Chapter 321 Midnight Fearful Bell Card


Zhao Fang suddenly shook his head and turned his palm. One piece of the monster card with the Corpse pattern appeared in Zhao Fang’s hands. Latest fastest update

Item: Midnight Fearful Bell Card

Rank :Unknown

Introduction: In the legendary, you can control Vicious Demon from midnight.

“I’ll go, introduce it casually, dare not reveal more?”

Zhao Fang looked at the Myriad Beast Mountain master.

“You, what do you want to do?”

Myriad Beast Mountain has long been headed and witnessed the miserable experience of Yin-Yang Academy Dean, Corpse Yin Sect old man and Unjoyous Valley women.

Therefore, in the eyes of Zhao Fang, suddenly is scared to death.

“hēi hēi, match it.”

Zhao Fang grabbed the big hand and directly dropped the desperate Myriad Beast Mountain into coffin.


The coffin cover flew, and Green-Haired Corpse Slave, the main Myriad Beast Mountain, jumped out of it.

Zhao Fang glimpses the Midnight Fearful Bell Card.

But see the broken card, turned into a group of Azure Qi, poured into Green-Haired Corpse Slave within the body.

Green-Haired Corpse Slave body trembles and shakes, showing the painful color.

But soon, Green-Haired Corpse Slave calmed down, turned around, and quietly looked at Zhao Fang.

At that time.

Zhao Fang has a feeling of one kind in her heart.

It seems that he has a connection with this Green-Haired Corpse Slave.

That feeling is like the feeling behind Taming Spirit Beast.

Zhao Fang’s gaze is moving, reaching out to Heavenly Azure Ox Flood Dragon, which is struggling in the silk ice net, low roaring sound: “kill it!”

Green-Haired Corpse Slave in the eyes suddenly flashed through the strange red mans, but turned to the Heavenly Azure Ox Flood Dragon.

As soon as he was approaching, he punched out and directly blew the head of Heavenly Azure Ox Flood Dragon.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-8 Initial Stage boss’Heavenly Azure Ox Flood Dragon ‘,obtain 1000000000 Point Experience Value, 100000000True Force Value Points, 100000000Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Divine Beast ‘Heavenly Azure Ox Flood Dragon ‘bloodline (thin).”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Tier-8 Water Element Beast Core.”


After the death of the Heavenly Azure Ox Flood Dragon, the Green-Haired Corpse Slave figure moved again and appeared in front of Zhao Fang.

At this moment, Zhao Fang in the eyes is full of surprises.

“ha ha, I’ve got the treasure, I’ve got it!”

Zhao Fang didn’t think of it, Corpe Yin Sect old man, there is such a treasure.


This item requires ‘Midnight Fearful Bell Card’ to control, and the ‘Midnight Fearful Bell Card’ has an explosive rate of Extremely Low, which, like the Taming Spirit Beast, is a large-scale acceptance of Green-Haired Corpse Slave.

Because, even if it is born, there is not enough Midnight Fearful Bell Card, and he can’t control it.

“I just don’t know if corpse can spawn Corpse.”

Think of it, this is an advantage of Zhao Fang.

He grabbed a corpse and threw it into coffin.

To his surprise, corpse can also spawn Corpse.

However, the Corpse level that corpse spawns is much weaker than that produced by the living.

However, Zhao Fang can ignore this.

These men who gave birth to these soldiers, he did not intend to use.

It’s too weak!

He just used them to brush ‘Midnight Fearful Bell Card’.

Midnight Fearful Bell Card Extremely Low, after killing more than 20 Corpse, Zhao Fang just got one piece.

“The chat is better than nothing! However, the current imperative is to calm the war!”

Put the Midnight Fearful Bell Card and the strange coffin, Zhao Fang gaze, with the silkworm, Golden Scaled Fire Python, rushing to the scope of Zhou Lingwang.


