It’s a big taboo to go alone. After all, Zhao Fang is deeply in the Devil Race!

Devil Race, impossible Let such a Human Race Powerhouse be so far away from the heart of Devil Race. It’s no exaggeration to say that Zhao Fang and others, any one you see, may be enemy! May bring destruction for them!

After all, Devil Race is Devil Race and Human Race is Human Race!

There is no reason to talk about the dispute between the two races, and more impossible has any kindness!

“The Son of God, Your Majesty, the ready is clean.”

A Powerhouse of the Yuanzong Emperor came to Zhao Fang, expression expression indifferent, and on his body, still contaminated with countless blood!

The blood is naturally Devil Race.

Because just now, several Devil Races discovered them inadvertently! And immediately reported to Devil Race Powerhouse.

Zhao Fang can only order the town of Devil Race!

Not slaughter, then waiting for Zhao Fang and others, it will be destruction.

Zhao Fang clicked on nod, but he didn’t want to get entangled in this topic, so he asked: “Is the discovery of the report back?”

A Powerhouse of the Yuanzong Emperor went up one step, respectfully said: “The Son of God Your Majesty, there is no news yet.”

Zhao Fang again nod, he sent a large number of Guiyuan Xianzong discipline to disperse the action, to probe the news, in fact, is to find a breakthrough mouth!

One can kill a large number of Devil Race Powerhouses, and it is a breakthrough port that allows Devil Race to mobilize more people to encircle them!

Zhao Fang’s goal is very simple. What he wants is to let Devil Race constantly pay attention to their lonely army and send more Powerhouses to find and encircle them!

As for the reason, it is very simple, that is, in order to allow the front-ranking Human Race soldiers to sacrifice less.

Kind, cruel?

What is kindness? What is cruel?

Is it kind to the ordinary Devil Race? Still cruel?

Some things, in fact, whether they are followed by Zhao Fang’s people, or Zhao Fang himself, have thought about it.

Yeah, they are a group of people, and the worst is also the reached xian cultivation base.

Xianjun cultivation base, whether it is placed in Human Race or Devil Race, it is definitely Powerhouse level!

But on their way, from time to time, they will take action on those ordinary Devil Race take action, even just now, just slaughtered a town of Devil Race.

Is this cruel? Is this unrighteous?


If Zhao Fang doesn’t do this, then it’s dead, maybe Human Race!

The cruelty to enemy is actually the kindness to oneself!

Zhao Fang made such a big move, saying that the simple point is that he is pulling hatred. He wants to let the whole Devil Race hate him as a small force.

Then send a lot of troops and Powerhouse to kill them!

Because this is the only way to get out of Devil Race’s Powerhouse as much as possible.

Thus, the Human Race soldiers who fight in front can reduce losses!

In the return of the Yuanzong Emperor and the rest of the immortal countries, the reinforcements did not come before, just relying on the little strength of the present, Devil Race, once aggressively attacked, almost no resistance.

Wherever Devil Race passes, it must be a ruined massacre, any Human Race, absolutely impossible!

What Zhao Fang wants to do, and what he is doing, is actually using this bloody means to slow down the speed of the Devil Race invasion as much as possible.

For the Yuan Yuan Xianzong army to reinforce the fight for Time, but also for the evacuation of the people behind the Human Race to fight for Time!

Of course, the crazy battle is also of great benefit to Zhao Fang.

A lot of killed Devil Race, even if there are not many Devil Race Powerhouses, but because of the large number, Zhao Fang can also have a lot of experience.

As soon as I was thinking in Zhao Fang, as soon as I reached the rays of light, I rushed toward Zhao Fang.

A moment later, a figure fell in front of Zhao Fang.

“The Son of God, Your Majesty, subordinate, hears a message, maybe useful to us!”

Zhao Fang waved to indicate that the battalion stopped, then asked: “What news?” The discipline said: “reporting to Your Majesty, we have heard accurate information, among the nearest Devil Race in the area, Devil Race Inside the extremely famous Heavenly Demon list is about to undergo a new round of selection, at the time, circumference Decheng Race Day of Wancheng

Will be together! ”

Zhao Fang brows slightly, because he already understands the meaning of this discipline.

If you want to pull your hatred and want Devil Race to send countless Powerhouses to them at all costs, then it is a bad thing to make the Devil Race.

And now, there is an opportunity in front of them, that is to kill the devil Race’s talent!

That’s right, it’s a slaughter. After all, a Devil Race’s descendants gather, so naturally it’s a gathering of talents, but even in the talent, how strong is Strength?

Of course, there will be Devil Race Powerhouse guards at the time, but after all, this is the hinterland of Devil Race. How can they do send too many Powerhouses?

With the two thousand Xianjun in the hands of Zhao Fang, and the ten Emperor Powerhouse, killing these Devil Race talents, there is no such thing as a difficulty!

Devil Race’s younger generation, really, Zhao Fang is somewhat difficult to lower than determination.

This kind of thing is too cruel!

Just as Zhao Fang hesitated, a fairy powerhouse stood up. “My son, Your Majesty, I am waiting to understand what the gods Your Majesty is scrupulous about, no problem, really demeaning to Devil Race junior take action, but the gods, Your Majesty, don’t forget, these Devil Races, once in the heart of our Human Race, Kill our Human Race, but

Never soft! ”

“Don’t say Human Race’s hinterland, we’re talking about the Human Races that Devil Race caught in Devil Race, their life, Your Majesty is seeing it with their own eyes, isn’t it, Your Majesty thought, if we are kind, Devil Race Will it be kind to our Human Race?”

Zhao Fang understands what this person is talking about.

In fact, Zhao Fang and others entered the Devil Race hinterland and once slaughtered a Human Race!

But that time, it was those Human Race who asked Zhao Fang and others take action.

It was a mine, a mine dedicated to the devil crystal stone.

Devil Race, I don’t know where to get about a million people from the Race Race. These people have the average person and the Human Race Powerhouse.

But here, Human Race has to work hard for more than twenty hours a day!

Almost every day, there will be thousands of Human Race miners alive and dead, but that’s not a big deal.

Even in that mine, Devil Race often has giant slaughter banquets, and they force those Human Races to kill each other for fun.

Occasionally, you will also be slaughter, just to find happiness!

Those Human Races were given a special seal by Devil Race, and they escaped when they escaped, but this seal allowed them to be scratched when they were engaged in labor that was not as good as a slave. pain!

Even so, death, it is also a kind of luxury. If someone commits suicide, then the rest of the prison will be dragged out to torture with various atrocities…

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