Then, there is no hesitation, quickly contact other people!

“How can it be, that dragon domain, has not completely disappeared? Even a new king is born!”

“This Emperor is also Sense, but the power is extremely weak, and even the direction can’t be Sense out. It’s a bit difficult to find it!”

“Hey, take him so much. In those days, our Five Great can join forces to destroy the Dragon Field. Even if the Dragon Field is coming back, can it be our opponent now? Find them and kill them! It’s so simple!”


Zhao Fang knows a little about the dragon field, but it is impossible to know too much. After all, since the dragon domain was destroyed, the entire dragon domain broke down, and even the entire dragon domain collapsed, so most of the things have long been Already left behind.

Zhao Fang originally thought that he would become the new king of the dragon domain, and at most he could only summon something like Dragon Race, which is just like the Dragon Blood warrior.

But he didn’t even know that his new king was able to summon how many terrifying Powerhouses, and what kind of Influence wariness would be.

Of course, these things are still far away for Zhao Fang.

At this time, for Zhao Fang, or what happened to Zhao Fang, the closest thing, in fact, is the change in the inside of Qingzhuo Xianguo!

The last time, when Zhao Fang conquered the Shenlong Tower, it caused some changes. The Baita broke ground, which led to the shock of the Yuantin Continent at that time. It also caused the attention of Qingzhuo Xianguo.

But that time, Qingzhuo Xianguo’s inner wariness, but the origin of wariness is only because of a rumor that counts years of years.

Whether it is true or not, it cannot be confirmed at all, and thus it makes the Qingzhuo Xianguo only wariness, but it has not taken too much action.

But this time, it is to let Qingzhuo Xianguo have to act, because the scope of this change, the wide spread, the far-reaching influence, is that anyone can never be seen!


Inside the Qingzhuo Palace, the Country Lord of Qingzhuo Xianguo is now alone in front of a tablet.

The tablet has no name left, but the appearance of the Country Lord of the Qingzhuo fairy country can also know that this person is not free, and must have a great connection with Qingzhuo Xianguo.

The Qingzhuo Country Lord did not speak, but silently groaned, but from his god, it is obvious that what seems to be waiting for?

After three days of Time, the unnamed tablet finally reacted. I saw a Dao Guang mang shine, and for a moment, there was a phantom.

Phantom is like an air mass, swimming and floating, and it is a full two or two hours, then the black shadow is completely stable.

“Is it awakening me?”

“What are you looking for?”

The old voice came, it seemed a bit lazy, but more but impatient, even if it was now in front of him is the Country Lord of Qingzhuo Xianguo!

However, Qingzhuo Country Lord is not unhappy, as if early ready to get used to the sound of this speech. At this point, it is start to talk: “Ling respect, I don’t know if your Sense is here. I am in Qingzhuo. It seems that all the sword seals in Continent have signs of looseness. Just a few days ago, a Continent even A powerful Demon Qi fluctuation

! ”

“The last time, Baita is now, Lingzun said that it is not necessary to pay attention, but this time the seal is loose, I do not know how to deal with it?”

In the words of the Country Lord of the Qingzhuo Xianguo, there was a bit of fear, and the meaning of his speech was arousing the opinion of this spiritual respect!

No, maybe it’s not an order!

So, is this spiritual respect really what? Or what?

It turns out that this spiritual respect is the Divine Beast of the Qing Zhuo Xianguo!

But unlike other Divine Beasts, he is neither a Demonic beast nor an Immortal Beast, but an abyss Demon Beast!

Demon Beast This thing only lives in the Devil Race Earth domain, because the environment they live in can be quite different from Human Race, Demon Race!

However, the Demon Beast of Qingzhuo Xianguo is able to live in Qingzhuo Xianguo.

Although in fact, no one has ever seen the body of the spirit, he seems to be like nothingness, simply can not see.

But no one dared to doubt his whether existence.

Because, in fact, Qing Zhuo Xianguo has encountered danger several times, but they are all spiritual action take action!

The most recent one was the extraterrestrial Battlefield, thousands of years ago, because Demon Race suddenly launched Sneak attack, and the Qingzhuo Xianguo defeated the war.

At least as many as 10 million terrifying Demonic beasts are led by the 1.8 million Demon Race, breaking through the extraterrestrial level, and moving towards Qingzhuo Xianguo.

It can be said that at that time, even if the Qing Zhuo Xian Guo Yun is fully equipped to mobilize the elite, it is not a short Time can be completed.

But Demon Race led the Demonic beast, but it was crazy, and even once attacked the transfer level to Qingzhuo Continent!

If it is really broken by this powerful Demon Race, it will not have a little bit to win by relying on the two defensive Legions of the Continent trivial.

At that time, Qingzhuo Country Lord went to seek spiritual respect!

And the spirit respect also agreed!

On the evening of the same day, Ling Zun took action. No one knew what kind of means Lingmin used. No one saw the appearance of the spirit. However, the next day, only the enemy powerhouse was almost killed!

The corpse, in the battle between the two sides, became a Beijing Tower!

No one knows how Spirituality works, no matter what the enemy or the enemy!

Naturally, being so troubled, where is the enemy still going to attack?

Even without waiting for the dark, the whole army fled!

In the eyes of the Country Lord of Qingzhuo Xianguo, Lingzun is definitely the Guardian of Qingzhuo Xianguo, and there is no desire, the only requirement is to let Qingzhuo Xianguo keep the seals.

It is said that this countless seal is actually a common seal, sealed, and it is an ancient demon!

Lingzun helped the Qingzhuo Xianguo too much, but never asked what Qingzhuo Xianguo demanded, just a guardian seal.

Besides, if this seal is broken, then the big demon will be released, and Qingzhuo Xianguo will not feel good about it.

Natural Spirituality has become the most respected existence of Qingzhuo Xianguo.

However, at this time, after hearing the seal was loose, the spiritual respect seemed to be anxious: “What? You said the seal is loose?”

“Is this true?”

Qingzhuo Country Lord is somewhat puzzled. Why is this spirit so excited this time, but think of the terrifying of the big demon, the Qingzhu Country Lord can understand.

At this point nod: “Yes, spiritual respect, this time is true!”

“damned, the seal is actually loose at this section! No, you must not let him out, otherwise…” “You, quickly adjust the power of the country, we must find ways to consolidate the seal, we must not let the seal continue to loose!”

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