Even if this little Sect Master can’t get everyone’s approval, if it’s not done, it will be crushed.

But Zhao Fang is different this time. Zhao Fang This time, Zongmen first cleaned up any opposition voice for him. After obtaining everyone’s approval, he was appointed as the Sect Master.

Moreover, his right to Sect Master, in fact, even surpass Sect Master’s rights!

Zhao Fang can not only mobilize all the power of the Yuanzong Emperor, but also mobilize the power of any Human Race!

Because this time, it is the Yuanxian Xianzong, uniting all the Zongmen, the family, the fairy country, one kind compromise!

Zhao Fang is the only spokesperson recognized by all of Influence!

So naturally, Zhao Fang is a little Sect Master, maybe already can be called Human Race!

However, because of Zhao Fang Strength, plus now, Zhao Fang is not too high prestige, so he is still a spokesperson!

However, this spokesperson, but not just what you can replace or change!

Even if it is the Yuanxian Xianzong, in fact, there is no one who can replace Zhao Fang, this little Sect Master.

Because this is the common choice and compromise of all Factors.

Then if you want to change Zhao Fang, the first one who does not agree is to return to the top of the Yuanzong.

Because, if you do this, in fact, it is to let the Yuanyuan Xianzong go to break all the influences of Human Race!

Of course, these things, Zhao Fang did not know!

Not only Zhao Fang, even the vast majority of Human Race does not know.

Even if he had inadvertently reached such a compromise, the high-ranking Emperor Yuanzong, and many Human Race Influences, they were not really sure what they were doing now.

Only a very small number of people can understand it. This is the mystery.


Zhao Fang Naturally Impossible will reject the order of Zongmen. Another important reason is that Zhao Fang also wants to rest and take the last hundred people back to the Zongmen.

This time of battle is extremely crazy!

Not only are there fighting every day, but it can even be said that almost every day is in danger of being destroyed at any time.

Whether it is Zhao Fang, or other people, they are already ready to stretch their nerves!

This Time, in fact, is really tired and tired for everyone!

There are still seven or more endless battles. The most important thing is that you have to be vigilant at any time!

Of course, there is slaughter!

Zhao Fang How many Devil Races did they slaughter in this group?

No one knows at all, after all, there is no way to count.

This is not a good thing for the cultivation of the heart!

There are too many slaughter, in fact, it is easy to cause the devil, even if it does not cause the demons, will also plant the seeds of the slaughter in the heart.

This slaughter can be not a normal slaughter, but a twisted slaughter.

If Zhao Fang can’t calm down a Time and eliminate this negative madness, it is very likely that he will kill him in the future! Moreover, it is the kind of crazy killing, regardless of the enemy’s killing!

Suddenly from the tense environment at any time, returning to tranquility, Zhao Fang is still better, but those who belong to the Yuan Xianzong discipline, many are quite difficult to adapt.

On the second day of their return, a fleet of hundreds of Battleships came to the frontline camp to guard Zhao Fang and return.

Obviously it can be said that there is no danger in the early, but the last hundred returning to the Yuan Xianzong discipline, still instinctively guarding everyone around this, everything.

It is even automatically divided into three groups, and the guards are around Zhao Fang.

After all, this habit is not something that can change for a while.

Zhao Fang doesn’t care, and he doesn’t care about these things.

At this time, he is completely immersed in the Divine Body and Divine Strength!

Divine Strength is the existence of surpass Immortal Force. It can even be said that it is the power that should not be existence at all.

Even if it is handed down about the ancient gods, there are few pitiful records about Divine Strength.

Divine Strength and Divine Body’s cultivation, no one can guide Zhao Fang, everything, can only rely on Zhao Fang himself!

It is no exaggeration to say that even the current realm of cultivation is no longer suitable for today’s Zhao Fang.

The ancient god has a set of ancient God’s own Body Refining system.

It’s just a pity that the Inheritance of that system was cut off early.

Therefore, Zhao Fang can only use his current system to measure his own cultivation realm.

However, his real combat power, but will definitely surpass the same world countless!

Now in front of Zhao Fang, the biggest problem is actually condensing Divine Strength!

Divine Strength by Divine Strength, the power of combat is unquestionable.

In fact, Zhao Fang within the body’s Divine Strength can’t support him to fight for too long.

However, Zhao Fang’s Inheritance, but not suitable for his cultivation, in addition to refining Immortal Force for Divine Strength, all other means of cultivation, early already has no way to proceed.

For example, the ancient gods actually have a lot of forged secret techniques. In Zhao Fang’s Inheritance, there is one kind of detonating stars, and the star core is the one kind way of the fortune power.

In fact, Zhao Fang couldn’t do anything to detonate the stars. First, Zhao Fang didn’t have the means to cleverly detonate the stars and preserve them.

Zhao Fang is able to break the stars, but that crush is a complete destruction.

Subsequently, almost in the ancient god era existence of Divine Beast, the god medicine, etc., and now, also early ready to extinction, then Zhao Fang naturally impossible to find other ways.

Therefore, for Zhao Fang, the only way to condense Divine Strength is to refine the Immortal Force!

However, if you want to refine Immortal Force into Divine Strength, let’s not say how much effort it takes, that is, refining. In fact, Divine Strength is limited.

However, not all Inheritance is unavailable.

At least one thing is helpful for Zhao Fang, which is the division of Divine Body.

Divine Strength The means of combat, the division of the realm, Zhao Fang can not find a suitable alternative or a suitable description.

But Divine Body’s division, Zhao Fang can Sense out.

From the front line to the Yuanyuan Xianzong, the road is not too close, plus the return of the Yuan Dynasty and many influences intentionally let Zhao Fang’s fleet appear in front of many Influence, so this road is more to choose a detour.

Three months!

Zhao Fang is all spent in Battleship above.

Even if it is actually a few days, the fleet will stay in a certain Xianguo or Influence, but Zhao Fang has never appeared.

Three months of Time, Zhao Fang has been concentrating Divine Strength and has been training his Divine Body!


“The division of Divine Body can be divided into several stages. However, the division of Divine Body in this ancient god has some meanings.” “Baby body, growth body, mature body, peak body, Immortal body, eternal body!”

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