“I am not embarrassed to you in the same name for God. Moreover, I will give you a chance. What do you like, even if you take it away!”

The ancient god said it was very sincere.

That’s right, that phantom is the soul of the ancient god, and everything before, even everything that is in the present, is nothing more than the calculation of this ancient god.

However, the ancient god was sincere at the moment, but Zhao Fang did not care what he meant.

And just faintly smiled: “Yes, here, I can’t help you, you can’t help me, so, I laughed at this big traction. As for other things, I don’t want to touch!”

Zhao Fang’s words, let the ancient god silence again.

In fact, even now, the ancient god is actually kidding Zhao Fang.

Look at as if to explain everything, but in fact, his purpose is still to hope that Zhao Fang will go behind other stone doors. Obviously, this ancient god, when actually arranging this palace, the early is almost unbearable, so in fact, here, in addition to the stone gate that Zhao Fang is now entering, and a few parts of the stone gate, other places, once Zhao

When you step on your feet, you will be immediately attacked by the trap that the ancient god once arranged!

The goal of the ancient god is very clear, that is, to use the greed of Zhao Fang, let Zhao Fang enter the stone door, and then use the trap to weaken Zhao Fang!

Only when Zhao Fang is weakened to a certain extent, he has the opportunity of body possession.

But who knows, his conspiracy, once again was seen by Zhao Fang!

Maybe there are other Divine Ability here, maybe there are a lot of treasures here.

But Zhao Fang knows more clearly that there is more danger here!

Therefore, Zhao Fang will not continue to explore.

With this great traction technique, it is an unexpected surprise.

And as for saying to enter again?

At least I have to wait until Zhao Fang is skilled in this big traction book, and his own strength can improve some.

After all, go now, it is simply court death!

A trap that controls the ancient gods of Time.

Moreover, it is still a trap for the living possession of the body possession. Where is it simple?

Of course, perhaps the next door will be pushed open, and there will still be no trouble.

But it is also possible that the next door will be pushed open, and Zhao Fang will be trapped, thus becoming the fate of the body possession of this ancient god.

In this regard, Zhao Fang looks very transparent.

Even if there are more things here, no matter how good, Zhao Fang is also likely to explore again!

Because Zhao Fang is very clear, once he opens Shimen, perhaps waiting for him, it is a trap that he can’t resist at all.

Don’t look at it now, it seems that the ancient god can not Zhao Fang, but it does not mean that the ancient gods left the means can not help Zhao Fang.

Or think that it is really good before you passed 99.

Perhaps the 99 guards are indeed good at Strength.

But because this is the tomb of the ancient gods, then their Strengths are obviously problematic.

Even if those people just release one, they are definitely a side powerhouse in Outer World.

However, the ancient gods, the ancient cultivators are powerful?

The power of the ancient god is even more unquestionable.

If you say that the ancient gods really intend to study outside, I am afraid, it will not be those who choose.

Those people, although the entrance is also a postgraduate, but more is one kind of blind eye nothing more!

People will inevitably have greed. If Zhao Fang is also a greedy person, he will think in his heart.

Look, the 99 guards outside can handle it, so if you really have what the ancient god left behind, you can naturally deal with it easily.

But if you really think so, and really do it, I am afraid there is only one dead end.

What Zhao Fang does not understand is that since this ancient god can retain his Remnant Spirit, he can arrange it.

So why do he have to set up these stone gates?

Can’t you just arrange it in the hallway above?

If this is the case, I am afraid that when you step into the place from Zhao Fang, there is no chance for the already.

Of course, the doubt of the reason, but Zhao Fang does not intend to go deeper.

Whether it is because of the problem of the ancient gods, or because of the personal preference of the ancient god.

But for Zhao Fang, these are not important.

Because here, always is not worthy of his nostalgia.

After a short time, Zhao Fang was already ready to walk outside the mausoleum.

The ancient god has no screaming, and there is nothing to retain, as if it is really only Zhao Fang’s choice to rely on Zhao Fang’s personal preferences.

Zhao Fang knows clearly, the plan of the ancient god!

Because the ancient god, even if it is now, is still counting Zhao Fang.

It is not uncommon to be cautious, especially the Ancient Era, the ancient ancient comprehension united to defeat the ancient god.

Ancient Era, the cultivation resources are extremely limited, so, in fact, within the ancient comprehens, it is also necessary to suffer from the general robbing of resources.

As a result, Ancient Era is a hundred times more cruel than it is now.

So naturally, these minds will only be more.

And the ancient god’s plan, Zhao Fang can also guess a few points.

Still those two words, greedy nothing more!

Zhao Fang obtained great traction, and after the cultivation, I felt the powerful.

Then there is a great possibility that I am thinking about it here.

Fortunately, if you are in a room without a trap, can you get a this God pass or a Divine Artifact again?

This kind of thinking, maybe Zhao Fang will not have it now, but no one can say it in the future.

Especially if Zhao Fang is in the camera across the great difficult, or even the easy to compete with the enemy, then this idea is even more likely!

The ancient god, perhaps even if he decided this, he did not stop at all, but left Zhao Fang to leave.

For the ancient god, the trillion-year-old Time can wait, let alone this trivial a little Time.

Even if it is 1000-year, for the ancient god, isn’t it just a snap?

It can be said that the calculation of the ancient god is by no means a leisurely one.

Even early, some are not like the ancient Era’s style of relying on absolute strength, crushing the mortal ancient gods.

If he can have such a flexible mind in Ancient Era, why is it so late?

It’s a pity that this ancient god is destined to be bad luck.

After all, he met Zhao Fang.

The ancient god of Inheritance, the ancient god’s treasure!

It seems that it is difficult for anyone to refuse to change, but Zhao Fang is such a different kind!

For others, it is absolutely unforgettable, and it is absolutely impossible to abandon the ancient Divine treasure.

In the heart of Zhao Fang, it is actually like that.

Very simple reason, because Zhao Fang and System existence!

As long as there is System, then, what are these things of the ancient gods actually worth?

Also, it’s not!

So, when Zhao Fang came out, he made a decision that the ancient god could never think of!

That is, Zhao Fang took the action directly, but it destroyed the place! Yes, Zhao Fang has no hesitation at all. It is directly ruining the entrance here!

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