Under the blessing of Fog Beast natural talent Divine Ability, the people of Six Great Influences can’t stop and fight, only passive in the white mist to fight the Fog Beast battle.

The results can be imagined.

Under the impact of the endless Fog Beast army, Six Great Influences suffered heavy casualties.

Of course, Fog Beast also paid a lot of money. Even with it, the body suffered a lot of trauma, and the white mist gradually gathered.

When the white mist slowly dissipated, revealing the body of the mountain, Yuan Li, who just fled to the mountain not far away, saw this scene, but it was suck in a breath of cold air.

“I missed the opportunity of Xin Xin, if I participated in this killing, my family, I am afraid I will lose money in an instant!”

Yuan Li is fortunate, but at the same time, there are some regrets Zhou Lingwang. “There was still a line of vitality. If you listen to that brat, now you, it is estimated that the existing is in the middle of it!”

But as he was barely fell, his gaze suddenly condensed.

In its gaze, there is a faint sight of a silhouette, who is constantly commanding the killing of the soldiers.

That person, it is Zhou Lingwang!

“How can it be? How is he still alive?”

Yuan Li was shocked.

But what shocked him more was still behind.

The number of Four Great Legions has not been reduced. Conversely is the great influence of Six Great Influences.

“how can it like like this?”

Yuan Li has big eyes and an incredible expression.

At this moment, the residuals of Six Great Influences have been scared. Even if you are out of the fog, you dare not fight with Four Great Legions again.

After a short break, Four Great Legions began to scrape the spoils of war.

In this scene, Yuan Li, who was seen in suddenly, was envious!

He wants to go back.

But as soon as I took a step, I saw Zhao Fang galloping from a distance.

Beside him, there are two Spirit beasts that make him extremely fearful.

“Tier-8 Initial Stage ?”

“Tier-8 Middle Stage ?”

Yuan Li dumbstruck’s at the same time, the intestines are remorseful.

“damn, I knew that this fellow had such a card, even if I killed your father, my your father would not withdraw.”

But now, always does not help.

Yuan Li can only disappear with his grievances and remorse, and under the watch of no one, quietly disappeared into the Tibetan Valley.

“how about it?”

Zhao Fang flew over and asked Zhou Lingwang.

Zhou Lingwang saw the two Tier-8 Spirit beasts next to the slide, and the respectful color was even stronger. Not only him, but the Four Great Legions, now treated Zhao Fang, also like Zhou Lingwang.

“Back to Lordship, our army was the first 50,000, and Four Great Legions died and injured two thousand.”

Zhao Fang frowned.

Even if two thousand deaths and injuries, in exchange for 50,000 daggers, did not let him have much happiness.

After all, Four Great Legions has a total of 20,000 people, and 10% has died at one time. It is already a heavy injury.

“The casualties are still too heavy! I have some healing Pill Medicine here. You should wait for the brethren to be sent back.”

Zhao Fang handed Zhou Lingwang a storage ring, which is mostly Pill Medicine he searched for in the Underground Palace of Snow Territory Empire.

“Yes!” Zhou Lingwang respected nod.

“In addition, I have used these bodies in the storage ring. I have great use.”

Regarding the eccentric request of Zhao Fang, Zhou Lingwang did not object to it. When he turned around, he told the Four Great Legions to start execution.

Zhao Fang just had to sit down and rest, suddenly it turned into a burst of Spirit beast.

Not far from the valley, out of a large group of Spirit beast.

“This is what’s going on?” Zhao Fang asked with an eyebrow.

“It’s the Spirit beast of Myriad Beast Mountain, the man who controlled the Spirit beast. After being killed, these Spirit beasts became headless flies and snarled everywhere,” Yu Xi said.

“Oh?” Zhao Fang blinked for a moment, and for a moment, suddenly the corner of the mouth showed a smile, “Golden Python, Little Yun, come with me! See how the Young Master conquers this group of masterless spirit beast!”

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