Chapter 323, Wood clan Invitation

Recently in Wood Prefecture.

There was a strange and weird thing.

Some 8th Rank Influence, and even Sect Master characters of Quasi-7th Rank Influence, all disappeared for no reason.

Most of these people have the Em Empress period, and even the Quasi-Saint cultivation base.

However, in the seclusion, the silence disappeared silently.

There is no trace of fighting in the seclusion.

It’s not like being killed by someone, but it’s like leaving on your own.

And those who disappeared have the cultivation base above 6-Star Martial Emperor.

Originally some Sect thought that this was only a special case.

But when the 6-Star Martial Emperor disappeared and the Snow Territory Empire circumference million li was permeated, everyone was conscious of the seriousness of the matter.

What is more serious is that the big hand behind the scene does not seem to stop.

The disappearance of the 6-Star Martial Emperor continues.

For a moment, each Great Sect is heart-wrenching, and some Sects directly activate Locks Great Array, severing contact with Outer World.

There are more Sects.

I left 5-Star Ruins World directly.

For example, Heavenly River School!

Originally, Zhao Fang planned to take the Heavenly River School to the end and take the Tianhe Seven Swords back.

You know, this Seven Swords combination, but can export 100 million supreme coins.

I did not expect that the old man ran for a while and actually emptied.

“damn, it’s quite fast, but if you can’t run Monk, you can’t run the temple. Young Master will count with you as a general ledger.”

Zhao Fang was extremely upset, and after smelting several 8th Rank Sect Old Ancestor characters adjacent to Heavenly River School into Corpse, the depression in his heart was slightly relieved.

“To count, for more than ten days, the Martial Emperor I raided, there are no one hundred and eighty, basically all of them are 7-Star Martial Emperor.”

Zhao Fang calculated the recent gains. “From the dead mortal body, I brushed out nearly a thousand ‘Midnight Fearful Bell Card’. Now I use 10%. I am going to take this Time and fill the remaining nine hundred. full.”

7-Star Martial Emperor, once catalyzed into Green-Haired Corpse Slave.

Immediately turned into 1-Star Martial Saint.

Zhao Fang’s goal is to build a Corpse Legion.

“Thousands of Martial Saint ranked Green-Haired Corpse Slave, even if you can’t just dry the Golden Divine Ox, it’s enough to let it drink a pot, hēi hēi ……”

Zhao Fang sneered at the beginning, the incomprehensible, unshakable mind, as he prepared more and more, this kind of mind, unconsciously, faded a lot.


Zhao Fang figure Once again, it disappeared again.

Snow Territory Empire circumference million li has thousands of influences.

After sweeping all of these influences, Zhao Fang went to the Snow Territory Empire to sweep away.

As the technique became more and more proficient, Zhao Fang catalyzed the speed of Green-Haired Corpse Slave, which is getting faster and faster.

Whenever he encounters 7-Star Martial Emperor, he always talks about it and takes coffin directly.

Often when the other party has not responded, it is covered by coffin.

When it came out again, it became the Green-Haired Corpse Slave.

Under such high-efficiency work, the scope of Zhao Fang’s activities has expanded to circumference for ten days.

He also has a Cloud Piercing Shuttle, otherwise he is also impossible in such a large distance, fast shuttle.

Within a dozen days, more than a thousand ‘Midnight Fearful Bell Card’ was consumed.

Looking at the densely packed, the green-Haired Corpse Slave group, which is intimidating with aura, Zhao Fang grinned.

Laughing is very open!

“ha ha ,Golden Divine Ox ,i your father has prepared a gift for you, and you are waiting for accept death!”


At this time, a Jade Talisman hanging from Zhao Fang’s waist suddenly lighted up.

“én? Sound Transmission Talisman ?Yu Xi looking for me.”

This Sound Transmission Talisman, before he left, deliberately spent 200,000 supreme coins, Exchange.

As the name suggests, its role, that is, the only role, is to pass information.

As long as it does not exceed a certain range, it can be passed over.

If Yu Xi is determined to understand the location of Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang is not willing to spend 200,000 supreme coins to buy such a chicken rib.

“Mo Xi Moxi, Yu Xi little younger sister, one month is missing, is it something to me?”

Zhao Fang opens the Sound Transmission Talisman and says.

When he finished, he immediately discovered that the opposite was quiet and quiet.

“Is there something wrong?”

Zhao Fang complexion has changed, and when he steps, he will leave.

“Someone is looking for you, quick return!”

Yu Xi’s voice, from the other side of Sound Transmission Talisman.

Then, without waiting for Zhao Fang to ask again, Yu Xi cut off the contact unilaterally.

“I’ll go, what’s the matter? I feel that Yu Xi is talking strangely. Where can I get rid of her?”

“And, she said someone is looking for me? Would it be who I am looking for? I remember that in this Five Elements Ruins World, I didn’t know a few people.”

Zhao Fang touched his chin and was puzzled.

“Forget it, don’t want it. Go back and you will know.”

While speaking, Zhao Fang walked on the Cloud Piercing Shuttle, and the figure disappeared.


The military camp, Yu Xi’s military tent.

At the moment of the military tent, not only Yu Xi alone.

Zhou Lingwang is also here, but respectfully standing in Yu Xi behind, a protective posture.

Opposite Yu Xi.

There are six people, three men and three women.

Among them, the first person is a complexion cold, wearing a black clothed women.

At the moment, the women are looking at the odds at Yu Xi.

Not only her, she is behind a few people, looking at Yu Xi’s expression, it is also a bit strange.

Yu Xi expressionless, without a word.

In my heart, Zhao Fang smashed a dog’s blood, “damned Zhao Fang, when the poor mouth is not good, it is on this section of the bone, but also heard by the Wood clan group of fellow, which makes me have any face to see people ?”

The atmosphere on the field is extremely 尴尬.

“Cough… everyone in Wood clan, my patriarch will be back soon, and I will ask you to go back first. After he returns, we must be Chen Ming Noble’s wishes,” Zhou Lingwang said.

The cold winter Wen Yan, but shaking his head, “We must see him this time.”

See Zhou Lingwang and start to talk, then the woman slowly said: “Since your Lordship will not come back for a while, then we are waiting for him here, anyway, not eager for a moment, this request, I believe that Zhou Dashuai will not refuse.”

Zhou Lingwang dry cough, the words are said to die by the other party, even if he does not like the other party to stay, but this is the end, but only nod.


He told his men to leave with Wood clan clansman.

When he and Yu Xi two people were left in the tent, Zhou Lingwang quickly said: “Mistress, you can’t let Lordship go to Wood clan.”

“Why?” Yu Xi did not understand.

Although she is the first time to see Wood clan clansman, she is full of Favorability for this Race full of aura, emits and vitality.

I don’t understand why Zhou Lingwang will refuse this.

“Wood clan, there is no rumor that is so friendly. According to subordinate, over the years, at Five Elements Ruins World, this Race, the hatred of someone else, has almost reached its point. They invited Lordship to Wood clan. It must be a plot. If you are disrespectful, the current Strength of Lordship is far from the opponent of Wood clan. If they are not in the wrong position, Lordship goes this way, which is tantamount to the sheep into the fingers/tiger mouth.”

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