Chapter 313, Zhou Lingwang’s Crisis

“The people of Six Great Sect, such as Corpse Yin Sect, Unjoyous Valley, Myriad Beast Mountain, are on their way.”

Lin Tianlang indifferent to to talk, corner of the mouth revealing a trace cold ridicule: “However, I feel that they can’t use them, and we can suppress Four Great Legions by our three times the enemy’s strength.”

“Occasionally, the Four Great Legions, who are desperate, are boundlessly mad at the killing intent, even if we can win them, and finally to kill a thousand enemies, need to sacrifice eight hundred of your own This is obviously not in line with Empire’s strategic direction to ban Snow Territory Empire.”

Zhou Xian said solemnly.

“én?” Lin Tianlang’s brow is a pick, Zhou Xian’s sincerity, he is accepted, but in his heart, he is very sorry for the seller’s glory.

But now it seems.

Not to mention the character, Zhou Xian can become the famous Iron Age General of Snow Territory Empire, apparently with two brushes.

“What do you mean?”

When I heard Lin Tianlang ask, Zhou Xian corner of the mouth showed a touch of cold smile. “It’s surrounded by three squads. The terrain of the Tibetan Valley is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Forcibly killing and killing will only cost us a lot. It’s better to put them. Lure the Tibetan Valley, ambush halfway!”

“ambush? Can I have a suitable location?”

“I remember that there is a line of canyons in the northwest of the Tibetan Valley. This valley stretches ten li and is suitable for ambush.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Tianlang was slightly indulged and sighed with praise. “Zhou Xian General really out of the ordinary, well, according to General’s words, around the three, one with the least power, completely destroy the Four Great Legions! If it is successful, Zhou Xian General will be the first, so this will inform the emperor Your Majesty, and you will be the Changlin Army Lord!”

Chang Linjun is the second elite corps in addition to the Scarlet Flame Army.

“many thanks Lin General cultivation, myself, will not be a mission!”

Zhou Xian quickly hands clasped together politely, the face of the exciting color.


“Zhou Xian Lin Tianlang take action, surrounded by three, one is this to drive us to Northwest, northwest, northwest?”

Zhou Lingwang expression gloomy, looking to the side of a figure, a strong middle-aged man, “Old Yuan, what’s in the northwest?”

Known by Zhou Lingwang as Old Yuan, it is the Tibetan Lord Yuan Li.

In Yuan Li behind, there are thousands of Martial Artists with black faces and grimace. These Martial Artists are like a corpse with a corpse and emits.

It seems that they are not people, but a corpse with many years of death.

“Northwest, the first-line canyon, this valley, can to move unhindered nearly twenty miles!”

Upon hearing Yuan Li, Zhou Lingwang immediately understood that complexion instantly gloomy down. “A good one is three, one, and Zhou Xian This is going to push my Zhou Lingwang 20,000 people to the road.”

“Old Zhou, you’d better hurry up. As far as I know, the attack on you is not only the Scarlet Flame Army, but also the six quasi-7th Rank Sects of the Snow Territory Empire. At the moment, they are coming. On the way, if we wait until the six Great Sects come and form a circle under the mountain, then we are really a lonely army, we can only live and be trapped!”

“How can you open them in this situation?”

“Abandon one or two Legion!” Yuan Li said solemnly.

Zhou Lingwang startled, this thought, he did not think about it, but the Four Great Legions, which he brought with his hand, the back of his hand is meat, he really can’t bear to give up.

But at the moment.

It is time to make a decision.

He looked up, his eyes sweeping through the Four Great Legions, and finally, staying on the Blood Wolf Legion, a little clench one’s teeth, “Blood Wolf Legion!”


At this time, a female voice rang.

It’s the Yu Xi who has been sitting on the Variation Variation and never started to talk.


See Yu Xi start to talk, Zhou Lingwang quickly and respectfully shouted.

Yu Xi is full of black lines. She is always and Zhou Lingwang emphasizes many times. She is just a friend of Zhao Fang. But this Zhou Lingwang is the stone in the pit. It is stinky and hard, but it doesn’t change.

