But soon, their answer is the provided answer.

Because Zhao Fang spoke at this time! “Well, it’s not bad. These two special Inheritance dragons have small targets and special means. They can be extremely secretive in any place that enemy can’t think of, and launch a surprise attack, one stroke away, whether it is for the ordinary of the enemy.

Still Powerhouse, but they can all be consumed! ”

“The most important thing is that their attacks are a long-term consumption, so there is an unintended benefit to combat the morale of the enemy!”

Zhao Fang After saying this, everyone still doesn’t understand the truth!

That’s right, the two special Inheritance dragons, the biggest role is not really used to kill the front of Battlefield.

It is used for sneak attack enemy, their special means, as long as it is properly operated, it can cause a great blow to enemy!


There is another discussion in the big account. When it comes to the book, it can be said that there are many solutions to the established.

Although strength is still a huge difference, but at least, everyone’s heart is now already have the confidence of the battle.

Not as normal as the beginning, it seems that there is only fear.

After the severance of the account, a squadron was sent to the station, and the arrangement was started according to the intelligence of the solitude.

The news of the rebellion of the solitude and tyrants of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the country.

Even so, Solitary can also get some information by its own means, said that there is no such detailed information, but it can also understand the movement of Qingzhuo army.

After all, the mobilization of millions of people can be hidden without hiding!

Therefore, it is not unusual to be able to get some useful information.

Moreover, this Duozhitian also got a lot of things about the preparation of the Qingzhuo Xianguo army through special channels, as well as some general offensive orders.

Qingzhu Country Lord is full of absolute confidence in this battle against Yuantin Continent.

Yuantin Continent What kind of Strength is there, he naturally does not know.

Although the Yuan Xuan Continent is only the dominant Outer Circle in the Qingzhuo Xianguo, but after all, it is also an integral part of the Qingzhuo Xianguo.

As a result, before, it is also frequently used to count the Continent Powerhouse message. These messages effectively reflected the entire Tentin Continent’s Strength. It can be said that in addition to the Dragon Blood Warrior and the Shenlong family, Qingzhuo Xianguo has a record for all Powerhouses of the Yuanshen Inner Sect, and as for the approximate number of soldiers, military

The team’s average strength is also a certain understanding.

Regardless of the number and quality of the Yuanzheng sect, or the total amount of the Continent Powerhouse, it is so weak in the face of the Qingzhuo Xianguo.

It is no exaggeration to say that this battle, in the eyes of Qing Zhuo Xianguo in the eyes, there is almost no possibility of failure!

But even so, the Qingzhu Country Lord did not rashly launch an attack, but was careful to arrange it.

It can be said that it is fully prepared, and this is ordered to send troops.

But he did not know that it was the time that he delayed, but it was the time that was prepared for the Yuanzheng Zong, and it left a foreshadowing for his defeat!

…… “Quick, everyone is going to hurry. We must finish the arrangement in two hours. According to the information, the enemy army will arrive here after two hours. If we can’t complete the arrangement in time, then this action will be done. Huigong

Lose a loss! ”

Between the forests, the discipline of the Mo Liu 10,000 yuan levy quickly runs fast.

According to the truth, if they are flying, I am afraid that they will arrive at their destination.

But they didn’t do it. To be precise, they can’t do it.

The Qingzhuo army’s invasion site is basically obtained. It is confirmed that the 60,000 people are going to go at this time, which is where a Qingzhuo army landed.

And since it is the landing place of the enemy army, then how can it be without advance troops.

If these people go straight to the line, I am afraid that early is found.

Walking between the jungles can play a certain hidden role.

After all, this mountain forest is actually a special existence on the Continent of the Yuan Dynasty.

Here, the clouds are shrouded all year round, and these clouds have a certain role in the separation of Divine Sense.

Of course, there is no exemption of Demonic beast, but fortunately, there is a dragon in the Shenlong family, and the ordinary Demonic beast still dare not attack this team.

If they change to normal times, they will not be so risky. After all, if they take the Demonic beast attack in this forest, and the trivial 60,000 people, it is really hard to say whether they can leave here alive.

The Continent is very sparsely populated, at the same time is full of danger everywhere, the entire Yuanxu Continent above, everywhere is dangerous, in normally, these enemy people are greedy, but at this time, it is undoubtedly the best army. Cover.

This group of people is advancing rapidly, and when there is still half an hour away from the goal, it begins to disperse immediately.

Their Task is so clear that it is to launch a raid at the moment the enemy comes.

And after an attack, immediately withdraw.

This unit is an advance force that lures the enemy.

In their behind, there are a lot of Array Master or the Corpse Puppet of the Temple of the Dead.

Once enemy dares to chase, it will inevitably give enemy heavy injury.

There are about a dozen intrusions in the Qingzhuo Xianguo. However, for the Yuanzheng sect, most of their intelligence sources can only rely on independence. After all, it is very difficult to get information from the solitary world.

So in fact, among all the points, only this one is confirmed.

Zhao Fang’s plan is very clear, since this point can be confirmed, then Zhao Fang’s goal is clear.

That is to completely destroy this unit in this attack!

According to Zhao Fang’s prediction, if there are more than a dozen points in the enemy, then the enemy of this place should be between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands!

The biggest possibility is an integrated defensive Legion with some auxiliary forces.

With the layout made by Zhao Fang, eating this defensive Legion, there is a great opportunity!

This time, Zhao Fang did not personally participate. After all, at this time, the entire Yuanzheng sect was doing all the arrangements, and Zhao Fang could not do it at all.

Responsible for this action is a Xuanxian Powerhouse named Liu Jie. His cultivation base is only Xuanxian 3-Layer, which is Continent above a Clan Influence patriarch. After the Yuan Huizong, because of its powerful and flexible mind, Zhao Fang is entrusted with heavy responsibility.

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