The thirty-fifth chapter of the ten ambush



There was a breeze in the outskirts of the valley, and then there was a white mist spread, which instantly filled the entire Valley entrance.


There is a sound coming out of the white mist.

“hehe, Worthy is Zhou Lingwang, the pillar of the Snow Territory Empire, really not simple!”

“That’s just gone, now he is just a stray dog!”

“It’s a good talk. During his command, he didn’t kill me Corpse Yin Sect disciple. This time, Old Man must grab Zhou Lingwang and refine him into Corpse Puppet.”

“chuckle, in this case, the nearly 20,000 strong brother, our Unjoyous Valley is going to be.”

“Lin Tianlang is really a waste, and it has dominated nearly 100,000 troops. Even Zhou Lingwang, who has even tried his best, can’t stop it.”

“He was a waste.”

a path of or gloomy or cold or murderous words, outside the valley, one by one.

Followed by.

There was a burst of Spirit beast in the valley.

At the time of the sound, the Mount of the Great Great Legions under the seat of the seat was uneasy and retreated, and a burst of fear roared in the mouth.

“Since it is here, why not hide and hide, people are not?”

Zhou Lingwang expression Indifferent, coldly at the white mist in front of him.

“Hey, stray dog, there are still courage to say this to me.”

“Simply is alive and tired!”

“Since he is dying, he doesn’t have to watch the show and kill Zhou Lingwang himself.”

White mist abyss, hidden shadows appear.

Subsequently, the figure became clearer and more straight out of the white mist, appearing in Zhou Lingwang and others before.

There were six people who appeared.

Five men and one woman.

Although the looks are different, but one thing is that these six people are common.

That is the dignity that has been created for many years and is extremely prosperous.

“Corpse Yin Sect, Unjoyous Valley, Iron Fist Sect, Yin-Yang Academy, Black and White Hall, Myriad Beast Mountain, Snow Territory Empire, the strongest six Quasi-7th Rank Influence, actually sent out! It seems that I Zhou Lingwang’s face is really big enough Ah!”

Having said that, Zhou Lingwang’s complexion is extremely gloomy.

The main brain of this Six Great Influences is the 1-Star Martial Saint cultivation base, which is quite similar to oneself.

If it is normal, he will deal with one, that is no exception.

Dealing with two, some are reluctant.

Dealing with six, there is absolutely no life!

after all.

At the moment, six people have the strength that is not inferior to their own.

The Battle Array Spirit of Four Great Legions, after the previous mad war, fell into a state of waning after the overdraft, and in the short term, it could not be re-aggregated.

Therefore, at this moment, Zhou Lingwang’s situation is more dangerous than when facing Lin Tianlang!

“This is also a reward for your Zhou Lingwang’s “care” of our six Great Sects over the years.”

“Yeah, thanks to Zhou Lingwang’s ‘care’, my six Great Sect can thrive today!”

“This kind of grace is not a sign, only personally take your obliterate, use your blood to pay homage to our rise.”

Zhou Lingwang ignored them, but looked at the soldiers and told them: “After great war activate, you fully protect Mistress and take her out.”

But his words just fell, the white mist dissipated, and when he saw the scene after the white mist dissipated, Zhou Lingwang, who had the Thai Collapsing Mountain in front of him, did not change his color. The complexion at the moment was extremely pale.

More pale than the nearly 100,000-strong army of Lin Tianlang!

“hehe, you are shocked? I don’t think I dreamed of it. I have such an elite soldier among the six Great Sects?”

“This is what we promised you, specially prepared for you.”

“Look at your expression, it seems that you are not satisfied with this gift.”

The main brain of Six Great Influences has a slap in the air, and there is a deep sarcasm to Zhou Lingwang.

Zhou Lingwang Silence, not talking, eyes, but staring at the six Great Sect behind, the six-party team that is full of strong killing intent.

The six-party team is the elite of the six Great Sect elites. It is not inferior to Zhou Lingwang’s Four Great Legions in terms of cultivation base configuration.

Especially in terms of quantity, it is even better.

Zhou Lingwang’s Four Great Legions, each with only 5,000 people in Legion.

In the Six Great Influences camp, each camp has ten squares, counting one thousand for each square.

Six Great Influences sent 10,000 troops each.

A total of 60,000 elite, coerced Zhou Lingwang.

If it is the heyday, Zhou Lingwang naturally does not fear them.

But now, and even the Four Great Legions, are all ready to fight for many days, both physically and mentally.

And Six Great Influences, it’s coming from the state, and the state is in Peak.

The two sides played against each other in this situation, the possibility of Four Great Legions destruction almost reached 90 percent!

Can’t move forward, then only back!

kill! kill!

But at this moment, behind there was a burst of shouting sounds.

The earth quaked and the mountains shook.

If you are a thousand troops, you will come.

Zhou Lingwang saw the big bang of Lin Tianlang in the fog of vague dissipating!

There are wolves, there are tigers in front!

The Four Great Legions, led by Zhou Lingwang, fell into the deadly Crisis.

“Lin Tianlang, the waste is coming!”

“He is really coming.”

“It just blocked Zhou Lingwang from retreating, and it solved a troublesome thing.”

Six Great Influences expressionless, just looking at Zhou Lingwang, in the eyes is full of playfulness.


Six Great Influences The head of the big wave, the behind’s elite, like a tide wrapped in mountains and rivers, Zhou Lingwang 20,000 army, group map around it.

Only leave the gap of the behind.

At first glance, this gap is for the sake of Lin Tianlang.

However, from the perspective of the containment of Six Great Influences, this gap, how to look at it, has a feeling of being around.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Lingwang corner of the mouth showed a cruel smile.

He knows that Six Great Influences is still a little bit afraid of himself.


I will think about letting Lin Tianlang suffer from myself and suffering from it!

“Mo ran Zhou Lingwang! Mo ran Zhou Lingwang!”

“Great General has ordered, the whole army rushed, killed Zhou Lingwang, rewarded ten thousand gold, Feng Wanhu!”

“Great General has ordered, the whole army rushed, killed Zhou Lingwang, rewarded ten thousand gold, Feng Wanhu!”

Behind, Scarlet Flame Army’s roaring and fighting intent, the more intense.

Can’t wait any longer!


Zhou Lingwang pulled out the long-lost battle blade, and had a bloodthirsty killing intent, which emerged from the battle blade.


Zhou Lingwang did not retreat, the battle blade pointed to the front.

He knows that this war can only advance and cannot retreat.

Advance, there is still a trace vitality, back, it will die!

“killing, killing, killing, killing!”

“Ma Ge wrapper General still!”

“Dyeing my blood with my blood!”

All the soldiers of the Four Great Legions are the buzzing sounds of the tearing of the sky. In this voice, one kind of name is called crazy, and it is filled in everyone’s heart!

this moment.

The six Great Sect leaders are all moving.

“Damned, this Legion has been fighting for three days, and it’s a good fight, how can it break out such a powerful fighting intent!”

“They are still not people Ah!”

“Really Worthy is the soldier of the week butcher, baleyful qi.”

“Unfortunately, the Snow Territory Empire is gone, you are just a group of funeral fists, otherwise, how can we take action against you?”

“stray dog? You are wrong, their master is this Emperor Zhao Fang.”

A slightly scornful voice suddenly sounded in this chaotic Battlefield.

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