The 30th Battleship’s Qing Zhuo Shi, the target, is the people of Yuanshi Inner Sect.

Just when Zhao Fang is about to arrive at Qingzhuo Camp.

Enemy, but the first step launched the attack.

A battle that has a huge gap between strength and strength, but it started in the Yuanzheng ancestor.


“Fast, fast, order everyone, regardless of the cultivation base, but all who can fight, all enter each position!”

“damned, Qingzhuo Xianguo actually sneak attack us Yuanzong Zong, Sect Master with elite is still in the top ten, short Time fundamentally impossible to come back, in Sect Master they come back before, only by us delaying enemy’s offense!”

“All Great Array, all activated, don’t worry about the consumption of Xianshi, anyway, be sure to hold the position!”

The left-run Yuanzheng Zongda Camp is a High-General promoted by Zhao Fang. In the Inner Sect Department of Yuanxu, his position is Law Enforcement Elder, but in fact, everyone prefers to call him the Guardian Legion Commander.

This person was originally a retired veteran of Qingzhuo Xianguo. He had a certain military literacy. He even participated in the battle of Battlefield outside the territory three times. At the time of service, he was once admitted to the position.

Just because of the low birth, there is no chance to continue to advance, but he is a rare talent. Even the original father of the day has tried to recruit him as a military division to help Commander troops.

However, this person did not agree, but instead, under the circumstance of coincidence, he was recruited by Solitary, and came to Yuantin Continent to help Zhao Fang train the soldiers.

His cultivation base is not too high, only the Tier-7 cultivation base, but it does not prevent him from being respected by the people of the Yuanzheng.

After all, the composition of the Yuanxu sects is mostly Loose Cultivator or the sacred sect and the corpse of the corpse.

Extraterrestrial Battlefield has always been the extreme terrifying existence of these people. Many people in the eyes, veterans who can come back from the Battlefield outside the field, are unacceptable characters.

What’s more, this person also entered the extraterrestrial Battlefield three times.

Zhao Fang arranged him as a staying High-General, naturally no one would object.


“Report, Law Enforcement Elder, frontline discipline return, enemy already entered the jurisdiction of my Yuanzheng sect, but Battleship already did not move on, but was stationed in place!”

A disciple to report.

Zhao Guayi brows slightly wrinkle, thinking, a moment, complexion is a slight change, directly shouted: “pass me command, all Defensive Array all activated, ready to withstand enemy remote attack!”

After all, Zhao Guyi has served in the Qingzhuo Xianguo army for many years, so the combat habits of the Qingzhuo Xianguo army will naturally be well understood.

Although, this enemy is a surprise attack, but no one can guarantee what kind of tactics they will use.

I was given an order to activate the Defensive Array without the slightest hesitation. In the twinkling of an eye, it was quite beautiful.

These Arrays were all arranged by the Zhao Fang arranger. Originally, according to Zhao Fang, I hoped to be able to lay out a Protective Great Array.

However, due to the conditions, Zhao Fang did not intend to stay here.

Therefore, in the arrangement, the use of small array defense.

At this point, everyone is waiting silently, the news of the arrival of the enemy already, as early as when Zhao Guyi launched the general mobilization, it is known that everyone knows.

Among the Arrays, seven Yuanzhenzong disciplines gathered together.

The leader is a Dragon Blood warrior.

However, the Dragon Blood warrior is generally unsmiling, so at this time only his eyes have been staring at the air.

As for the other six people, while maintaining the Array, one side is whispered.

“How do we start the guardian Array now, haven’t you seen this enemy yet?”

“Who knows, but Law Enforcement Elder is so arranged, there must be such a reason.”

“I heard that the Battle of the Qingzhuo Xianguo has an Immortal Force cannon, and it is a super cannon that is only 1st Rank lower than the strategic Immortal Force cannon. Is it that the enemy is preparing to bombard the Wemmortal Force cannon? ?”

“Who knows, OK, we don’t have to worry about it. Just do your own thing. Hey, this group of act recklessly, dare to rashly attack our Yuanzheng sect. Why don’t we have no preparation?”

Just in the time of these people’s arguments, in the sky, there are suddenly several Dao Guang groups!

That ball of light is huge, the diameter is afraid to say less than one or two meters!

Moreover, the immortal Immortal Force fluctuation, it can be said that even if it is far away, there is a feeling of one kind of heart.

“Fast, get ready to defend!”

Everyone saw that a path of ball of light, immediately hit a spirit, and then increased the Immortal Force transport to the Array, that powerful power fuctuation, so that they can be seen at a glance, must not be taken lightly.

The ball of light speed is extremely fast, just discovered just a moment ago, but the next moment, but ready move towards the Yuan Huizong.


A loud bang came, and the terrifying power instantly fluctuation.

Don’t look at the Immortal Force ball of light. It seems that it is only one or two meters in diameter, but it can be blown apart, but it is very incomparable!

Moreover, because of the different Immortal Force properties that are injected, the mights from the emits after the Immortal Force ball of light burst are not the same.

And the Immortal Force ball of light that falls on this Defensive Array, the emits out is the power of Thunder!

Immortal Force ball of light is not directly bombarded on the Defensive Array.

To be precise, the Immortal Force ball of light is the ready to burst when it is about to hit the Defensive Array!

Contains the terrifying power that broke out at that moment.

Between the crashes, just like the Heavenly Tribulation, a path of terrifying, it is immediately moving towards the ground!

After the ball of light burst, it turned into a thundercloud, a path of Lightning constantly was born, and then the move towards the slightest hesitation fell.

“Stuck! Hold it!”

Surroundings Several Defensive Array’s Yuanzhenzong disciplines did not try their best to rely on the Array to try to block the attack.

They must also block, because once the Array is broken, they will face what they are, they are very clear.

Many people at Continent in Yuanxu have never seen the Immortal Force cannon. Although they have heard it before, this is different from seeing it with their own eyes.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

a path of Thunder constantly impacts the Defensive Array, making the Array’s rays of light faint.

Among the Array, the Yuancun discipline clench one’s teeth, who is responsible for hosting the Array, insists!


Suddenly, the Dragon Blood warrior, who is the core of the Array, suddenly spit out a blood.

As the core of Array, he needs to face the pressure that the other six people need to face! If it is not the Dragon Blood warrior body quality is much stronger than the ordinary soldiers, I am afraid that at this moment, he is already ready to be killed by this huge backlash!

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