“Sure enough, Human Race was still fooled, but I didn’t think that this time it was a big fish!”

A Devil Race Powerhouse’s face is full of smiles. Originally, they were surrounded by eight sides. Do they should not be afraid now, they should be scared!

At least, then you have to think about how to deal with it?

However, this group of Devil Race, not only did not have the slightest fear, but also have the mood to talk about Zhao Fang and others here!

“This damned Human Race, hey, this time, we must kill him!”

“The demon emperor can personally issue an order. If anyone can kill this person, it is rewarding, and even, it is possible to enter the ancestral field to practice!”

“Yeah, not only the Emperor Sir has orders, but also has a promise after the devil, who can kill this Human Race, then you can get the heart of the Holy Devil!”

“The heart of the Holy Devil, that is the Devil Race Powerhouse left in the natural fall, not only contains Powerhouse Inheritance, but also contains great magic, if I absorb it… then it is not directly possible to promote to the Emperor Mirror peak ?”

A group of Devil Race looks at Zhao Fang’s gaze, it is a faintly shining rays of light, this gaze, where there is a little bit of fear, it is clearly a kind of greedy color!

“Reassure, let’s lay down the net here, this time, this Human Race must be dead!” “hēi hēi, you see, they are still setting up various arrays, I really want to tell them, don’t Arranged the array method, those arrays, we are ready for the early, as long as they enter the base Outer Circle, we will start the array,

Ha ha ! ”

“Isn’t it, this group of Human Race, simply like a clown, I am afraid they thought that we didn’t find them at all!”

Devil Race Everyone 嘻嘻ha ha, how can there be a little bit of great war about the coming urgency.

And the reason why they do this is naturally because they have been prepared, or that the early is to win the prize.

At this time, Zhao Fang and others, naturally impossible, know that their current every move is actually in the hands of Devil Race.

However, there is actually one thing, but Devil Race has no control at all.

That is, the excerce of the Shadow Devil!

Those Devil Race although have been paying attention to Zhao Fang’s every move, but it seems that they have never found out, the excerce of the Shadow Devil!

It can only be said that the difference between the Shadow Magic and the Devil Race is rare, but few people can know his weaknesses, and few people can find his presence.

Since the Shadow Devil told Zhao Fang that there was a powerful Unknown in the base, and he did not dare to go deep into the exploration, Zhao Fang did not let the Shadow Magic continue to explore.

After all, the attacking method of this movie demon is mainly due to surprise. Once it is discovered, the might is naturally much smaller. Even if the weakness is mastered, the shadow magic becomes very easy to deal with.

This is against Devil Race. Who knows if there is anyone in the base who knows the weakness of the Shadow Magic?

Zhao Fang doesn’t want to take this risk. This movie magic is still used at the most critical time, and once it is used, it must be killed opponent!

When everything was set up, Zhao Fang did not hesitate and directly ordered the attack!

Twenty thousand Human Race elites attacked the Devil Race base from all directions with the slightest hesitation.

At this moment, the sound of shouting suddenly sounded.


A strange scene appeared, even if they had apparently rushed to the base, but the base still did not respond. What is even more strange is that the large gate of the base actually opened slowly!

No Devil Race soldiers blocked, even, it was as if the base was opening to meet Zhao Fang!

“Be careful!”

Zhao Fang whispered, and his orders were quickly communicated by everyone!

Of course, even without the reminder of Zhao Fang, everyone is very vigilant at this time.

After all, such scenes go far beyond their expectations, no matter how they look, they are so strange and inexplicable.

Everyone has entered the base.

This base is large and is divided into three layers.

Originally it should be the country where the ancient race of the ancient race was destroyed.

And Devil Race is the base that was built on the basis of that country.

The 1st layer is just a city wall, and then it is a blank area. It can be seen that there are many buildings here.

However, it has been dismantled by Devil Race.

The second layer is a city wall with up to seven layers.

By convention, city pools, fortresses, fortresses, etc., as long as the city wall appears, it must be the prohibition of the existence powerful.

In this way, the composite city wall of the seven layer, visible Defense Power is definitely quite powerful! As for the innermost part, it is the main building of this base. It is a fortress, a vast area, and an extremely strong fortress. It can also see some of the styles belonging to the Human Race building. Perhaps ,Here

Because it was originally the location of the Imperial Palace in the ancient race of the Human Race.

And Devil Race, relying on the Imperial Palace, is a constant expansion!

The countless array method, countless strategic level Magical Treasure, is the main offensive and defensive means of this fortress.

Zhao Fang and others entered the first city wall and did not see enemy!

Even when they entered from the second city wall, they did not see enemy!

Could it be said that this base has been abandoned by Devil Race?

However, before the shadow magic said, here is also the existence of powerful enemy, then it is obvious that no Ah!

Zhao Fang is very confused in his heart, and at this moment, everyone is not in a hurry to move on.

Without the Zhao Fang command, at this time, there is a soldier who climbed the city wall and searched it carefully.

“It’s weird. Why is there no devil Race at the base of Devil Race? It’s hard to beat, and those Devil Races are all running.”

“ha ha, very likely, I heard, our new commander, that is a very bad character, not only the Sect Master of the Yuan Xianzong, but also personally sneaked into the Devil Race hinterland, killed Devil Race Third Prince, then the whole body and retreat!” “Well, I have heard of it, and it is precisely because of this, even the Devil Race’s demon emperor made a promise, saying who can kill our chief commander Zhao Fang , that will inevitably get an extremely rich reward, that reward, even enough to be comparable to a superior

All the wealth of Xianguo! ”

“ha ha , Devil Race Is that a dream? I see, they are scared, and they are scared by our chief conductor!”

Everyone said a word to me. Obviously, for the scene that I have seen so far, no one has said anything about it, but I feel in my heart that Devil Race is afraid of Zhao Fang’s fighting prowess and then probed their news. So I fled. But when everyone was happy, suddenly, the city wall above the Outer Circle suddenly broke out a path of rays of light!

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