It’s hard to say, even if they obviously know that Zhao Fang and Guiyuan Xianzong are acting for them, they simply can’t break it!

After all, who can guarantee that Zhao Fang will not really do this?

Seeing that the returning fairy sect is already getting closer to Devil Race Third Prince.

Devil Race has not spoken yet, but a Devil Race Powerhouse has started to talk!

“Stop! Let’s put you in the past, but you have to make sure that once you get to the Human Race border, you must return Third Prince Your Majesty !”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth

His words, of course, are only threatening these Devil Races, and the tacit cooperation of the people of the Yuan Dynasty is naturally for this.

In fact, is Zhao Fang really not heavy?

If those Devil Race can detect the core news of Guiyuan Xianzong, then you can know that today’s Zhao Fang, early aly read is considered to be the next generation Sect Master.

The Human Race, the Sect Master of the Yuan Dynasty, is no less than the Devil Race Third Prince, and even more than a lot! Very simple reason, the devil has a large number of Prince, this Third Prince although now most likely to be trained by the devil as the next generation of the emperor, but after all, even without him, Devil Race can still find a new suitable right away. Person, become new


It can be returned to the Yuanxianzong. It is less Sect Master of the Yuanzong Emperor, but it is rather lacking. In Zhao Fang before, the position of this Sect Master is always empty, and the root cause is also here.

If Zhao Fang falls, Guiyuan Xianzong wants to find a Sect Master, but it is not so simple.

The simple point is that for the Yuanyuan Xianzong, for the entire Human Race, Zhao Fang is unique.

However, for Devil Race, Prince is very numerous!

It’s a pity that such concealed news, even in the Inner Sect of Guiyuan, is rarely known, let alone Devil Race.

For Devil Race, the only thing they know is that Zhao Fang is just going to be the world.

Even if they are ready, they know that Zhao Fang has become the world leader of the Yuan Dynasty.

But for the meaning of walking in this world, Devil Race is not very clear at all.

So, Devil Race at this time doesn’t dare to gamble!

If that Zhao Fang, these people are going to change the life of Devil Race Third Prince?

All the Devil Races here don’t have that qualification at all, and they don’t dare!

“Human Race, stop! You won, we won’t stop you, but you have to make sure that we put you in the past and you can follow the convention!” Zhao Fang took a look at the Devil Race of the surroundings, but said something disdain: “Let this waste? Of course, you have to believe that I can capture him once, so naturally he can capture him for the second time! Killing him is not difficult for me.

! ”

Zhao Fang has a mild tone, but in fact, Zhao Fang is telling the truth!

More than a thousand Xianhuang Powerhouse, a million Devil Race army?

so what?

If you change it to Zhao Fang, who hasn’t really become the body of the ancient gods, maybe you can’t help it!

But today’s Zhao Fang, even if it is still possible to compete with such a strong force.

But if you want to leave calmly, you can’t do it!

Zhao Fang did not go, not that he could not go, but he could not go.

After all, with more than 2,000 returning ancestors into the hinterland of Devil Race, now, the trivial hundred people are left.

Zhao Fang, I want to bring them back alive!

Hearing Zhao Fang’s promise, Devil Race has no choice at all. No matter whether Zhao Fang is telling the truth or not, they have to block it. After all, for them, Third Prince can’t die! At least, can’t die here!

Devil Race commander waved, even if the killing intent in the Devil Race eyes was just like the real thing, but still had to let a road, let Zhao Fang go.

At this time, at the Human Race border, the countless Human Race coalition, the existing return to the Yuanxianzong discipline early long read, and even, many people are early and can’t stand it, can’t wait to rush up!

Among the sky, there are tens of thousands of celivation bases of Human Race Powerhouse and Devil Race Powerhouse.

The ground above, the countless man holds the weapon, ready to launch the offense.

If Zhao Fang doesn’t come back, even if he pays more sacrifices, he will definitely pay Devil Race a heavy price!

But at this moment, a group of people slowly came over.

In the middle of Battlefield, where the two armies confronted, Zhao Fang, with the last hundred people, finally appeared on Battlefield.

Returning to the Yuan Dynasty, the people of the Yuan Dynasty are on alert, and the Human Race coalition is ready to go, a squadron begins to recharge, and a strategic Magical Treasure is ready to go!

The same is true of Devil Race. It can be said that any little change now, no matter what, is the exchange of fire between millions of troops.

And everyone’s eyes are gathered by Zhao Fang these people!

Finally, Zhao Fang came to the Human Race coalition.

“Welcome to the Son of Your Majesty!”

In an instant, the people of the Yuan Dynasty were all on the ground!

No, it’s not just the people who belong to the Yuanxianzong. At this time, millions of Human Race coalitions are all ready to go to the ground!

The Devil Race in the distance, and the Devil Race Third Prince, which was controlled by two Powerhouses, was slightly shrunk.

This battle, it can be said that, at least, his Third Prince can never do it!

The Third Prince was favored by the Emperor, so he was able to have some prestige in the army. Therefore, Devil Race is more afraid of this Third Prince than real submission.

But at this moment, the performance of the Human Race coalition’s always return to the Yuanxianzong discipline is telling them.

Before they are considered to be just an ordinary god Zi Fang, in the Human Race, absolutely impossible is really ordinary!

But in fact, Zhao Fang is actually a bit strange.

He is a god of the Yuan Dynasty, and he is a native of the Yuan Dynasty.

Then the disciple of Guiyuan Xianzong respected him, and that was the past.

However, these Human Race coalition forces, according to the truth, Zhao Fang’s prestige, because it is not enough to make them so respectable?

What Zhao Fang didn’t know at all was that when he was killed in the blood of the Devil Race, he was actually not idle.

Ordered by Guiyuan Xianzong Sect Master, Guiyuan Xianzong Disciple, all the time to promote this Zhao Fang battle in the hinterland of Devil Race.

Even more, Guiyuan Xianzong also sent countless miscellaneous disciples, foreign affairs discipline, etc., specifically to various fairy countries, especially the front line, to promote the move to find Zhao Fang. Coupled with some Human Race Powerhouse with special Ability, they practiced across the territory, informed Zhao Fang what he was doing, and the reaction of Devil Race to everyone, so at this time, in the heart of the Human Race coalition, Zhao Fang, early alreadyy Become the only god

! Of course, for the Human Race many County Country Lords, there is one thing that is extremely important, that is, Guiyuan Xianzong already notices Zhao Fang another identity!

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