According to legend, even some people have seen Divine Strength riots here!

Therefore, this Broken Soul Valley can be said that almost no one is willing to enter, even if the Moonlight Fairy Kingdom, only those adventurers will enter into it to find some special Spirit Medicine, or Demonic beast!

Broken Soul Valley, it is not so easy to go in!

Zhao Fang slightly frowned, thinking quickly, choosing a detour, 2 days Time can happen too many variables!

If the Devil Race really launched an attack, it would be difficult to insist on two hours.

Zhao Fang doesn’t dare to gamble!

In the unlikely event that Devil Race really launched an attack, then Zhao Fang definitely has no Time to rescue the 50000 people!

If the 50000 people really died in the Moonlight City, it can be said that it is Zhao Fang’s mistakes and responsibilities!

“Pass me to order, enter the Valley of Souls!”

Zhao Fang gave an order!

Everyone is not slightly frowned!

However, no one said anything. In fact, after all, they are all elites of the Yuanzong Emperor. They have experienced a lot of things. What Danger Zone has been dangerously, has also been a lot, then this trivial is a moon Danger Zone, they naturally still don’t care too much.

A group of people quickly move towards that Broken Soul Valley rushed over!

Sure enough, only after entering, they are the strange trees of the camera across!

The kind of aura that came out of the tree emits, even if it was prepared for the Yuanxian Xianzong discipline, there were several people who almost ran.


“General, those Human Races have entered the Broken Soul Valley of the Moonlight Kingdom? What should we do?”

The Devil Race party is also hesitant at this time.

Of course, they know this, and even sent people to try it out!

But where is the danger, the three thousand Devil Race soldiers who entered it, only less than half of them returned, and even they did not have qualifications!

In this way, how can it be said that it does not attract the attention of Devil Race!

However, according to their plan, Human Race is not afraid to enter easily. After all, rushing into is almost equal to death!

Can absolutely imagine, Zhao Fang, they actually went in!

Devil Race High-General thought for a moment, saying: “I am afraid of fear, since those Human Races dare to go in, can we Devil Race still fear! Passing down, everyone, into the Valley of Broken Soul, in the Valley of the Souls , no, those Human Race!”

With one order, Devil Race’s soldiers moved towards the Valley of the Souls!

Of course, until now, Zhao Fang did not know that Devil Race already aimed at them!

Zhao Fang After their group entered the Valley of Broken Soul, they were very troublesome.

Those who are amazed by the influence of aura, Demonic beast from time to time.

It can be said that if this group of strengths is sufficiently powerful, it is absolutely necessary to make a great loss.

But even so, from the time of entry, until now, already paid a price of nearly 30 casualties!

Well, the casualties of these 30 people are still within the range that Zhao Fang can accept!

Suddenly, a disciple of Guiyuan Xianzong was a quick found Zhao Fang.

“Son of God, Sir of God, I found a special place in front, Great Elder, please pass immediately!”


Zhao Fang has some doubts and found a special place?

What can be special about this?

Zhao Fang thought about it like this, but he quickly walked over.

After a short time, he saw a group of people in front!

“what’s going on?”

Zhao Fang start to talk asked.

Zhao Fang knows that if you don’t really discover any special exists, these people of Guiyuan Xianzong are impossible to stop.

What’s more, this time, even the Great Elder is here!

“Zhao Fang, you are here, come over and see!”

A saint called Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang is walking quickly.

And he just passed.

It was to see another person handing him a quirky stone.

“Do you see what is this?”

Zhao Fang took the stone with doubt, but for a moment, the expression changed a lot.

“Divine Strength! This stone contains Divine Strength!”

The saint smiled: “It seems that you are still very eye-catching! It is Divine Strength! Let’s wait here first, Great Elder already takes people to explore first!”

Zhao Fang nod, but what happened here?

Zhao Fang is still not clear until now, so he asked directly: “What happened? Why is Great Elder going?”

“Return to the Son of Sir, here is what we found. Our team is responsible for exploring the road ahead. When I got there, one of the Junior Brothers suddenly fell directly into the swamp and moved directly to the ground!”

“I don’t dare to hesitate, I will rescue him immediately!”

“Who knows, this is to save people, it is such a hole, and found this stone, even this stone is everywhere, I feel that things are not simple, happen to be Great Elder is on a tour, and he is directly reporting Great Elder!”

Zhao Fang ordered nod. Indeed, it was an extremely important thing to discover the stone containing the Divine Strength. Even if the message is told to Sect, Sect will definitely send at least one Palace master immediately!

Of course, now is a special thing, naturally it is too late to report, can only be dealt with immediately!

“Go, pass the army to stop moving forward, and inform Elder and the Elder of the Xianjun cultivation base to come over immediately!”

Zhao Fang said to a Guiyuan Xianzong discipline.

That discipline led the death, and immediately left!

The discovery of the stone of contain Divine Strength is too big. Zhao Fang knows very well that if he does not investigate, he will leave, even if Great Elder is the first to refuse.

However, why is there such a stone here?

Even if the Divine Strength contained on this stone is extremely thin and extremely impure, it is indeed Divine Strength, which can not be faked.

I am afraid, there is absolutely weird here!

Soon, everyone was already ready to come over.

Originally they thought it was an emergency military situation, so no one dared to delay.

But I did not expect that it was discovered that a cave was found.

However, the stone of the Contain Divine Strength immediately attracted them!

“what’s going on, there is a stone with contain Divine Strength!”

“Divine Strength Ah! It’s incredible, there’s a stone with contain Divine Strength!”

“Zhao Fang, isn’t this your fairy country? Is it what happened, don’t you know?”

Zhao Fang smiles, where does he know so much?

This month, the fairy country was only merged into the Qingzhuo Xianguo, and then, from the arrival of this moon, the battle has never stopped.

Zhao Fang, I have almost checked these specials!

However, Zhao Fang knows clearly that this may be a great chance!

Not only for the Yuanyuan Xianzong, at the same time, but also for the entire moon and the Zhaozhou and Zhao Fang themselves!

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