Chapter 343 Nine Trap God Array !

“What a nice view!”

Yu Xi took it, and after glanced at it, in the eyes suddenly a mess of mesmerizing appeared.


Its charming face is a blush.

“Zhao Fang…Thank you, thank you. This is still the first time to send me necklace at the first time.”

Zhao Fang saw this scene,ududly dumbfounded.

‘fuck, the whole mistake will be! ‘

He gave it, after paying off the debt, System reward’s ‘Heart of Ocean’, after wearing, can fully upgrade the attributes of 50 percent.

Zhao Fang wanted to leave it to Zi Shan.

But Zi Shan is not there, he is ready to give Yu Xi, temporarily strengthen some of her Strength, easy to arrange Array.

What I expected, Yu Xi actually thought more.

He wanted to explain, but this kind of thing is more and more black.


It is easy to break the feelings, especially if Yu Xi first enters as master.

‘Forget it, misunderstanding will be misunderstood, big deal, and then a whole better one, give me Zi Shan. ‘

Zhao Fang thinks like this, but he smiles and looks at Yu Xi: “This is not an ordinary necklace, it will bring you good luck.”

“Oh?” Yu Xi expressed doubts about this.

Zhao Fang went forward and put it on her personally.

Yu Xi expressed resistance, after all, this is not an ordinary occasion.

It is the real eye-catching.

Zhao Fang has a thick face and doesn’t feel anything. Yu Xi’s face is full of blush, like drunk, emits with thrilling beauty.

Especially under the ‘Heart of Ocean’.

Yu Xi kept bowing and her face was shy.

In her heart, it is sweet.

This feeling is very weird, she can not tell, the road is unknown.

When the necklace was worn, Yu Xi was moved, and the charming face suddenly stunned and shocked.

She felt the out of the ordinary of necklace.

“This…” Yu Xi looked at Gao Huan.

She thought it was just an ordinary necklace, but did not expect that this necklace is actually a Divine Artifact!

Divine Artifact Ah!

Even if the background has a long Wood clan, there are not a few pieces.

Let alone give away!

Zhao Fang, however, will be so invulnerable and priceless Divine Artifact, eyes are not stunned, and gave it to himself.

‘He what is this mean? ‘

Yu Xi was messy. She didn’t want to think about it, but after learning the value of ‘Heart of Ocean’, she couldn’t help thinking about it.

“Catch it, it’s perfect for you!”

Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

Yu Xi looks at Zhao Fang, his face is unconscious, more red, and with a bang, he lowers his head and his head is almost buried in his chest.

“This time, I have to wait for the rabbit! Killing the Golden Divine Ox in one fell swoop, the location of the battle is set in an oasis in the Border of Wasteland.”

Zhao Fang said.

The reason why he chooses that place, except for the sparsely populated, the great war, will not spread to the innocent.

Also because of the rich nature of the grass, it is suitable for Wood clan battle.

“Listen to you!” Yu Xi is like a little wife. For overbearing husband, there is no point of rebellion.

“Let’s go!”

Zhao Fang waved with a big hand and took the Big Legion and set off on a mighty.

All the way above, countless’s Influence and Sect, were shocked by the black beast tide of the sky. As soon as they approached, they will be forced back by an invisible force. Even the Martial Venerable Powerhouse will be instantly injured.

“These are who? What do they want to do?”

This is countless. See the people of the Big Legion, the only thought in the heart.

“Come on!”

There are several self-sustaining cultivation bases, the Martial Saint Powerhouse, which is far behind the team.

However, Zhao Fang waved into Corpse, and after the last few ‘Midnight Fearful Bell Cards’, he was tied up, Corpse Legion, and added new!

Seeing Zhao Fang so Fearful Might, those Influences were frightened and hurriedly fled, saying nothing dared to follow.


This amazing scene, like a storm, spread quickly throughout Wood Prefecture.

A big shock that triggered Wood Prefecture Sect Influence!

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhao Fang.

After refining a few Martial Saints, they accelerated their march and arrived at their destination two days later.

Desolate Wasteland Hills!

Yu Xi has returned to calm, but when I look at Zhao Fang occasionally, the charming face will unexpectedly rosy.

“Next, it’s up to you!”

“Yeah!” Yu Xi expression is awe-inspiring. “This time, I stepped into Martial Saint Realm and I was sure to arrange ‘Nine Trap God Array’.”

“What material is needed?”

“The material is basically complete, just a few spirits, a little troublesome. However, before coming here, Fifth Elder gave me this.”

Yu Xi spread his hand and there were nine branches in his hand.

That branch is very weak and looks like it can be easily broken.

But inside the branches, there is a strange aura.

That aura, even Zhao Fang, is somewhat incomprehensible.

“what is this?”

“Relic of Wood Clan Elder’s ancestors.” Yu Xi said one word at a time.

“Wood Clan Elder’s ancestors? Fighting with Golden Divine Ox, the last heavy injury, the nine-leaf Old Ancestor?”

“Well, after his death, his heart is unwilling, and he turns into these nine branches. Don’t look at them very weak, but the Attack Power that broke out is not inferior to some Heaven Rank treasure. Especially under the nine alliances, chasing Divine Artifact! Moreover, the most remarkable aspect of this treasure is not the attack, it is the enemy!”

“Oh?” Zhao Fang’s eyes are shining.

Even with the ‘Heart of Ocean’ blessing, Yu Xi was almost backlash when laying out the Array.

after all.

This is not an ordinary Array, but a real Divine Array.

Although Yu Xi is extremely amazing in Array research, she is still just a Martial Saint.

Forced to place the Divine Array of Tier-1, her heart is one kind of great loss and torture.

If you change to an ordinary person, even if you are a natural talent and then Defying the Heavens, you can’t arrange a Divine Array.

But Yu Xi is different. She owns the Golden Eye Race bloodline of Ancient Ten Golden Ancient Race, which can break through all illusions.

Originally needed to reach God Realm to connect to Array Vein Lines, but after she used Golden Eye, she barely put together.

But this combination, the destruction of Yu Xi, is also great!

After the Array was arranged, the Yu Xi complexion was pale as paper, with cold sweat on the forehead, and the lovable body trembled and shaken.

“You, you are too stupid!” Zhao Fang hugged Yu Xi, who was crumbling, and he could feel that Yu Xi’s life essence had been damaged for at least sixty years.

“Must be Killed Divine Ox, you have to take me to find the return to the clan.” Yu Xi took Zhao Fang’s hand and smiled.

“Reassured!” Zhao Fang nod.

While speaking, he took out a Pill Medicine and handed it to Yu Xi. “You take it, if Crisis is at the moment, take it immediately, and you can save your life!”

Zhao Fang gave her Pill Medicine, naturally Rebirth Pill.

“You take it, I can’t use it.”

“Stupid girl, are you worried about me? Don’t worry, I still have it.”

After Zhao Fang repeatedly guaranteed, Yu Xi received Rebirth Pill.

Later, Zhao Fang used the Tree Heart Source liquid to heal Yu Xi.

The Tree Heart Source liquid, one of the Wood clan Supreme Treasures, contains a rich vitality that has an extremely significant effect on healing.

After Yu Xi took a drop, the injury was better than half, and he adjusted himself for half a day, and he has already recovered Peak.

But this is only the appearance.

Her loss of life essence, but what spirit pill miracle medicine, can not make up!

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