“I have already ordered, and all countries need to draw troops to the front line. Even if Strength is weaker, it doesn’t matter, but you, and the moon shadow fairy country sent troops to support the front line of the demons, actually want to destroy the moon shadow fairy country.”

“Very good, very good, since you want to destroy others, then you can experience some of the tastes of being destroyed!”

“Transfer, let me bring them, let them see their fairy country destroyed, and then kill them!”

Zhao Fang once again issued an order, and immediately there were a number of silhouettes rushing out, directly controlling the important personnel of Fei Xue Xian Guo and other five countries.

“You, you can’t do this, even if we attack the moon shadow fairy country is wrong, but why do you kill our six fairy kings, they, they have not joined the attack!”

Suddenly, someone was loudly shouted.

Yes, This is something that the Six-Power Allied Forces has done, so it is not enough to kill only those leaders. Why does Zhao Fang have to kill the six people in Xianguo? However, Zhao Fang did not shake at all because of this person’s words, but indifferently said: “You send troops, they have no objections, this is wrong! Hey, the demons and the two races, this is your life and death, if you are attacked by Devil Race, anyway, anyway

All of you are going to die. If this is the case, then I am better off fulfilling you in advance! “From today, if any of the immortal countries do not accept the order, or even take the opportunity to chaos, the whole country is up and down, all slaughtered!” Very moment, very means, don’t tell me what reason, the two races, if there is no Strength, that’s all, but there is Strength

Still thinking about hiding Strength, I hope others will go to Battlefield and hide behind themselves, then don’t blame me for being ruthless! ”

“I still do what I want, I will send orders immediately. I will give you three days of Time. After three days, if there are still one person in the six immortals, then you will come to see you!”

Zhao Fang is almost roaring this time.

Suddenly, the people in Zhao Fang behind no longer dared to hesitate. Two of them directly rushed toward the ground, and the six-nation coalition forces rushed down. It is obviously ready to kill the six-nation coalition elite.

As for the remaining 18,000 people, they are already leaving!

Obviously, it is to convey the command, and the wholesale slaughtered the six countries.


Perhaps it is cruel, it is not human, and the appointment is regarded as a child!

However, Zhao Fang had to do this.

This time it was only a few small fairy countries, the calculations are all killed, and several fairy countries add up to tens of millions!

However, if this wind does not stop in time, then after a period of time, it may not be a trivial population of less than 10 million people, but a population of hundreds of millions or even billions of people in the Xianguo.

So what should I do then?

Since it is a chicken and a monkey, and it is to shock the countless Human Race, then Zhao Fang must be a bit more.

Besides, Zhao Fang has actually conducted an investigation. Among the six immortals, it is actually from the Country Lord to the ordinary people.

They all have the idea of ​​one kind of speculation.

In their minds, they all expect, others can go to Devil Race and they are hiding behind.

The excuse is that Strength is not enough.

However, you must know that, as they are, the small fairy country does not have countless people to go to the front line of the demons!

Even if the front is not as good as the Devil Race, but even if you can do some logistics insider, can you do it?

But they did not do this, they chose to escape, and chose selfishness!

Zhao Fang must completely cut off this idea.

It is also necessary to use special means to let everyone know that the demorious war is not a play, everyone, there is no qualification to sit back and ignore!

Take six fairy kings to to talk, the only way to shock other people!

The only way to do this is whether those who are willing or not will not expect to expect them to go to Battlefield, but at least they will not dare to mess around.

In this way, those who are interested in Battlefield killed Devil Race can really feel attentive to Battlefield.

Zhao Fang, what is required is a relatively good environment.

Let the coalitions who are desperate in the front line and Devil Race not have the worries!


Follow the instructions of Zhao Fang. Even if it didn’t take up to three months, the six immortals were already declared to be dead.

The six immortals, which took almost less than two days of Time, were completely destroyed, and there was no living in the country!

Such news naturally shocked the entire Immortal World and also shook the countless Xianguo and Zongmen.

At this moment, they finally know that Zhao Fang is serious!

And some before have the same idea as the Fairyland Kingdom, the Country Country Lord, can not help but keep cool.

If this is not because they have not had time to take action, is it not that they are killed by the nationals this time?

For a while, inside the entire Human Race, the voice of the battle was steady.

Zhao Fang figured out the six countries, and the immediate gave a clear signal.

If you don’t want to go to Battlefield, just ask for self-protection, then you must be prepared to die.

Because Zhao Fang will not let them go!

For a time, waiting for Yuan Xianxian or Zhao Fang to give orders, countless Xianguo rushed to send their own soldiers!

As a result, the front line naturally accommodated a great complement, making the Human Race’s defense more robust.

Of course, after solving the problem of the moon shadow fairy country, Zhao Fang did not even see the Moon Lord Country Lord, it was directly back to the lotus range.

After all, killing the six countries of the snow, only Zhao Fang is easy to that’s all.

But the real goal of Zhao Fang is actually the lotus range.

This time, Zhao Fang’s plan is actually very simple.

It is to bring an elite, through the lotus range to reach the security zone.

Then one took Ning’an.

Of course, just this is not enough. Zhao Fang knows this very clearly.

Therefore, only the order, the frontline owners, ready to counterattack, and even, madly began to test the attack.

Make a look that will be comprehensive counterattack.

Of course, this is just one thing, that is, to break the Devil Race’s Powerhouse.

In a word, Devil Race’s Powerhouse is actually much smaller than the Human Race.

It’s just that their individual Strength is quite powerful that’s all.

But how powerful and how, in the face of Human Race’s sea attack, Devil Race is actually very difficult.

Ning’an, for Devil Race, is also extremely important.

After all, only to hold the Ning’an world, then Devil Race can source the constant input force and reverse the battle.

Therefore, when the front line of the Human Race was frequently mobilized and even prepared for a full-scale attack, Devil Race naturally did not dare to support the team, but fully activated the combat preparation. But in fact, Zhao Fang is now, with a good person, came to the lotus range.

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