There was no crying, and in the secret room, except for the occasional mourning, silent, everyone was silently at this scene.

Some people hate it, hate themselves for being incompetent, hate that they can’t fight.

Some people are angry, and the invasion of the angry Qingzhuo Xianguo allows them to face it all!

No matter what they are thinking, what happens will always happen, and what happens is hard to change!

One by one, 50 voluntarily refining, but in the end, only six people came over.

Others, can’t help but give up!

It’s so painful, not everyone can bear it.

In fact, so painful enough to mad people who are a little weaker in willpower!

However, when the five people completed the refining, in fact, they were just the body of the cultivation base.

Even the half-time Immortal Technique won’t!

Even if they succeed, they can only be cannon fodder!

But after the six people were refining successfully, they went straight out without saying a word. Everyone understands that once they go out, they can’t come back again…


There is a saying called death battle, at all costs, exhausting the last strength.

Perhaps, it is the Yuanzheng people at this time!

Qingzhuo Xianguo’s soldiers, the ready group, trapped the Main Hall of the Yuanzheng.

Because of the existence of the flying restriction Restriction, at this time, Zhao Guayi was fighting with the people of the Yuanzheng.

When the outer hall fell, it was withdrawn into the inner temple, and the inner temple fell, and it was withdrawn into the last council!

The entire Main Hall area is covered with the emblem of the Yuanzheng.

They have exhausted their efforts, but unfortunately, the Great gap is too big!

Zhao Guyi had to wait for a few times to rush to go with the enemy, but he had to endure it, not that he was afraid of death, that he could not die, because he also wanted to protect everyone in the secret room!

“Rush, kill Ah!”

A cry of anger came.

Zhao Guayi looks at those people who rushed out of the secret room and opened their mouths, but they did not say anything.

He originally wanted to stop those people, because he was ready to see, those who rushed out, most of them, there is no cultivation base at all, and there is no weapon in their hands.

However, it is a bare hand to send death nothing more!

Even if it is just a soldier of Qingzhuo Xianguo, you can kill a piece with a single blow!

But what about calling them? Isn’t it dead at the end? Maybe let them die like this, at least, they will die even more!

The people in the secret room are more and more, and stayed, in fact, the immediate is just some children nothing more.

For those over the age of 16, all the ready to rush out.

At this time, at the doorway, a few older children are organizing the rest of the children, ready to rush out…

Rushing out to die…

Zhao Guyi looked up and looked around all around, but the people who gasped were fighting, but if there was a breath, even if Fleshy Body had been destroyed, but the rest of the spirit, then they would not hesitate to forcibly win!

This kind of win is simply to send death more, the only effect, but to let the soldiers of Qingzhuo Xianguo pause for a while!

In fact, now, everything is finished!

Recalling that when Sect Master Zhao Fang left, he handed over a 10,000 yuan class of discipline, together with dozens of Wan Family genus, to the present, but it was almost dead.

Zhao Guayi finally raised a sense of death!

No, even if it is dead, keep the last child!

They are the hope of the Yuanzheng sect, even if they can live the next one!

Zhao Gu Yi turned suddenly, but it was move towards the entrance of the secret room!


Zhao Guyi screamed and stopped the children who were ready to rush out of the doorway.

And then, it turned out that with the slightest hesitation detonated himself!

Yes, he will use a self-destruct to block the entrance to the chamber.

Even if this is done, in fact, for the soldiers of Qingzhuo Xianguo, it only takes a moment to clean up…


Among the sky, Zhao Fang is flying at a very fast speed.

From knowing that there is an enemy raid on the Yuanzong, Zhao Fang has an unclear feeling.

He is very clear that the people left behind by the Headquarters of the Yuanzheng, perhaps Qingzhuo Xianguo can only easily defeat if they only need to send one or two thousand people!

At this time, Zhao Fang hated why he wanted to leave these non-combatants!

Why didn’t you take them with you at the beginning!

But now that I said these, they are all late.

Besides, who can think of it, enemy will actually attack the Yuanzheng sect!

Who can think of it, enemy knows where the Yuanjies are located!

The Yuanjies of the Yuanxu dynasty was built in the last six months. It can be said that here is simply a wasteland without any people.

Who is it!

Who is betrayed the Yuanzheng sect!

Who is it, leaking the Headquarters position of the Yuanzheng Zong!

Finally, after another forced use of transmission, Zhao Fang saw the Yuanzheng sect!

However, what he saw was indeed a sea of ​​blood!


A loud bang came, Zhao Fang could hear, it was the voice of someone self-destruct!

Self-destruct, absolutely impossible is the pawn of Qingzhuo Xianguo, after all, at this time, the Qingzhuo Xianguo’s soldiers are early and ready to control everything!

Zhao Fang came to the Main Hall above the Yuanzheng in a flash!

Look at the wall of people piled up by the entity, Zhao Fang everything is ready to understand!

At this time, the soldiers of Qingzhuo Xianguo saw Zhao Fang, and one of the small leaders was loudly ordered.

” attack! Kill this person!”

In an instant, dozens of attacks at the same time move towards Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang has no action!

Look at the ground above the mess, the look at the long wall built by the countless corpse.

Zhao Fang’s heart, raised the killing intent!

These people are damned!

Do not!

Zhao Fang will not obliterate them directly with the soldiers!

Let them die like that, they are too cheap!

Zhao Fang wants to use all these hands and pinch them all together!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

a path of the attack directly hit Zhao Fang, but the violent explosion, but even let Zhao Fang move can not do it!

Instead, let Zhao Fang suddenly turn around!

Blood-red colored eyes, so many Zhaozhuo Xianguo soldiers who saw Zhao Fang suddenly shocked.

Especially among the crowd, the military division responsible for this action!

This time, the action was directed by a military officer who was most trusted by the garrison general.

His goal is very clear, that is, to completely kill the people left behind by the Yuan Zhenzong, especially when they see that most of these people are elderly children, they are even more excited.

In his in the eyes, killing these people is undoubtedly the best blow to the barbarians of the Yuanzheng dynasty!

And his goal is reached!

It can be said that the Yuanzheng clan who stayed here was almost killed by him.

But at this moment, seeing the arrival of Zhao Fang, the military division is heart slightly startled! He turned to think, since his goal is completed, why bother to provoke this person.

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