The thirty-third chapter of each other swallow!

“it is good!”

Zhao Fang is a clench one’s teeth. For three Rebirth Pill, he decided to fight.

after all.

This Divine Grade, and Pill Medicine, which can be used at a critical time, is not always available.

“Old Man will send you in. Be careful, those vermins are very powerful. If they are invincible, you can crush the leaves that Old Man gives you, and you can retreat from the whole body.” Great Elder warned repeatedly.

Between the words, Great Elder raised his hand and a Dao Guang door appeared in front of Zhao Fang.

“Go in.” The voice of Great Elder rang in the ears of Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang is slightly hesitant, one step stepping in.

“This is the Inner Tree World of ‘Azure Wood Immortal Tree’?”

Zhao Fang looked at the eyes all around with amazement.

It is like a new World.

However, the sky of this new World is gray, with no greenness and hope. The entire World is full of destruction and destruction.

Even Space has begun to collapse, and it will take a long time to collapse.

“Great Elder said it is good. This Immortal tree is on the verge of collapse. How can this damn be saved? I really treat your father as a doctor.”

Although he always guessed that the situation in the Immortal tree was definitely bad, but he did not expect it, it would be so bad.

Vitality is almost entirely swallow.

“Forget it, do everything, listen to the fate.”

Zhao Fang shook his head and began searching for the whereabouts of ‘pest’.

Kā cā ! Kā cā !

But at the same time, Immortal tree World, he searched for a sudden burst of kā cā kā cā.

Like countless insects in swallow food in general.

If it is one, it will be.

Thousands of these thousands of things are brought together to create a sound that is enough for anyone to be shocked!

Followed by.

In the sound of ‘Shasha’, one is about half a foot long, the whole body is milky, white, with sharp teeth, and the emits are stalking Tyrannical Aura reptiles, creeping to Zhao Fang.

Then, the second, third, fourth…

More and more insects appear.

In almost a moment, what Zhao Fang saw in front of him was replaced by milk and white.

Look at those who are constantly creeping. Milk. White worms, Zhao Fang are quickly seeing.

But when they saw the red logo flashing over their heads, Zhao Fang was so excited and suddenly excited.

“Fuck, so many Elite Monster!ha ha, i your father seems to have earned!”

Zhao Fang exclaimed.

The overall strength of this group of monsters is now Tier-4.

Although not high.

But now this densely packed, overwhelming degree, has exceeded 100,000 mark, and with the constant transmission of the insect sound. There will be more and more insects coming in here.

Imagine it.

After a long time, the whole sky will be replaced by the insects. Latest fastest update

By the time.

Even Martial God, you have to escape!

“Finally, I know that ants are more like a dead elephant, what is the concept!”

Zhao Fang was amazed, but stopped staying. With a large hand, the huge Devouring Blood Ant group rushed out and turned into a cloud of blood, sweeping toward the insects on the ground.

Same as Time.

Zhao Fang summon, Fog Beast, and Battle Pet Legion, destructively attack the insects in front of them.

Devouring Blood Ant group worthy bloody name, when they hit the insects, they did not give them the opportunity to struggle, directly biting their bodies, spilling a lot of milky white and bright red liquid.

For a moment.

Inside the Immortal tree Time, there is a weird flavor.

That flavor, like the essence of Immortal tree emits.

With the death of each bug, the Immortal Tree Essence of swallow, except for most of the feed to the Devouring Blood Ant group, and other Battle Pet.Spirit beast, the rest is floating in the air.

At first, this essence is still weak.

But as more and more insects die, the essence of the air has turned into a cloud of white clouds over the Immortal tree World.

Immortal tree World The original aura, which was dead and dead, was gradually spurred by the white clouds aura, and gradually gained some vitality.

Just a moment’s skill, there are a lot of insects, and they die under the attack of the Devouring Blood Ant group.

Even so.

Zhao Fang’s complexion did not show a bit of joy, but with deep concern.

Because, vermin is too much.

And more and more gatherings.

Even the morale-like Devouring Blood Ant group, after killing for a while, shouted enough blood, the killing intent is slowly receding.

The same is true of Battle Pet.

As the injury increases, their combat power is also myself slippery.

The number of vermins is not reduced at all, but more and more.

If you don’t want to solve it, Zhao Fang will not be able to cultivate the Devouring Blood Ant group, and Battle Pet Legion, I am afraid I have to explain it completely here.

“Still not Ah!”

Outside of Immortal tree World, Great Elder looked at the location of the Immortal tree and seemed to penetrate the void and saw what was happening inside the Immortal tree.

He shook his head slightly, his face showing undisguised disappointment.

“I am too anxious. How can I give this kind of thing to a Martial Emperor?”

Great Elder constantly introspection, already thought that Zhao Fang could not expel the insects.

“Forget it. Since it is impossible to evict, first rescue the brat.”

When muttering to himself, Great Elder is about to take action.


The bleak Horn sounded suddenly in his ear.

I don’t know why, when I heard the all of a sudden of this Horn sound, even he, there is a feeling of being in the sand.

“Horn the heart that can affect the mind?” Great Elder looked at the eyes, in the eyes, and shot the light.

This is not the case, after Horn, the rumbling battle drums.

The battle drums Vibration, as if it is Vibration, is a bloody, inspiring intent.

“This brat, where come so many strange Treasure?”

Great Elder was amazed, and with his knowledge, he naturally saw the out of the ordinary of the Horn and the baked drums.

of course.

What makes him happy is that.

With the drums of the drums Horn, the Devouring Blood Ant group and the Battle Pet Legion are like chicken blood.

迸 Shooting a fight intent and killing intent that is a hundred times higher than before!

The vermins who killed them are losing ground and screaming again and again!

Great Elder shocked looks at this scene, but the body is a slight tremor.

This is not scared, but excited!

The Immortal tree has been shackled all the time, and it is his heart disease.

He didn’t think that the tea was not fragrant, and he used the countless method to get rid of those vermin. The result was that it was not useful at all.

Vermin is more and more turbulent.

He thought that ‘Azure Wood Immortal Tree’, Wood clan’s last Clan Protecting Treasure, would gradually collapse under vermin’s swallow and become history!

I did not expect that the dead horse, as a living horse doctor, actually made him really a trace vitality, a hope!

“ha ha !brat is beautiful, that’s it. Kill them and keep a piece of film!”

Great Elder made a burst of laughter.

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