Over time.

Yu Xi is too lazy to care for him.

Yuan Li looked over and looked a little surprised. He really couldn’t understand. A woman of Martial Emperor cultivation base, what qualification is it, can become Zhou Lingwang’s Mistress?

However, relative to these, he is even more curious, this woman who is reassuring, start to talk at this moment, what do you want to express?

“I have a Battle Array that needs to be built with the power of Four Great Legions to condense the Battle Array Spirit comparable to 7-Star Martial Saint…”

“What! The Battle Array Spirit of 7-Star Martial Saint?”

Zhou Lingwang was shocked.

Even Yuan Li, at this moment is a gaze, deeply looking at Yu Xi, in the eyes flashed a suspicion.

To know.

Even if Zhou Lingwang hosts the Battle Array, it will allow the Four Great Legions to condense the Battle Array Spirit comparable to the 3-Star Martial Saint Peak.

But it can’t last too long, and once this method is used, all the soldiers of Four Great Legions will be injured by Origin Qi.

“Battle Array Spirit can last for half an hour. After the Battle Array is over, the Four Great Legions will be seriously injured for half a month.”

Yu Xi slowly said.

Her words made Zhou Lingwang feel at ease.

“The Battle Array Spirit of 7-Star Martial Saint is absolutely capable of sweeping the audience. With it, I have the initiative!”

Zhou Lingwang looked at him and said immediately, “Please Mistress let go!”

“Old Zhou !”

Yuan Li suddenly changed color. “Are you sure, believe her? She is just a Martial Emperor, what is the Ability, and it’s a Battle Array Spirit that is comparable to 7-Star Martial Saint? And even if she can get together, you think, rely on her. Cultivation base, can drive this Battle Array Spirit? If it just condenses, it will collapse, it will make us collapse all over the line, completely lose the resistance!”

“To shut up!”

Zhou Lingwang sipping, coldly at at Yuan Li, “Old Yuan, I believe in my own vision, I believe that Mistress has this Ability. If you are saying more, I will not talk about the meaning of friends!”

“You!” Yuan Li irritated looks at Zhou Lingwang, and finally coldly snorted, but no longer talk.

Where did he know that Zhou Lingwang, who had personally experienced Yu Xi ‘eight sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

What Yu Xi said, he can doubt it.

Yu Xi swept her eyes, Zhou Lingwang, slowly nod, figure, and if it was nine days, it floated into the air.

Then, a path of Secret Art, unfolding in his hand, is not hitting Void, but bombarding himself.


Dull, if you block the 1000-year bronze large gate activate sound, slowly from Yu Xi body.

In the all of a sudden, there is also a burst of terrifying Pressure’s Might.

As the Pressure’s Might scatters, Yu Xi’s body surface rises with a layer of pale gold rays of light, with great dignity and sacred aura.

“This!” Yuan Li saw this scene and felt the sharp rise of Yu Xi, and his eyes flashed.

Golden glow turned into countless, Scatter turned to four directions, and fell on the soldiers of Four Great Legions.

Anyone who is contaminated by golden glow, after a short mistake, will make up the fighting intent, and the strength of the fighting intent is stronger than that of their Peak.

Zhou Lingwang eye reveals Shocked, he never thought that Yu Xi had such a means to make the fighting intent drop to the underestimated Four Great Legions, and in a moment, the Peak fighting intent broke out.

Bang bang bang !

Countless fighting intent, turned into a path of fighting intent light beam, condensed together.

With the convergence of the fighting intent constantly, the impact, the entire sky is dull, and the dark clouds roll, the fusion of the Spirit of Fighting Intent finally comes to an end.


A slamming sound of the earth shattered from the black clouds abyss.

The dense and dense black clouds, such as the black city, actually collapsed under this shackle.

Sky , once again restored clear and bright.


The Battle Array Spirit, which was originally covered by dark clouds and blended with the Four Great Legions fighting intent, was also the first in everyone’s eyes.

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