But if you give Zhao Fang, you may only need him with the body less than 10% of the blood, it will be successful!

Driven by this idea, the Dragon Race in the Dragon Field finally couldn’t sit still and offered this idea directly to Zhao Fang.

For Zhao Fang, this is definitely a good thing with countless benefits, but no harm.

Zhao Fang, why not agree?

The blood lead is not to replace all the special bloodline of Zhao Fang within the body, but to change the blood of Zhao Fang!

Thus, not only will Zhao Fang obtain a new bloodline, but it will not have any negative impact on Zhao Fang!

If there is any negative impact, it may be that after this bloody pulse, Zhao Fang will be in a period of time, because it can not control the powerful Dragon Blood and cause some uncontrollable power.


Now that everything is ready, ready, so a Dragon Race is quickly coming to the altar and preparing.

And Zhao Fang also already came to the altar of the altar.

With him last time, naturally it is the youngster who owns the dragon king royal bloodline!

“Master, everything is ready, what can you start?”

A Dragon Race came to Zhao Fang and asked Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang clicked nod: “Get started!”

The Dragon Race respectfully retired, and soon, seven or forty-nine people came out!

The forty-nine people quickly came to the surrounding of the altar, and then sat down on the knees.

The altar is both a Dragon Blood relic used to release the signal summon. At the same time is also used for blood-sucking, but it can be considered multi-purpose.

At this time, the surrounding dragons and Dragon Blood warriors gathered around the surrounding, and everyone’s eyes were taken with exciting.

Whether it is the blood lead, or the call of the Great Array.

For them, it is definitely a very good thing.

Leading blood, let them have a new royal family.

Great Array calls for them to have new companions!

How does this make them unhappy?

And these two things, in fact, are at the same time.

At this time, the forty-nine net altars Missisary meditated silently, from their body, a path of aura constantly emits out, those aura quickly pervaded the entire albee, let the altar be completely surrounded by the power of one kind mysterious!

“Great Array, Kai!”

With a dragon announced loudly, the entire Great Array is starting to work!

Once the Great Array is up and running, there is no need for others to do anything.

Because the rest of the things are the royalster of the royal bloodline and Zhao Fang’s own things!

The royal family bloodline youngster needs to force its own blood essence with the body, and what Zhao Fang needs to do is to absorb these blood essences, at the same time and integrate themselves into the body!

Speaking of it, it is so simple, but in fact, it is so simple!

For the youngster of this royal bloodline, in fact, in this contact between Time and the Dragon Field, he has approved the identity of his royal bloodline, at the same time, and also recognized Zhao Fang.

In the Dragon Tower, he is the object of respect for all.

This youngster is from a Demon Race, and the identity is extremely noble, and in the future, no accident, it will even become a Demon King of Demon Race.

However, the mystery about his life experience has always been the biggest secret in his heart.

However, even his father has countless times to warn him, do not reveal his identity as Dragon Race!

It was not until he came to the Dragon Tower that he realized that he was not alone, because there are many other people!

Especially in this Shenlong Tower, it is the most suitable for Dragon Race aura, which makes this royal family bloodline youngster feel more comfortable than ever.

Compared to Outer World, the speed of cultivation is countless times, which is only second. He even feels that even his body can develop rapidly in this dragon field!

Of course, this is not to say general development, but to say that after his incarnation as Dragon Race, his scales are even harder, and his Dragon Prestige is even stronger!

In addition to the teachings of other Dragon Races, this youngster has never known the countless belongs to Dragon Race’s special natural talent is activated!

The powerful dragon attack method can make a ride through the space and travel through Space’s special dragon!

These are the means that this youngster never knew at all.

For these reasons, this youngster naturally has a feeling of home for the Dragon Tower, and for the many dragons in the Dragon Tower, it really became a family.

When someone proposes a blood-sucking pulse, and explains the process in detail, and tells him that there is no danger or negative impact for him, he simply does not hesitate.

Besides, he extradited the blood to Zhao Fang.

And Zhao Fang, not only his savior, but also let him return to the same family. For Zhao Fang, this youngster has always been grateful and trustworthy.

Nowadays, Dragon Race puts forward such an idea. It can be said that it is very willing in this youngster’s mind. After all, in this youngster’s mind, perhaps, this is also a means of one kind of reward!


Time goes by, the youngster within the body’s blood constantly flows out, but the youngster’s face is always with a satisfied smile.

Originally, according to the truth, he did not need to bring out so many bloods at all. However, he was worried that his blood was not enough to allow Zhao Fang to complete the bloodshed. The youngster actively released more blood.

For this, no one will say anything.

For the Dragon Races of the surroundings, they know very well that releasing more of these blood will not affect the youngster.

But for Zhao Fang, it is a great opportunity to upgrade, they are of course happy to see.

“Clean blood!”

Suddenly, it sounded again. Forty-nine Nets, Emissary, did not hesitate to quickly release their own aura emits. In a flash, a path of rays of light was concentrated in the Dragon Blood above, under the traction of a path of aura. That group of Dragon Blood is in constantly

Become smaller.

This is an inevitable process. The only effect of this process is to remove the magazine from the Dragon Blood and leave the pure royal bloodline.

Of course, the Great Array is also running fast at this time, the purpose is to prevent Dragon Blood from being affected by Outer World and to participate in impurities!

A drop of pure and incomparable, with a faint golden rays of light, the pure king of blood is constantly refining out, and every time a drop occurs, it will quickly fly to Zhao Fang, and is quickly inhaled by Zhao Fang with the body .

With the increase of the golden king blood, Zhao Fang within the body is strictly contaminated.

Those impurities, meanwhile, and Zhao Fang are actually the Dragon Prestige emits.

Dragon Prestige aura is getting stronger and stronger, but being restrained in the Great Array can’t leave at all. This is used for subsequent communication. After all, if it is directly emits, it is actually very likely to be wasted because it is too far.

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