed out of the underground Palace and went to Zhao Fang.

“Zhao Fang !”

Waiting for Zhao Fang’s Yu Xi in the study room, I saw Zhao Fang appearing, just starting to talk, but the moment is like Sense, looking at the underground Palace.

“Scarlet Blood Armour !”

Zhao Fang low-lying, lightning between the firestone, Red and the bloodthirsty Armour, dense Zhao Fang whole body.

At the same moment, Zhao Fang hugged Yu Xi.


The terrifying fluctuation suddenly came from behind, and the smash hit the back of the Zhao Fang.

When the Scarlet Blood Armour touched the beneath fluctuation, it made a burst of overwhelming hum.

It is the Armour of behind, which is cracked and broken.

Zhao Fang was also shaken out under the impact of this force.

Although there was no serious injury on the surface of the body, the force was too strong, and it was so strong that it was distorted, and his internal organs were dislocated, and the internal disorder was almost collapsed.

At the time of the flight, Zhao Fang’s mouth was squirting, but the consciousnessness was getting more and more blurred.

He bit his teeth, spelling the clear headed of the last a trace, and directly exporting one piece Middle Level Space Shattering Talisman.

“Crush it!”

Leaving this sentence, Zhao Fang squatted on Yu Xi.


In the underground Palace.

“damned, damned! Old Man didn’t hesitate to lose a True Force Clone. I didn’t expect it, let the brat escape!”

Xue Yuanhai is furious.

In particular, the loss of the True Force Clone made him depressed and cough up blood. Latest fastest update

Although this Venerable is there, you can condense countless True Force Clone.

But there is a premise that resources are enough.

To know.

Converging True Force Clone requires extremely harsh.

The preciousness of its materials, although not rare in the world, is not much worse.

The Snow Territory Empire conquered the severe hundred years at Five Elements Ruins World, and his Xue Yuanhai condensed one, and the difficulty of this Refining is evident!

Roaring for a moment, Xue Yuanhai slowly calmed down, cold eyes, looking at all around, and finally sighed, “Hey, if it is not Old Man’s Cultural Technique, cultivation is critical, you can’t easily leave here, this time, inevitably I have to grab the brat myself.”

It is on the verge of sinking.

It was a shadow, and the flustered one came in.

“Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor…”

A middle-aged man wearing an embroidered robe with a Quasi-Saint cultivation base, came to the underground Palace and squatted directly in front of Xue Yuanhai.

“Old Ancestor, what happened now? The palace of Xiaoqi, in split second, was smeared!”

Xue Li remembered the scene I just saw, and there was still a feeling of horror.

“There were two thieves who broke into the Little Seven Mansion. I found out that he had serious injury. Now, I will inform the three to offer Tang Yanfeng, and the six to Yan Yuhan, to fully encircle the thief, and be sure to capture it alive.”

Xue Yuanhai said solemnly.

“Yes, Old Ancestor.” embroidered robe man nod, then, like what I think of, “Old Ancestor, Xiaoqi… dead!”

The scene is silent for a moment.

Snow Territory Old Ancestor sighed: “I guessed it just now. Xiaoqi is my Snow Territory Empire stable Desolate Domain, and even out of the key figures of the Desolate Domain, it was a pity to be killed this time!”

But then, Snow Territory Old Ancestor turned around.

“But my people at Xue Family are not so good. I want to let Zhou Lingwang, even if I am sending Falcon Legion, I must bring those two thieves back to Old Man!”

Xue Li was shocked to hear the powerful words of Snow Territory Old Ancestor.

Especially the word Zhou Lingwang is even more shocking to him. “Old Ancestor, the frontline war is tight, need Zhou Lingwang, the Snow Commander over Commander, the first Commander oversee, can’t move, or send someone else?”

“On Zhou Lingwang, bring Falcon Legion. This time, I want to be foolproof!”

Snow Territory Old Ancestor has a firm voice.

Wen Yan.

In addition to the smile, Xue Li is just nod.

Since Old Ancestor has decided what he can say, he can only do nothing more than nothing more.

Paused, Snow Territory Old Ancestor suddenly gaze.

“Xue Li!”

“Disciple is here.”

“Give me Snow Territory Pursue and Kill Command and follow this two people!”


Xue Li body was shocked.

Snow Territory Pursue and Kill Command, Snow Territory Empire is the most ruthless one-of-a-kind method of treating the enemy. It can be ordered by Sect Influence, the full-scale pursuit of Snow Territory Empire.

In the history of the Snow Territory Empire.

It also sent three Snow Territory Pursue and Kill Command.

Every time’s purchase object is 6-Star Martial Saint and above Powerhouse, but all of them are killed by pursuit.

Never failed!

It can be said that Snow Territory Pursue and Kill Command is an ultimate weapon of Snow Territory Empire.

Once out of the sheath, you must drink blood and return!


Dealing with an 7-Star Martial Emperor, using Snow Territory Pursue and Kill Command, is it a bit of a big deal?

Before using Tang Yanfeng Yan Yuhan and Zhou Linghuang, these three episodes are dedicated to the combination of the army’s most Powerhouse. Although Xu Li was shocked, she was still accepting the scope inside.

But Snow Territory Pursue and Kill Command, but it is impossible for him to understand.

After hesitating, he boldly asked: “Old Ancestor, using Snow Territory Pursue and Kill Command for two Martial Emperors, is it a little fuss?”

“Small problem?”

Snow Territory Old Ancestor opened the booth eyes, the secluded cold light swept to Xue Li. “The True Force Clone of Old Ancestor didn’t leave him. You think that brat can be regarded as an ordinary Martial Emperor? You think I Is this still a big problem?”

Xue Li was shocked.

Although I guessed that between Zhao Fang and Snow Territory Old Ancestor, there must have been a battle, but I did not expect that the result was so amazing!

Snow Territory Old Ancestor 4-Star Martial Saint ranked True Force Clone, but has not yet retained an 7-Star Martial Emperor. Every time I think of it, Xue Li is shocked.

The 7-Star Martial Emperor is so difficult. If it is a Promotes to Martial Saint level, I am afraid that Old Ancestor this Venerable take action may not leave him.

“Disciple is blunt, Old Ancestor is far-sighted, and it is extremely important that the discipline will be arranged! This time, the two people will be difficult to fly!” Xue Li quickly said.

Snow Territory old light ‘hmm’, a hand grabbed, a compass appeared, “that brat was injured by me, leaving a trace True Force of this Old Ancestor, with this compass, you can find that brat!”

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