The eyes of the superior Devil Race looks at Zhao Fang actually guess what Zhao Fang wants to ask, so it is start to talk and says: “Master, I would really like you as master, even willing to sacrifice your own soul. And the only requirement is to ask the Master to allow, when the next summon Demon God Sir, can allow a small like Demon God Sir to ask for advice!”


Zhao Fang’s brow slightly wrinkled, he understood the idea of ​​this upper Devil Race.

The meaning of this superior Devil Race is obvious, but he is directed at the Demon God Clone.

The speciality of Demon God Clone, Zhao Fang is very clear, that Demon God Clone is not a Demon God phantom, but a continuation of the special means of Ancient Demon!

I can only say that the eyes of this superior Devil Race are really poisonous, so you can see the special features of this Demon God Clone!

However, what does it mean to give up the spirit?

The superior Devil Race seems to see Zhao Fang’s doubts. At this time, it is start to talk: “Master, my Devil Race has one kind of special control method, which can separate the soul from a fragment and directly control it. There is no way to crack, unless the Master voluntarily gives up control, otherwise, Servant’s Life is just between the Master’s thoughts!”

“Butever the Servant has the slightest infidelity, the Master either imposes punishment, or directly obliterate, it is also a matter of thought.”

Zhao Fang clicked nod, which is to understand what this soul control means.

But should he believe in this superior Devil Race?

But after thinking about it, Zhao Fang didn’t care.

With the Ancient Demon summon in hand, it can be said that even if this devil Race really has any idea, it is nothing more than nothing.

What can the Devil Race do?

Nothing is to find opportunities to see if the ancient Demon identity betrayed Zhao Fang nothing more, or is said to be on Ancient Demon. Some of them Devil Race already broke Inheritance’s special Culture Technique Divine Ability!

But will Zhao Fang care about these things?

That Ancient Demon summon, if it really can be fooled by this superior Devil Race, I am afraid that Zhao Fang will not use it.

Since this upper Devil Race is going to be delivered to the door, Zhao Fang wouldn’t mind accepting him. After all, if he can conquer a superior Devil Race, then Zhao Fang will be able to control Devil Race more!

For the future battle, it must have a great effect!

As for the way to control the upper Devil Race?

Even if the devil race said that the spirit of the control is not reliable, there is a system in the hands of Zhao Fang, can not find one kind of effective control methods?

With a decision in mind, Zhao Fang did not hesitate and said directly to the superior Devil Race: “In this case, you sacrifice your spirit!”

The upper Devil Race showed a happy expression on his face. Without a moment of pause, he immediately sacrificed a group of rays of light.

Zhao Fang will not hesitate to directly income the group of rays of light into his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Of course, this whole process can be monitored by the System. If this is what the Devil Race has done, I am afraid that the first for a moment will be discovered.

But it seems that this superior Devil Race is really like to surrender to Zhao Fang, but it really is not doing anything!

Zhao Fang is too lazy to manage so much, the things here are resolved, at the same time, it is also a lesson for Zhao Fang, Devil Race is extremely powerful in the Crescent of the Moon, with so many monsters and ordinary Devil Race Even if you use a quantity heap, I am afraid that it will be easy to pile up the people of the Yuan Dynasty!

Therefore, it is necessary for Zhao Fang to make some minor adjustments to the strategy.

Nowadays, the whole battle has been fully developed, and Zhao Fang impossible has made major adjustments. After all, if adjustments are made, it will inevitably make some disciples of Guiyuan Xianzong fear.

For them, they don’t know so much at all, they only see what they can see.

If Zhao Fang rashly changes the overall strategy, it will naturally be questioned by those who belong to the Yuanxianzong discipline.

Zhao Fang was able to temporarily dispatch these Guiyuan Xianzong disciplines. The main reason was that he used the gods order and the supported Law Enforcement Elder supported nothing more.

In fact, for Zhao Fang, he simply could not allow him to make mistakes. Once he made a mistake, he did not know how many eyes would stare at him.

Zhao Fang soon issued a new order, but this time the order is very simple, that is, let each team select a separate detection team nothing more, while being responsible for exploring the surroundings, one side is also considered to be To the point of danger, the message can be delivered by this small detection Squad in time.

In fact, every team has people who are looking for enemy intelligence. It is not clear that Squad has been established. Naturally, Zhao Fang’s order is that no one will care, even in the hearts of many people, just as a reminder of Zhao Fang.

The seven teams of Guiyuan Xianzong were dispatched by the people, and the number of people was rare. Realm powerful, at the beginning of a time, it also killed a lot of Devil Race Powerhouse, and even, for a while, let Devil Race stop all actions.

The loss of a large number of Devil Race Powerhouses, especially the noble Devil Race constant, made Devil Race have to stop and start to rectify. At the same time, I hope to find these people who are returning to the Yuanzong. Cleared in one fell swoop.


At this time, the monthly retreat plan is completed, and in the moonlight city, the immediate is just an empty city. Apart from the 50,000 volunteers left behind, the moonlight city has no one, or any useful resources.

On the other hand, in the direction of the Valley of the Rebels, after the abundant resources sent from the Moonlight City, the crazy construction began.

A variety of defensive Magical Treasure constantly was created, and the entire Rebel Valley is completely busy.

Devil Race’s offensive focus has always been in the Moonlight City. For the Valley of the Rebels, it is only a round of attack. So, it has given Time to the Valley of the Rebels.

The ultimate goal of the Daggers program is to complete the decapitation of the Devil Race commander.

I want to do this, but it’s easy. Zhao Fang’s attack with the Guiyuan Xianzong discipline has caused a great blow to Devil Race, but the Devil Race’s commander has no news. .

With the active surrender of the superior Devil Race, Zhao Fang can say that Devil Race is not as ignorant as before.

Distinguish who is the general commander of Devil Race, it is even more simple.

On this day, Zhao Fang once again raided a Devil Race, killed a Devil Race Powerhouse of the Xianjun cultivation base, and then some doubts to the superior Devil Race asked: “Your Devil Race this expedition The general commander, where is it, don’t you know?”

The Time of Devil Race has always been very well-behaved. No matter what Zhao Fang does to him, he will not hesitate. Even when he is fighting Devil Race, he will take action himself.

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