If it is to change to the current self-cultivator, naturally impossible to say such a thing, but between Ancient Era and Ancient comprehension, it is normal to say such a thing.

After all, in Ancient Era, the only goal that people contend with is the ancient god!

In the family, everyone is extremely united, and even in Ancient Era, becoming an ancient cultivator, what is represented is not the right, but the responsibility!

At Ancient Era, regardless of any Race, Powerhouse’s greatest mission is to protect the same family, so that the same family can survive in the face of the ancient gods of bloody and cruel, and not be destroyed.

In fact, because there is no Powerhouse guardian, there are too many genres

Nowadays, there are sayings of the Ten Thousand people. It seems that they are always ready to hate, but in fact, in the ancient gods, there is a saying of the world’s billions!

Among them, the Race that was destroyed by the ancient gods is visible and how many!

After all, in Ancient Era, the ancient god is the only master, the only ruler!

As for the other Races, it is not much different from the wild beasts of Human Race in the eyes. Zhao Fang saw the man swinging and seemed to be waiting for his attack, but Zhao Fang did not start, but started to talk and asked: “Wait a minute, can you tell me what the level means? And the senior What is the guardian? Also,

Why is Time still alive after Time has passed? ”

The middle-aged man heard Zhao Fang’s question, lightly smiled, but he put away his posture and said: “I didn’t expect that you could read it even if you didn’t know it.”

“But, speaking, I don’t know what my behind is. I only know that I and the other nine Powerhouses are just a corridor more than the corridor of the ancient tomb!”

“As for why I can live to the present, it is actually very simple, because inside the mausoleum, the ancient god laid down Time’s eternal special formation!”

“This is part of the ancient god’s one kind special Divine Array, as long as this Time is in the eternal array, Time will not pass, although I am obviously able to feel the passage of time, but my body does not change anything. !”

“It can be said that even if I stayed here for hundreds of millions of years, in fact, my body is still in my most peak state, because the ancient god, when I was at the peak, take action, will me Take it!”

Zhao Fang gave a slight glimpse, but did not expect that this ancient god has such deliberate means.

The Longmark Time array method, as long as it is enveloped by the formation, the people inside the emotion are clearly headed, and even free to move, but the body function is permanently locked.

Isn’t this the kindness of one kind of perseverance?

This means, Zhao Fang had to admire the power of the ancient god.

It’s just that no matter how powerful the ancient god is, after all, the ancient gods are now early and disappear.

Zhao Fang looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. He was somewhat unimaginable. How did this middle-aged man live in this lonely life for so many years.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhao Fang. Anyway, Zhao Fang’s goal is to enter here.

Even if there is a countless Unknown in front.

But in any case, the middle-aged man is obviously not too hostile to Zhao Fang, or he is not too hostile to any Human Race.

In this case, Zhao Fang will naturally not be too directed at him. At this moment, Zhao Fang slightly poses an offensive posture, and then he says, “Senior, I must go in, so I can only offend!”

The middle-aged man smiled and said nothing, just posing, indifferently said: “Although let go!”

Zhao Fang did not hesitate, and his hand slammed, but a gust of wind suddenly rolled up.

The middle-aged man’s eyes are disdainful expression!

“The power of the wind? Useless to me!”

However, his voice has just fallen, but it is horrified: “How can it be! This, the power of the wind contains contain Divine Strength! You! How can you be in control of Divine Strength!”

With a bang, the middle-aged man was directly thrown away. In the face of Divine Strength, all his defenses were in vain, not to mention that he still had reservations!

“You, you actually control Divine Strength! ha ha, well, it’s great. If my Human Race can control Divine Strength, then why are you afraid of God!”

Obviously, the average years have been billions of years old, but for the case of Outer World, the middle-aged people did not know that his understanding of Outer World was still when he was imprisoned by the ancient god.

Zhao Fang doesn’t want to break it. After all, if it’s just like this, then this man can still live here at least as long as forever.

However, if Zhao Fang tells him about everything about Outer World, then I am afraid that his heart is simply irresible!

And leaving here is obviously impossible.

Since the ancient god set such a restriction, it is bound to be prepared. It is very likely that once the middle-aged person leaves, or even tries to leave, it will immediately vanish!

Although just saved in an eternal space-time, that is at least either.

Or, this middle-aged person, maybe already is the last ancient cultivator.

After defeating this middle-aged man, Zhao Fang did not continue to stay.

Even if Zhao Fang is very clear, if he is like this middle-aged person to ask something about the ancient gods, or about the ancient cultivator, then this middle-aged person will certainly know everything.

But Zhao Fang is even more clear that once Zhao Fang said this, it is actually the same as breaking the calm of this middle-aged person, and once the calm is broken, then everything will be no longer existence!

Since in this place, it is the servant of the existence gatekeeper and the middle-aged of the existence, then Zhao Fang believes that there must be many other people like this in the back!

Even if Zhao Fang wants to ask, there are actually many opportunities.

Zhao Fang moved again towards the front, this time, he did not say anything.

And the middle-aged people are naturally not blocking.

Sure enough, after passing here, not far from the front, there is a second person!

This is a Demon Race, a Powerhouse for Demon Race!

However, this Demon Race is a bit strange, not the Demon Race, nor the Demon Race in the Demonic beast form, but a life of a wolf.

That Demon Race saw Zhao Fang coming in, obviously a little surprised.

However, this fellow did not have such kind of politeness. When Zhao Fang came in, he said that he directly launched the attack!

Since this fellow is so rude, Zhao Fang does not have to be polite, so Zhao Fang can’t help but say it directly!

However, this time, Zhao Fang is a camera across trouble. Because, this Demonic beast of the wolf’s life, has the extremely strange speed and attack method!

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