As for the sky here, it is also a blood-red!

But the attack here is not what bubbles are foggy, nor is it the bloody sea.

It is a strong killing intent!

It can be said that if Zhao Fang has System existence, Zhao Fang is almost immune to the effect of killing intent.

So I am afraid that the early early is affected by this killing intent, becoming the madness of the existence!

But it is precisely because Zhao Fang immune killing intent, so it can be seen more clearly at this time.

At this point, those killing intents, condensed into a natural blood, and those blood people are constantly attacking Ye Xuan!

Although, their Attack Power is not available!

However, Zhao Fang is already aware of the real use of this Space.

Through the killing intent, affecting the mind of the person entering, when the target loses reason, these blood people will be provocative!

Targets that are completely controlled by killing intents will naturally instinctively attack those blood people who are surroundedings.

However, those blood people are almost immune to all attacks, and the same cannot attack any attacks.

However, because of the special effects of their immune attacks, I am afraid that the target controlled by the killing intent will only be here, living is being exhausted by all the power, and then slowly swallowed by this space!

If Zhao Fang is not immune to killing intent, Zhao Fang believes that I am afraid there is absolutely no way to deal with it!

Zhao Fang stood there, ignoring the challenges of surrounding people, but thinking about how to leave this strange Space.

Zhao Fang doesn’t think this is fun.

If this is really the within the body of a strange creature, then Zhao Fang believes that there will be a countless quirky small world waiting for himself.

At this time, Zhao Fang feels extremely strange.

I thought that I am now likely to be in the body of a huge creature, and the key is that I didn’t even see anything, it was swallowed by the fellow.

This feeling is really a bit uncomfortable.

However, at this moment, Zhao Fang wants to find a way out, but it seems a bit tricky.

In this fellow’s with the the body, I did not expect that there are so many strange small worlds.

If Zhao Fang is just an ordinary cultivator, even if the cultivation base is high, I am afraid it is difficult to accept such a thing.

After all, the general cultivator, with the body has only a small world, no matter how he wants to change the small world, but in general, it is just a World nothing more.

However, the ancient god’s cultivation is not the same, Zhao Fang himself is a best example.

Since Zhao Fang obtained the ancient Divine Spark seed, the small world seed with the body has changed. By now, Zhao Fang’s with the body is not a big star, it is composed of many different small worlds. Constructed.

Then, in this ancient god Battlefield, if the life of the existence is still alive, there is no doubt that it is only the existence of the gods and servants left by the ancient gods.

These things, but the Divine Strength is cultivated, even if it can’t compare with the ancient gods, but after all, it has the same means as the ancient gods.

Within the body of the small world, naturally it will be built by countless small world.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhao Fang also thought about it, simply break the small world directly, and then go out and see.

But soon, Zhao Fang gave up on this idea.

Because combined with his own world with the body, Zhao Fang can guess, I am afraid, even if you break this small world, Zhao Fang can see, it is just an endless small world.

Even the servant, within the body is certainly different from the ordinary cultivator.

Breaking World will only bring trouble to Zhao Fang.

So now, what should Zhao Fang do?

That small world attack, Zhao Fang can easily crack, because the exclusiveness of Divine Strength, for everything in this small world, is one kind restraint.

However, if you want to completely break this small world, then Zhao Fang’s power is still too weak and too weak.

Therefore, he needs to find a suitable way.

Most importantly, Zhao Fang didn’t even know that there was still a lot of Unknown waiting for him in this monster’s with the body.

That one’s mysterious Unknown World, will there be an existence that poses a threat to Zhao Fang, and this one may not.

Even the most basic, if Zhao Fang is really trapped in the small world of this fellow within the body, I am afraid, in fact, there is no difference between Zhao Fang and death.

What should I do? Zhao Fang began to think in his heart.

Zhao Fang has to think now.

Moreover, we must also think calmly.

I can find a solution.

To avoid him being really trapped here!

This small world is a monster’s with the body, then, since that monster can silently inhale Zhao Fang into the small world.

I am afraid that Zhao Fang wants to come out, it is not so simple.

Want to go out, then, only the monster will take the initiative to release it!

Zhao Fang thought of this, it is thinking about the monster itself! Suddenly, Zhao Fang’s eyes lit up, but he thought, is it possible, this strange little world, in fact, is not like the ancient god, it is the existence of the monster itself, but like an average person, These ones

A small world, is this monster within the body of the internal organs?

It is not without this possibility, you must know, the general puppet or something, the artificially produced thing, with the body generally does not existence what is five chapters and six hexagrams, but it must also existence to supply the energy system.

The puppet made by the ancient gods or the servants of the gods, they can have a long-term existence, then naturally it also needs the supply of energy.

The ancient gods chose to use these systems of energy supply in such an internal and external manner.

In fact, it is not impossible.

If it is true!

So what if Zhao Fang destroyed it?

Isn’t that monster that can only be forced to release itself?

This is not impossible!

It is very likely!

Thinking of this, Zhao Fang no longer hesitates, but directly hands!

a path of Divine Strength was condensed by Zhao Fang and launched an attack on the round World in front!

This World, land and sky are upside down, but this is convenient for Zhao Fang’s attack!

A loud bang, that looks at the heavy land, but it bursts!

Zhao Fang didn’t hesitate, but toward that point, and constantly launched an attack!

How thick is this land? Zhao Fang doesn’t know, but Zhao Fang is convinced that if these weird small worlds are really organ-like existence, there must be a limit. As long as you break this limit, you will naturally be able to break through here!

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