When I heard System, Zhao Fang’s eyes lit up, because he knew that how to make the shadows surrender!

At this moment, Zhao Fang is not due to the wave of a hand, a Divine Strength is swept away toward the Shadow Magic!

Energy body? So, what other energy can you compare with Divine Strength?

Sure enough, when the Shadow Sense went to Zhao Fang’s a trace Divine Strength, he immediately panicked.

“Divine Strength !how can it be ! you can can be master Divine Strength! No! impossible !”

The Shadow Magic is extremely exciting at this time, but Zhao Fang will pay attention to him, then a trace Divine Strength is directly injected into the shadow within the body.

But Zhao Fang has no other actions, just a faint start to talk: “You said, if I detonate this Divine Strength, what would you do?”

The Shadow Magic was silent, but still said with a hard air: “Hey, no need to play any means, detonate Divine Strength, I am just a death nothing more! Have the ability, you will kill me! Hugh to humiliate me!”

Zhao Fang knew that there would be such a result, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense, but he directly controlled the trace of Divine Strength constantly swimming in the shadow body.

The body of the Shadow Magic is a mass of energy. Of course, the Shadow Magic body is much worse than the Divine Strength.

So at this moment, Zhao Fang motivates the Divine Strength to swim, which is actually equivalent to destroying the body of the Shadow Magic.

just like……

A person with a body is being late!

But just because it is different from this ordinary, because Zhao Fang does not destroy the meaning of the shadow body, Divine Strength although has a constant swimming, bringing extreme pain to the shadow, but he is actually Lossless!

The Shadow Magic is clearly insisting on clench one’s teeth at the moment.

But Zhao Fang doesn’t seem to care. At this time, it seems to be an addiction, and the Divine Strength is controlled to be scattered, sometimes gathered, sometimes turned into a mesh, and sometimes fast.

Imagine that this flesh-and-blood person would be a kind of feeling if he was cut with a knife on his body.

That pain is still second, the most crucial thing is the feeling of despair and helpless Ah!

Especially for the Shadow Magic, because he is just a group of energy, it can be said that as long as Zhao Fang does not recover the trace Divine Strength, then this Shadow Magic can only bear this pain forever!

The most important thing is that he still can’t escape.

Because Zhao Fang’s a trace Divine Strength swims in his with the body, it actually makes him unable to do even if he wants to launch the secret technique.

Because once Zhao Fang notices that he is in the body, he will immediately break it up with Divine Strength.

You know, even if the Shadow Magic idea launches any means, the premise is that you need to mobilize with the body power.

At this moment, the Shadow Demon seems to be the whole body of the upper body, and also took the special Pill Medicine, the whole body lost any resistance.

This feeling, for the Shadow Magic, simply desperate than desperate Ah!

“Well, the willpower is good, then you will continue to insist, anyway, it doesn’t matter to me.”

Zhao Fang once again started to talk, but then he went down and continued to do his own thing, as if he didn’t care about the choice of the Shadow Magic and his thoughts.

Of course, in fact, Zhao Fang is deliberate.

The reason why this is done is to give the illusion of the shadow magic, let the Shadow Magic feel that Zhao Fang does not care much about him at all, purely just to hurt him to enjoy more.

That kind of disregard, that kind of despair, that kind of pain…

Even if it is a shadow magic, can you really hold on?

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

Zhao Fang didn’t pay attention to the Shadow Demon. What to do, at most, it was occasionally remembered to inject the Divine Strength into the body, let the Divine Strength swim indiscriminately.

In the past three days, Zhao Fang did not care about what the Shadow Magic said. Even afterwards, Zhao Fang simply arranged a soundproof array in the shadow magic surroundings. So, even if the Shadow Magic said anything, Zhao Fang would not listen at all. To.

For the Shadow Magic, it can be said that every time he insists, the panic in his heart is one more point.

On the first day, he was crazy and yelling, expecting Zhao Fang to kill him!

Unfortunately, Zhao Fang ignored him. The next day, the Shadow Magic was silent, as if he would die at any time, and Zhao Fang still ignored him.

On the third day, the Shadow Devils begged for mercy and only asked Zhao Fang to kill him!

Unfortunately, Zhao Fang simply shields his words directly.

The fourth day…

Zhao Fang finally started to talk, but only one sentence: “Hey, the willpower is good, I haven’t been begging for mercy right now, um, then you continue to insist, I am going to command a battle, hope that when I come back You are not crazy!”

After that, Zhao Fang turned and walked away.

In fact, the film magic has the meaning of giving in at the moment, even if it is let Zhao Fang temporarily let him go, even if he is allowed to find a chance to commit suicide!

So at this time, the Shadow Already shouted for mercy and shouted that he was willing to surrender.

But Zhao Fang didn’t seem to hear it at all.

Of course, Zhao Fang did not hear it, because Zhao Fang’s formation of the Shadow Magic is still existence.

This is ten days!

Ten days, the Shadow Demon is trapped in the house, no one cares about him, accompanied him, but only endless pain.

Finally, when Zhao Fang returned, the shadow magically screamed, and he was willing to surrender. No matter what Zhao Fang asked him to do, he would be willing.

Unfortunately, Zhao Fang still can’t hear it.

It was not until two days later that it seemed that Zhao Fang thought of this shadow.

It was looking up and looked at the Shadow Magic: “I almost forgot you, but you are Devil Race, it should not be so easy to yield, um, then ignore you for a while!”

After Zhao Fang finished, he went to himself and went to himself.

The Shadow Magic is crazy in that, he is willing to surrender, the real surrender, even if the soul fragments are given!

Unfortunately, no matter how much he mourns, no matter how big he is, Zhao Fang can’t hear.

It’s been five days later, the shadow devil is completely desperate, completely numb, and he’s straight at the sight of Zhao Fang, but he is not mourning, not asking for mercy, just numb to bear all this, he wants to die, really I want to die.

But no matter what, the trace of Divine Strength, but it is so that he can not even die.

Finally, it seems that Ye Xuan remembered something.

“Oh, I seem to have forgotten, I have arranged a soundproofing method for you.”

Zhao Fang said with a smile, and then temporarily removed the soundproofing method.

But this method has just been withdrawn, and the voice of the Shadow Magic is roaring: “Human Race, I surrender, I am willing to surrender, you let me do anything, please let me go!”

However, when I heard this, Zhao Fang was brows: “The tone is so arrogant? It seems to be a false surrender, then you continue!”

After that, Zhao Fang didn’t give the Shadow Magic a chance to speak. It was once again using the soundproofing method. The Shadow Devil is dumbfounded, he mourns, he begs for mercy…

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