This sword…

At the root is Zhao Fang just free to refining out, because this is an ordinary can not be in the ordinary iron long sword nothing more.

Losing this celestial stone is passive, that is to say, only when Immortal Force hits him, will it be directly blocked, instead of taking the initiative…

If this takes effect, it is no exaggeration to say that here is a complete place to shield the Immortal Force. Anyone entering here, the Immortal Force will disappear completely!

At least, now here, Zhao Fang is still able to use his means, no matter what the means, in addition to the Immortal Force attack.

This Tool Refiner is also good for flying, and it can still be used.

Of course, perhaps this is also a great way to confuse.

After all, everything is normal, who can think of this Black’s Domain, all of them are built from the stone!

I am afraid, people who are here before, regardless of the cultivation base, are so dead!


Zhao Fang did not know that Zhao Fang and the youngster had not used the iron long sword, with the slightest hesitation turned, move towards the dozens of Black’s creatures rushed over.

He didn’t directly attack the huge Demonic beast, because he knew very well that if he was fighting the Demonic beast, the dozens of demonic Beasts behind him attacked themselves, only to know how they died!

After all, in this world of the celestial stone, Zhao Fang has many means of failure, and the only effective means here is nothing more than nothing more!

As for the purpose of selecting these dozens of demonic Demonic beasts, in fact, only Zhao Fang estimates that their Strength is relatively weaker!

Why is it estimated?

Because they are covered with celestial stones, this has caused Zhao Fang’s Divine Sense exploration to lose its effect!

Before, that Behemoth doesn’t have any special Concealment means at all. It is because his body is also full of celestial stones, so Zhao Fang’s detection means is completely invalid!


Zhao Fang loudly shouted, it is the rapid move towards those humanoid Demonic beast rushed over.

Well, this celestial stone is passive, so Zhao Fang’s fast moving Ability is still there!

Zhao Fang’s voice flashed, it was the early to come to one of the humanoid Demonic beast, and then with the slightest hesitation is a sword strike down!


A burst of sound came, and after a while, Zhao Fang was laughing again.

Because, in his hand, the iron sword that he just just refining is broken into two pieces!

This sacred stone is not too strong in hardness, but it is not the iron long sword that can be broken!

It seems that Zhao Fang can only be empty-handed!

Without a little hesitation, Zhao Fang suddenly slammed into the humanoid Demonic beast!

A loud bang, the humanoid Demonic beast was a boxing fly by Zhao Fang!

What if you can’t use the Immortal Force attack?

Zhao Fang’s body strength is also the mysterious wonderence!

Even more, it is more powerful than the oriental Xuanxian peak.

Don’t forget, Zhao Fang’s cultivation is a reincarnation of magical powers, and at the same time also has many means of strengthening physique such as Dragon Race King Blood!

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhao Fang’s Fleshy Body is actually a powerful Magical Treasure!

Zhao Fang consciousness When I arrived, I could only fight with Fleshy Body, and I didn’t hesitate. After a boxing fly a humanoid Demonic beast, I didn’t hesitate, waved my fists, and moved towards a humanoid Demonic beast.


Another person was bombarded by Zhao Fang!

While the surrounding humanoid Demonic beast sees it, it immediately recedes and quickly gathers together.

The first few people sacrificed a heavy shield in front of Zhao Fang, while the people behind it offered a handle bow!

and many more!

Zhao Fang brows a little pick!

No, these are not Demonic beast!

If it’s a Demonic beast, how can it be will have this action!

Zhao Fang doesn’t mean that Demonic beast is a fool.

In fact, some Demonic beast’s wisdoms are much more powerful than the Human Race’s wisdom.

However, the means used by these people is clearly the battle mode of Human Race Ah!

That is the military array!

Although, absolutely can’t compare with the army of the Qingzhuo Xianguo army, but Zhao Fang is absolutely certain that these people use the military array.

The knife and shield hand is in front, and the bow is behind, which is clearly the means used by those mortal World troops Ah!

Is it? These are Human Race?

Zhao Fang thought so in the heart!

Silhouette moves, and this time, he did not directly attack, but grabbed one person in front of him!

Later, Zhao Fang slammed hard, which was to crush the singular stone helmet on the head of the man!

In an instant, one piece of beautiful face appeared in front of Zhao Fang!

That’s right, it’s really Human Race, and it’s still an extremely beautiful woman!

and many more!

No, he doesn’t seem to be Human Race, because she has a pair of extremely sharp ears!

Moreover, her hair is also green, even her eyes are green!

This is also a kind of interracial, but in any case, she has the appearance of Human Race.

This Danger Zone, what kind of danger there is, Zhao Fang did not know.

The Five Great Danger Zone, which is called the Danger Zone, is because no one is born!

As a result, the message about the Danger Zone is naturally rare.

Zhao Fang’s heart moved, but stopped the attack, but started to talk to the man: “Wait, I am not malicious, I just explore this Danger Zone, we don’t have to fight!”

Zhao Fang’s plan is actually very simple, that is to convince these people, if it can be conquered, then it is extremely useful for Zhao Fang.

Not to mention the secrets of these Danger Zones from these populations, that is, it is a good idea to know from these people how to explore and use the celestial stones.

Think about it, if Zhao Fang has a soldier who is similar to these people in shielding Immortal Force, then I am afraid that it is absolutely useful to fight against Qingzhuo Xianguo!

The green hair of women looks at Zhao Fang, but there is no fear at all, even if she is now ready to fall into the hands of Zhao Fang, life and death are determined by Zhao Fang.

“External clansman, leave here, otherwise, kill without mercy!”

That women finally started to talk.

The attitude is absolutely determined.

Zhao Fang smiled a little, but did not care, but said: “Go and call your leader, I think, I can open the conditions that make him heart.”

Zhao Fang is very clear that if he wants to conquer these people, I am afraid I can only convince their leaders.

After all, they are different from each other, and the ethnic groups are different. In fact, they can only be irreconcilable until death!

Extinction? But it is in simple but nothing!

Zhao Fang let go of the women, then her eyes looked at Behemoth of behind.

It is strange to say that if these people are together with the Behemoth, then Zhao Fang does not take action when attacking these people.

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