That Demon Race Xianguo, less said there are thousands of real mysteries!

The same is true for Qingzhuo Xianguo whether?

So how many Strengths did Qingzhuo Xianguo hide?

This is the most worrying issue for Zhao Fang!

Xuanxian peak, Zhao Fang One anti-three or five is not a problem, but ten? Even dozens?

I am afraid that Zhao Fang is not sure!

If this is to add some of the more than seven cents of the fairy to help from the side, I am afraid that Zhao Fang only lost.

Qingzhuo Country Lord is preparing to personally conquer the news of the Yuantin Continent. The solitary day is ready to explore and tell Zhao Fang, so at this time, Zhao Fang gathers everyone in the Yuanxu market and is discussing countermeasures!

“Sect Master, subordinate believes that the Qingzhu Country Lord actually wants to personally conquer my Yuanzheng sect, but it is my chance!”

“Subordinate thinks that Yuantin Continent is more familiar with me. If you put the enemy in, by familiarizing yourself with geography, we can completely reduce it and slowly consume the power of enemy!”

Someone stood up and said that he was a patriarch of a large Clan in Continent, and it is now an Elder of the Yuanzheng sect, which is Commander’s High-General.

However, his words were finished, but someone stood up and retorted.

“I don’t think it’s right, Sect Master, Chen Elder is definitely a solution, but our enemy is Qingzhuo Xianguo after all!” “Qingzhuo Xianguo has a standing force of tens of millions, and the reserve force that can be mobilized is even more Terrifying, if we really fight with enemy, we actually suffer from it. After all, enemy can mobilize more people at any time. At that time, let’s

The whole is zero, I am afraid that it will become broken! ”

…… “Yes, subordinate also feels that it is not a good way to turn it into a whole. The national war is not a battle of Sect, nor is it a trivial of thousands or tens of thousands of people, and it is zero. Don’t say thousands of people, even if it is Two or three thousand people get together, enemy one guard

With Legion, you can easily eat our people! The enemy strength is far stronger than us, and it can be completely divided! ”

“Besides, in this case, we can’t divide the soldiers. Only if we put all the power together, then we can have a fight. It’s better to choose a place of interest and fight with enemy!”

“Furthermore, the number of Powerhouses is far less than that of Qingzhuo Xianguo. If it is a split, the enemy can send Powerhouse Squad and smash our troops!”

This person’s words are not unreasonable. Powerhouse will also have an extremely critical role in the war. A group of soldiers, I only fear that only a dozen of Wonderland Powerhouses are needed, they can be easily killed! ”

“Not to mention, the training of the Yuanzheng sects is not enough. I am afraid that only a few Powerhouses will be needed, and it will be easily broken!”

This is not the case, it will not work. For a moment, the people in this big account are brows.

Zhao Fang is also very difficult.

The enemy didn’t know why, but suddenly there was such a big movement, which interrupted Zhao Fang’s original plan almost completely!

According to Zhao Fang before’s plan, he is ready to attack the Xianzhu of the Qingzhuo Xianguo directly, and then seize the soldiers.

In this way, nature will naturally strengthen the power of the Yuanzheng sect.

But who thought that enemy suddenly moved almost all the troops.

All the enemy defensive Legion, are not stationed everywhere, seriously scattered, as for the twelve cents will, but also early lost, but do not know where to station!

And Zhao Fang is going to go directly to Qingzhuo Continent, killed the Qingzhuo Country Lord and a group of Powerhouses, which will make the Qingzhuo Xianguo chaos and win opportunities for themselves.

But who can think of this Qingzhuo Country Lord has to come to a royal drive, Zhao Fang if you go to Qingzhuo Continent, it is undoubtedly self-investment!

How to do?

How can we resolve this crisis?

The everyone at the big account is constantly negotiating, but Zhao Fang is hesitant.

Suddenly, at this time, I saw a Dragon Blood warrior rushing to run. The Dragon Blood warrior seems to be somewhat excited. You know, the Dragon Blood warrior can always be a dead face. It never shows how many expressions. You can see the Dragon Blood warrior revealing the excited expression, not to mention Zhao Fang. Everyone in the account is

Come to interest.

Everyone knows that it is a major event, and it is definitely a good thing, because the Dragon Blood warrior, the hidden smile on his face, explains everything.

“Report, Master, Master, Red Blood Tribe, Cang Te Tribe, Huo Teng Tribe, etc. Nine Great Tribe Emissary is coming!” The Dragon Blood warrior seemed to see the doubts in Zhao Fang’s eyes, and immediately said: “Master, this The Nine Great tribes are tribes of my Dragon Blood warrior family, and now they are working as masters, all from the ancient tribes, including subordinate also

It is a person of the ancient tribes, but in fact, I am an ancient tribe, but it is actually the weakest tribe among the Dragon Blood ten! ”


Everyone was shocked, the Dragon Blood warriors were strong and they were all very clear. The last great war, it is no exaggeration to say that almost Dragon Blood Warriors resisted the huge part of the enemy attack!

However, now the Dragon Blood Warrior Commander actually tells them that the Dragon Blood Warrior is divided into the top ten tribes, and they are only the weakest!

Everyone’s eyes looked at Zhao Fang, and the excited hidden in the eyes clearly showed their current thinking.

It is no exaggeration to say that they can’t wait to rush out immediately!

Zhao Fang is naturally quite popular. Now he is the most lacking person. I didn’t expect that there are more Dragon Blood soldiers coming in this section!

“ha ha, good! Fast, let them come in!”

Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation.

The Dragon Blood warrior immediately ran out. After a short time, he saw dozens of people coming in.

These dozens of people are not much different from other Dragon Blood warriors. If they really say the difference, perhaps, the tattoos on them are slightly different.

Zhao Fang still knows that the Dragon Blood warrior has the custom of tattooing, but this tattoo is not intended to be tattooed, but it needs to have combat power to make a small piece!

The number of tattoos on the Dragon Blood warrior represents their honor!

But these dozens of people, but almost all of them are covered by tattoos!

It can be seen how many battles they have experienced!

Dozens of people walked into the big account, and about one-third of them did not hesitate and fell to the ground directly!

“pays respect to Master !”

But more people are looking at Zhao Fang!

Zhao Fang slightly frowned, the reaction of these people, makes Zhao Fang somewhat dissatisfied.

However, at this time one of the old bodies that covered the tattoo came out.

“Sorry, the reason is a bit presumptuous, but please show your king aura!” Most Dragon Blood warriors speak that virtue, a cold look, this old man can say sorry, always is good.

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