Chapter 340 Wood clan Guardian

Immortal tree World, above the abyss.

Zhao Fang and Great Elder silhouette appear.

Great Elder be careful to keep the blue container, as if holding a beloved thing.

The two people fell by the huge dead tree in the abyss, looking at the riddled dead tree, Great Elder in the eyes revealing a trace of sorrow, but immediately, this sadness was replaced by excitement.

“From now on, the fruit Immortal tree is born again!”

Great Elder opens the blue container with Secret Art, and uses the prepared treasure to sprinkle the Boundless Water inside the container above the dead tree above.

The Boundless Water is extremely different, and when it meets the object, it does not see any traces of falling.

But when Great Elder sprinkled Boundless Water, all sprinkled behind the dead tree above.

The dead tree, which was originally a dead aura, has a very weak vitality in it.

Great Elder felt this floctuation, nervous face, quickly flashed a trace surprise.


The vitality in the dead tree is getting stronger and stronger.

Even the riddled holes on the dead tree are quietly closed.


This dead tree, which should have been damned, is full of vitality in all of a sudden.

With the vitality in the dead tree, it becomes more and more intense.

In Immortal tree World, Scatter’s Immortal Tree Essence, like being pulled by some kind of power, madly rushes toward the dead tree.

at this moment.

The dead tree is like the great creation given by heaven and earth. In the defeat and Death, it gives a strong vitality!

Dead tree above, a crisp sapling grows.

The sapling, at first, was only as small as the hair.

But as more and more Immortal Tree Essence nourished, with the outbreak of Boundless Water, the size of the seedlings is gradually expanding.

From the thickness of the chopsticks to the thickness of the fingers, to the thickness of the wrist, to the size of the ordinary tree.

Same as Time.

The height of the small tree, which is less than 30 centimeters from the beginning, quickly rose to four or five meters and is still growing.

In the end, the small tree became a towering tree, and the rich vitality of the emits was almost intoxicating.

Zhao Fang even found that under the shadow of the big trees, the old face of Great Elder even became younger.

The breeze came, the trunk swayed and swayed, and the leaves on it blew the huā lā lā.


A white mist-like haze emerges from the trunk leaves and rushes toward the clouds.

The dead sky has a touch of color.

Followed by.

The blue sky appeared, the white clouds were long, and the green mountains and green water formed rapidly in front of the eyes.

And all of this, because the spring comes upon a withered tree, because of the supposedly dead Immortal tree, live here!

“ha ha !!”

Great Elder saw this scene, like an ordinary old man, crying with joy.


Leaving Immortal tree World, just next to the little wooden house, Zhao Fang suddenly felt that the heaven and earth Spiritual Qi was richer than when he left.

In the air, not only contains the rich aura essence, but also a touch of sweetness.

“ha ha ,Zhao Fang brat , this Immortal tree the spring comes upon a withered tree, thanks to your help, this kind of love, my Mu Chuanfeng, and even the entire Wood clan, are in mind.”

Mu Chuanfeng still did not recover from the incentive.

It is not that he is in a weak state of mind. Self-control of Ability is not good, but the shock of this incident is too great.

“Old Man speaks, this is the reward for you.”

While speaking , Mu Chuanfeng took out three green vials containing a Pill Medicine.

Pill Medicine is not big, but from the aura of its occasional emits, there is a god of divine power.

Zhao Fang took the vial.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, complete ‘insect-controlling ‘Task.”

“obtain 50000000000 Point Experience Value, Rebirth Pill *3, title: Wood clan Guardian.”

“Rebirth Pill.” Zhao Fang in the eyes flashed and stared at Pill Medicine.

‘With this pill, when I was on the Golden Divine Ox, there was no doubt a little more chance! ‘

If it is not for this thing, Zhao Fang can run back and forth for Mu Chuanfeng.

“Hey? This Wood clan Guardian title is a bit weird.”

When surprised, Zhao Fang directly activated Wood clan Guardian.

But see Zhao Fang’s head, and again five more characters ‘Wood clan Guardian’.

Wood clan Guardian: Wood clan Never shuns the partner, activate this title, permanently amplification 30 percent HP, injury recovery speed increase 20 percent. You can get the Favorability of heaven and earth Wood Element, and even help…

“I’ll go, this title is a bunker!”

Zhao Fang’s original focus is on Rebirth Pill.

But after seeing the introduction of the title, I immediately opened my eyes.

Permanent amplification 30 percent HP!

Injury recovery speed increases 20 percent!

Aside from these hard benefits, the Wood clan Guardian title has many hidden benefits.

For example, the Heaven and Earth Wood Element Favorability and get help.

If used properly, you can even develop all Wood Element creatures into your own eyes and ears.

This damn simply is open to the mad rhythm!

‘This title, finally did not let Young Master run white. ‘Zhao Fang is secretly excited.

That’s it.

Great Elder launched Treasure-House and let Zhao Fang pick ten Heaven Rank treasures.

Wood clan Worthy is background The ancient Ancient Clan, Worthy is once Ruler in Wood Prefecture, the number of treasures, the glare of Zhao Fang eyes are spent.

The aura of the treasure emits, let Zhao Fang have a sense of dreams.

If you don’t consider yourself to be a Great Elder opponent, playing Golden Divine Ox also requires Wood clan to send troops, and Zhao Fang even has the urge to grab it.

In the tough decision, Zhao Fang used the System as a supplement and chose ten Heaven Rank treasures.

Among these Spirit Objects are medicinal herb, spiral mushroom, Spirit Fruit, and Spirit vine…

Ten different types, but only one thing is the same.

They are all Heaven Rank Top Grade treasure.

Zhao Fang even saw that at the same time, she took out the ten pieces of the at the same time, and the face of the great Elder, who was always laughing, suddenly stiffened, and even faintly saw his lips twitching.

“You, you brat, what a freak, in the Old Man Treasure-House, there are more than twenty kinds of Heaven Rank Top Grade treasure, and you are taken halfway by you!”

At this moment, Great Elder even had the urge to cry.

‘damn, I knew that i your father chose to give him. The result is ecstasy, and it makes a big mistake. Old Man regrets Ah!

Seeing Great Elder’s dying expression, Zhao Fang quickly put away the treasure, and said: “Great Elder, you are too stingy, you have so many Treasures in Treasure-House, I just took ten, you I will show it to anyone who wants to die.”

“Smelly brat, how do you become mad at me?” Great Elder blows his beard and blinks his eyes, and he has a chance to teach Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang hēi hēi A smile, figure a move, drifting back, “Great Elder, since the Immortal tree already lived, the junior will not stay here. Also senior remember, one month, send out Big Ruins Forest!”

“Is Old Man the kind of person who doesn’t believe it? Since it’s promised, it’s sure to take action.” Great Elder said with displeasure.

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