Don’t forget, Zhao Fang at the same time is also the Dragon’s Master, the new generation and the only Dragon King!

Naturally, the dragon shadow that Zhao Fang displayed is not comparable to the general dragon shadow.

Not to mention the other, just the two dragon shadows that Zhao Fang showed, even contain Dragon Prestige, it is definitely not what everyone can follow!

Two dragon shadows rushed out of Zhao Fang’s palm, but it was like alive, and there was a roar, and then it was skyrocketing!

In fact, even if the two dragon shadows have soul, there will be some people believe.

After all, the two attacks performed by Zhao Fang at this time are very vivid. The reason is still the convergence of Immortal Force, but not only the scales are lifelike, but even the movements are so dexterous and lively!

Suddenly, the two dragon shadows descended from the sky, but they directly skipped the Qingzhuo military array. The dragon shadow did not arrive, but the Dragon Prestige first arrived.

Under terrifying’s Pressure’s Might, even the well-trained Qingzhuo elite, even feared to retreat again and again, so that the military array, naturally followed by the run-down.

“Áo! ”

Dragon Shadow roared again, but it spewed a dragon’s breath from his mouth!

Of course, the dragon’s breath is actually only condensed by Immortal Force, but this kind of attack technique is to make the two dragon shadows really like Life.

In fact, the dragon’s might is not too big. After all, the two dragon shadows played by Zhao Fang are themselves the attacking means of Immortal Force condensing, Immortal Force phantom, even a second attack, nothing more than just using the body Energy conversion is gone.

However, this special attack method is an indelible memory for the soldiers of Qingzhuo Xianguo.

The dragon’s interest condensed in the Immortal Force has not yet fallen, and there are many Qingzhuo Xianguo soldiers who have retreated!

It’s not that they are not timid, in fact, this is the elite of Qingzhuo Xianguo, these soldiers, even Death is not afraid at all.

However, it is too horrible for Dragon Shadow’s Dragon Prestige to match the dragon’s breath!

This level of attack, already exceeds the limit that Qingzhuo Xianguo soldiers can bear.

They have to be scared!

They have to fear!

This reason is their instinct, the instinct to be controlled by the will!

Fear from soul abyss!

“Stabilize! Give me a steady!”

The Qingzhuo High-General is still shouting loudly, trying to reunite the broken soldiers.

And his voice did play a role.

The harsh military law, as well as the long-term training, have caused many Qingzhuo soldiers to fear even to the extreme, but they are also holding back the fear in their hearts, once again condensed together, ready to launch new attacks.

“Oh, this is your own court death!”

Zhao Fang’s voice sounded, he naturally saw the changes of the Qing Zhuo military array, also know that, without removing the Qing Zhuo High-General, the Qing Zhuo military array is not so easy to be broken!

Therefore, Zhao Fang silhouette moved, but with a very fast speed move towards High-General rushed over!

“Protect General!”

A loud shout sounded.

But in fact, I didn’t have to call this person. At this time, the Qingzhuo soldiers around High-General didn’t even hesitate, but they were directly in front of High-General.

The meaning of these Qingzhuo soldiers is obvious, that is, to use their own Life to retreat for Qingzhuo High-General in exchange for Time!

The Qingzhuo High-General also saw Zhao Fang’s movements. He knew that he was definitely not Zhao Fang’s opponent.

The reinforcements did not come before, he simply impossible to stop the attack of Zhao Fang.

At this point, he actually did not hesitate for a moment, and directly moved towards the back!

At the same time he retired, a team against Qing Zhuo was actually blocked in his behind.

These soldiers did not hesitate, and the face was full of decisive expression.

Even if they are actually very afraid now, even if they are very clear in their hearts, absolutely impossible to block Zhao Fang.

But they still have no hesitation.

Zhao Fang sees it all in the eyes, and the unintuitive start to talk says: “It’s a pity that a good elite is a pity. Today, whoever blocks me will die!”

Zhao Fang didn’t hesitate. After all, he knew very well that for him, Time is the most important thing.

He must be in the enemy reinforcements before, must be integrated in other military formations before, killed the high-General of enemy, because only then, Zhao Fang can have a chance!

Half a cup of tea!

This is Zhao Fang’s goal, at the same time, is also the limit time that he can arbitrarily launch an attack.

After half a cup of tea, regardless of enemy’s military array, or enemy powerhouse will arrive!

At that time, if Zhao Fang still wants to achieve the results, there is no such simple!

Therefore, Zhao Fang, naturally will not hesitate!

The idea is moving, in Zhao Fang’s surroundings, but there are two giant swords!

The two giant swords wrap around Zhao Fang and spin up quickly.

Speed ​​is getting faster and faster. When Zhao Fang approaches the Qingzhuo soldiers, the rotation of these two giant swords is already at a limit.

Terrifying’s high-speed rotation will sweep away all the enemy in front of Zhao Fang!

Most of these Qingzhuo soldiers who were swept away were directly killed.

However, even so, the other Qingzhuo soldiers still did not hesitate!

Even some people have moved towards Zhao Fang to rush.

At this time, they only have one idea in mind, that is, disregarding Zhao Fang and protecting their General.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

One after another, the Qing Zhuo soldiers were directly hit by flying.

More Qingzhuo soldiers, but still a constant cohesion, continue to block in front of Zhao Fang.

Sure enough, the elite is the elite, just this style of fearless death, it is not generally not able to learn.

However, Zhao Fang can’t manage that much!

“I want to escape, hey, I see where you can escape!”

Suddenly, Zhao Fang shouting loudly, but saw a Sword Qi around him and moved toward the enemy to shoot the past.

Just before the moment, the Qingzhuo military array finally revealed a defensive air strike.

And that little air raid, it definitely gave Zhao Fang the opportunity!

Sword Qi slammed through the envelope of enemy and rushed out from an extremely inconspicuous corner!

Everyone’s eyes are gathered at the Sabo Qi’s above.

After all, as long as it is not a fool, you can see what the real purpose of Zhao Fang is!

Although the exhaustion of the surroundings has tried every effort to protect the Qingzhuo High-General, but now they are also ready for nothing!

Zhao Fang released Sword Qi speed very fast, so fast that they have no time to react!


The splattered blood suddenly fell on the surroundings, and the High-General of the Qingzhuo Xianguo, but even half of the resistance to the Ability, was killed by Zhao Fang!

Of course, the most important reason for this is that Zhao Fang’s Strength is much stronger than that of Qingzhuo High-General.

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