Because these two eyes are really realistic, before Zhao Fang even really regards him as a living thing.

But now, Zhao Fang is aware of the anomalies!

Immortal Force fluctuation !

That’s right, it’s definitely Immortal Force fluctuation!

However, the property of this Immortal Force is a special property of one kind that Zhao Fang has never seen before!

Even Zhao Fang has never been Senseed!

Isn’t it…

The weakness of this guard is his eyes?

From the eyes of the rays of light, Zhao Fang guessed, perhaps, the source of energy for this guard is the head?

With this idea, Zhao Fang did not hesitate, and when the silhouette moved, it was move towards the guard’s eyes and rushed over.

However, the next moment, Zhao Fang had to sneak out!

Because, in the Zhao Fang move towards the guards eyes rushed over, his eyes are emits a strange aura!

That aura, even in the fast swallow Zhao Fang within the body of Immortal Force!

And it is forced swallow, it seems to be a hard-blown Immortal Force of the Fang Fang within the body!

If Zhao Fang is rushing forward, perhaps in all likelihood, it will be forcibly removed from Immortal Force, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

How to do?

Zhao Fang ducked and thought quickly.

Suddenly, Zhao Fang thought about it. Does he like swallow Immortal Force?

Then let him swallow enough!

Zhao Fang waved, but it was a fairy.

According to the truth, these fairy charms have no Attack Power for this guard, but if it attacks his eyes, it is different!

Does he like swallow Immortal Force?

So let him swallow these self-destructs to try!

Yes, what Zhao Fang took out, all are self-destruct charms!

With a wave of waves, hundreds of self-destruct charms are move towards the guard’s eyes rushing over!

In a flash, as Zhao Fang imagined, the power of swallow came again, it seems that Sense is the Immortal Force in the fairy.

The eyes are swiftly swallowing the Immortal Force contained in the fairy!

In just a few moments, even half of the parcels were abolished because of the loss of Immortal Force.

However, there are still some fairy symbols coming to the guard’s eyes!

It is because of his swallow that these fairy charms can come to him with faster speed!

Puppet is puppet after all, even if this guard is not called puppet, but the essence, there is no difference!

Without the soul of the puppet, all the battles can only rely on instinct!

Of course, if he has a spiritually superior existence, then there may be differences, but it is a pity that this guard has no spirit at all!


Zhao Fang’s faint voice came.

In an instant, the remnant of the fairy immediately detonated at the same time!

Berserk’s power bursts, because the guard itself is in absorb Immortal Force, so the power of this explosion is actually swallowed by him!

However, the power of this violent explosion is so good swallow?

Zhao Fang silent at the at, looks at the guard at the same place!

After a while, I only heard a loud bang, but the guard’s head burst into flames!

Berserk’s Immortal Force is coming out!

Sure enough, the core power used by this guard is actually some kind of Immortal Force power nothing more than Zhao Fang.

It’s a pity that there are all kinds of celestial stones everywhere. It seems that Berserk’s explosion is actually an empty breath!

The first guard is easy to solve.

Zhao Fang didn’t hesitate, rushing directly behind the move towards!

And the next eight guards, almost exactly the same as the previous guard, Zhao Fang wants to solve them, simply effortless!

Until, Zhao Fang came to a wreckage that seemed to be Battleship and seemed to be Palace!

Here, Zhao Fang came across the last guard, at the same time, it is also the Danger Zone Core Zone!

Out of Zhao Fang’s expectation, this time the guard is not made by Xianshi.

But a phantom!

Even this phantom already has selfconsciousness!

“human? Interesting, since I was born, you are the first human to arrive here!”

The faint voice of the phantom came and saw Zhao Fang’s identity. It seems that even if he is here, he knows the things of Outer World!

Have your own spiritual wisdom, and still energy phantom?

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, this time, I am afraid that there is no such simple to deal with.

Zhao Fang already sees that the energy fluctuation of this phantom is the Unknown Immortal Force with the swallow Ability of the guards destroyed by before Zhao Fang!

This Immortal Force property has never been seen by Zhao Fang.

But now already is confirmed that this special Immortal Force can swallow any other Immortal Force!

Moreover, this energy phantom body is a mass of energy, then, what is his weakness?

Zhao Fang absolutely did not expect that this black stone family could actually create pure energy puppet.

It seems that at least they were once a brilliant family.

It’s a pity that I don’t know why it’s fallen to this point.

Of course, this Race war is played all the time, and often can see that Race is destroyed!

Even if the countless fairyland, in fact, not every fairyland has the silhouette of Human Race, thirty-three in the finest domain, in fact, only a few are the dominant races of Human Race. .

Even the purple fire family is like this, it is said that the ancient Vulcan bereaved, is there not a day of defeat?

What’s more, this black stone family, they certainly have special means, but I am afraid it is absolutely can’t compare with Ancient Vulcan!

Zhao Fang thought, at the same time, also looked at the phantom.

Suddenly, the divine light in Zhao Fang mind flashed!

Purple fire glass family, black stone family?

Will it, there are some similar places between them.

For example, perhaps, they are ancient ancient gods?

If this is the case, then I am afraid that Zhao Fang is the solution of the found!

Ancient Divine Spark Seeds!

That’s right, it’s the Divine Spark seed!

You know, I’m afraid that only Zhao Fang within the body will still contain the Divine Spark seed.

This thing seems to be useless, after all, it is just a seed nothing more.

but now?

If this Blackstone family is really an Ancient Race like a purple fire glass, I am afraid that Zhao Fang wants to solve the immediate situation, it is a lot simple.

Yes or no? In fact, I want to verify that it is very simple!

Zhao Fang had a decision in his heart, and he did not hesitate to directly activate the Divine Spark seed.

Although Zhao Fang has almost no way of using this Divine Spark seed.

But to activate him, emits a trace aura can still do it.

When Zhao Fang fully activated the seeds of Divine Spark, the aura of the sky was from the emits of Zhao Fang!

The Immortal Force phantom seems to have Sense, and immediately gathered his eyes on Zhao Fang.

After a while, he turned out to be respectful and said to Zhao Fang: “Welcome back, my Master!”

When this was said, even Zhao Fang was also confused. How did he turn his eyes and become his master?

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