Once released, with the three-headed and horrible Strength, if it is completely irritated, I am afraid that it will cause a terrible blow to enemy. At the same time, Devil Race has to pay for it.

So, at the beginning, Devil Race was not prepared to let the three heads of the devil come out to fight.

But now it seems that the three heads of the devil are forced to come out.

After all, a fairy peak, a Xiandi Powerhouse, actually lost in the hands of the Human Race, if they do not send three heads handsome, I am afraid this battle, Devil Race can be defeated!

“Hey, alert, alert, detect horror existence, Player Please evacuate this place immediately!”

Suddenly a System Prompt slammed, but it made Zhao Fang’s body slightly shocked.

System warning!

Even led to System warning, I am afraid, the sound of the Master, Strength early and powerful enough to an extremely terrible degree!

“System, can you detect the strength of that target?”

Zhao Fang start to talk asked.

But know, System just answers: “Hey, alert, alert, specify the target Strength severe surpass Player, and have the means to restrain the Player, please Player immediately evacuate this place!”

Have the means to restrain yourself?

Zhao Fang was shocked.

However, let Zhao Fang evacuate now?

Throwing two thousand soldiers and fleeing alone?

Zhao Fang how can it be!

Besides, this hasn’t seen enemy yet. Is it just because of the roar of enemy, it will be scared off?

If it does, then he Zhao Fang, what is the qualification Commander Human Race army?

Zhao Fang hesitated, and his thoughts flashed quickly, and soon he thought of one thing, that is, it seems that he still has the ancient Divine treasure box not open!

No, this time the ancient Divine treasure box, can bring unexpected surprises to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang is not stupid, he naturally understands that if the enemy is really powerful to the existence that he can’t fight at all, then Zhao Fang will naturally leave.

But now, it’s not the time when his mountains are running out!

“System, activate the ancient Divine treasure box for ten strokes!”

Zhao Fang suddenly said to System in his heart.

In before, System converts all BOSSreward into ancient Divine treasure boxes, Zhao Fang has checked, this ancient Divine treasure box is extracted, there are five consecutive draws, ten consecutive draws, and hundreds of draws.

The ancient Divine treasure box is generally only primary, but if it is five strokes, there must be a Treasure Chest automatically promote one level, which becomes the Middle Level Treasure Chest.

The tenth company is to upgrade the two levels to become the High Level Treasure Chest.

Bailian is to upgrade Level 3 and become Super Treasure Chest!

Moreover, this rule is not only useful for the primary Treasure Chest, but if Zhao Fang is willing to save and fills a sufficient number of Middle Level or High Level Treasure Chest, it can also improve the quality of Treasure Chest.

Don’t look at this is just one of the Treasure Chest quality improvements, but the benefits you can get are definitely tens of times more!

Before Zhao Fang There is no qualification to go to ten, because he does not have so many Treasure Chest.

But just now, when he killed the Devil Race Powerhouse in the fairyland, it was only ten Treasure Chests, and naturally he could carry out ten consecutive!

“Hey, the Player command confirms that the ancient Divine treasure box has been pumped for ten!”

“Hey, Player uses ten strokes to trigger Treasure Chest quality boost. This time, Player will behold nine primary Treasure Chest, a High Level Treasure Chest reward !”

“Hey, congratulations Player obtain Divine Strength Dan three!”

“Hey, congratulations Player obtain Super Divine Strength Dan!”

“Hey, congratulations Player obtain a soldier’s pill!”


A bunch of prompts followed, and Zhao Fang kept paying attention to these tips. This time, even if you can’t extract a Special Item that can change the situation, then Zhao Fang really only has to run.

“Hey, congratulations Player obtain, Xuan Tian Sacred Fire!”

“Hey, congratulations Player obtain, nine secluded Ice Soul!”

“Hey, congratulations Player obtain, ice fire suit!”

“Hey, congratulations Player obtain, Longzu reverse scale…”

a path of the prompt sounds of constant, but Zhao Fang’s eyes are more and more solemn, yes, the things that Divine Spark Treasure Chest opened are indeed good things.

Regardless of the Xuan Tian Sacred Fire, or the ice water suit, whichever one comes out, it is definitely a great treasure that can shake the entire Immortal World.

However, these things are not very useful for the situation that Zhao Fang is facing now!

Zhao Fang expression Slightly nervous, continue to listen to the System prompt.

“Hey, congratulations Player obtain, Middle Level Divine Ability, Divine Might!”

“Hey, congratulations Player obtain, Middle Level Divine Ability, God punishment!”

“Hey, congratulations Player obtain, special Divine Artifact, comet!”

Three System Prompt, Zhao Fang eyes finally lit up.

It can be seen that these three things should be from the High Level Treasure Chest.

Although, High Level Treasure Chest has two Middle Level Divine Ability, a special Divine Artifact, the effect is not very good, but it is enough for Zhao Fang to deal with the situation at hand.

Divine Might and God’s punishment can only be regarded as the Divine Ability of the ordinary. It is like the property of before, which is the basic means that every ancient god naturally possesses.

Divine Might, in fact, is Pressure’s Might, and once it breaks out, it can put horrible pressure on the target.

God’s punishment, but it is to provoke the thunder, or Heavenly Fire, or any other Law force to crush the enemy, although the out of the ordinary, but only general.

What makes Zhao Fang excited is the special Divine Artifact!


Comet, special Divine Artifact, can be spurred by Divine Strength to condense Starry Sky’s power to fight enemy! Can be single attack, but also range attack!

Might, can’t calculate!

The description of the comet is very simple, but the short six words, the power of Starry Sky, can explain everything.

These six words seem to be simple, but in fact, never simple!

Because there is no limit to the scope of Starry Sky, the star of this comet. To be precise, as long as Zhao Fang injects more Divine Strength, this comet will be able to erupt even more powerful Attack Power!

Therefore, this comet is actually a special existence without grades!

His might only changes according to the Strength of the Master. As for the extent to which he can finally learn?

It is unlimited!

That’s right, this comet is a special Divine Artifact with unlimited might!

Its might is almost equal to no limit because he is directly condensing the power of Starry Sky as a force.

And limiting him is purely the Divine Strength nothing more owned by Zhao Fang!

In other words, if Zhao Fang has enough Divine Strength, even this comet, simply has the Ability to destroy World!

Zhao Fang looks at the description of the comet, the shock in my heart, I am afraid he can only know it!

This is Divine Artifact? No, I am afraid that this comet, even in Divine Artifact, is definitely the most outstanding existence!

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