Chapter 307, Xue Li

Buzz !

Countless Devouring Blood Ant rushed out, rolled up a hurricane and quickly dissipated.

“what sound?”

“Have you found anything unusual?”

The guards guarding the Main Hall, the expression fretting, vigilantly looked at all around, but did not see anything.

But very soon –

“Ah! ”

“Back so painful!”

“Fuck, what is biting your father!”

“damn, kill it!”

a path of angry roar, issued in the guard against the member’s mouth.

“To shut up!”

The middle-aged man named 9-Star Martial Emperor, coldly glanced at everyone.

“Are you tired of living? Can you dare to be so in the Prince Your Majesty doorway?”

It was scorned by the middle-aged man, and the shackles on the field were suppressed.

It’s not that everyone’s pain is reduced, but the endurance of life, the tingling sensation from the body, and the Fleshy Body that washes them all the time.


Middle-aged Martial Emperor slaps on his face, rough palms, bloody.

In the blood, there is also a dead insect.

“This, This is Devouring Blood Ant? Not good!”

The middle-aged Martial Emperor stared at the palm of the hand, and the complexion suddenly changed.

I hurriedly looked at the guards who had just screamed.

“He is so dizzy!”

“Hey, how did you become two!”

“It seems like sleeping Ah!”

The guards fell one by one. Latest fastest update

It seems to be drunk and falls to the ground.

In the end, only the middle-aged Martial Emperor is still standing.

“damned!” Middle-aged Martial Emperor complexion big change, quickly turned around, going to the Main Hall.


The sudden pain in the back of the neck made him unable to resist a cold breath.

Not waiting for him to shoot the culprit, a strange force, infused with the body, let him have a feeling of fluttering, consciousness began to scatter.

Even if he clenched one’s teeth and insisted on it, but did not go out six or seven steps, he crashed to the ground.

On the occasion of the middle-aged Martial Emperor.

Zhao Fang’s silhouette, coming out of the dark corner.

He glanced at the escorts lying on the scene, and was very satisfied with the effect of the Devouring Blood Ant group.

“It seems that Ant Colony’s collective Evolution, with the poison’s might, is also upgraded!”

While speaking.

The sneak attack of the middle-aged Martial Emperor’s Devouring Blood Ant King flew back, and the stunned scarlet flashed on the mouth.

“Resolve all the people inside the Palace!”

Zhao Fang said coldly.

With the Devouring Blood Ant group, there is a poison of the first, and the root can’t kill these people, but it is enough to let them lie down for a Time.

And these Time is exactly what Zhao Fang needs most now.

At Zhao Fang’s at the same time, Fog Beast, and the silkworm, all were called by Zhao Fang. Latest fastest update

“Remove those Martial Emperors.”

Beast Transformation is a residual image that rushes to a position in this Palace.

As for the silkworm baby, he was left by him.

Buzz !

Countless Devouring Blood Ant rushes into the Palace.


In the Palae Yange’s Palace, there was a scream of screams and panic.

“Guards, come and protect!”


Zhao Fang sneered, “Today, no one can protect you.”

Have not yet stepped into the Main Hall.

Zhao Fang saw that there were several figures and rushed out of the Main Hall.

Among them, the middle-aged man wearing an embroidered robe is guarded by the public.

After seeing this person, Zhao Fang’s eyes brightened.

“Silkworm, take the man.”

With Zhao Fang’s order, the silkworm baby opened his mouth and had a countless white silk thread spitting out from his mouth.

Turned into a group of ‘white clouds’, shrouded toward embroidered robe man and others.

Embroidered robe man complexion big change, struggling to resist.

But he is just a Quasi-Saint, where it can block the attack of the silkworm baby comparable to 3-Star Martial Saint.

Just in the blink of an eye, he was trapped by the silk spit from the silkworm.

Along with him, he was tied up with several people who came out with him.

Zhao Fang figure, moving in front of the few people, looking at the embroidered robe man, said coldly: “You are Grand Prince Xue Li?”

“Who are you?” Xue Li squinted, coldly at at Zhao Fang, “brat, you’d better put this King, otherwise, this King will make you regret this decision.”

“is it?”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth reveals a cold smile.

With a palm of his hand, there were a few fierce Sword Qi shots and banged on several other people.

Without exception, only the Martial Emperor cultivation base, they are directly killed by Ten Veins Divine Sword instant!

Blood, instantly ejected from their with the body.

A thick, bloody smell permeates.

Xue Li complexion big change, staring at Zhao Fang: “who are you, dare to marry me Snow Territory Empire?”

“You seem to haven’t woken up yet.”


“As a prisoner, what qualification is there to ask me?”

In the sneer, Zhao Fang took a shot on Xue Li. He didn’t have the slightest hand in his palm. Even if Xue Li was Quasi-Saint Powerhouse, he suddenly made such a blow. It was complexion and white, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. .

“impudent, who dared to marry the Prince’s Hall, not fast obediently surrender?”

The turmoil in the main hall quickly attracted the Prince’s House to hide the attention of the Powerhouses. In a roar, three figures were rushed out.

The three people have reached the level of 1-Star Martial Saint.


Zhao Fang expressionless, coldly said.

The silkworm baby opened his mouth wide, ten times more dense than the previous silk, spit out from his mouth, wrapped around the three Martial Saint Powerhouse.

“What, Tier-8 Initial Stage Spirit beast !”

The three Martial Saint were shocked, but they did not dare to care. They cast a strongest move and opened a path of silk.


at this time.

A Martial Saint has a stinging sensation in the neck, and it is wrapped in silk during the figure a pause.

The other two Martial Saint complexion big change , take action, the figure is drifting away, obviously to escape.

But it has not escaped. It also feels that the neck is stinging, and the faint consciousnessness is diffuse into the cerebral cortex. In the future, it will be wrapped in silk.

For these three products to send experience, Zhao Fang naturally will not keep their hands, and when the silk traps them, Ten Veins Divine Sword whistling out and directly smashing their first level.

Such a bloody scene, let Xue Li see the eyelids jump, my heart is shocked.

He discovered at the moment that the man cultivation base is not high, but the means is extremely cruel.

“You, who is it?” Xue Li stared at Zhao Fang and wanted to see a trace of flaws on his face.

But soon, he gave up.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Fang’s expression did not change much. “Tell me, your home, Old Ancestor, where?”

“What are you looking for in Old Ancestor?”

“You have too many words.” Zhao Fang slashed his hand into a knife and squatted on the back of Xue Li, and Xue Li fainted.

Zhao Fang Exchange has a ‘life and death Control Heart Pill’ and feeds Xue Li take.

“damn, i your father is also very hard, this short time, just life and death Control Heart Pill, just use two, spend i your father two million supreme coins, you must ask some useful Intelligence, otherwise, I will lose money.”

Zhao Fang expressionless, but my heart is bleeding.

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