“All strategic level Magical Treasure, battle, recharge!”

“The death squad, give it to me!”

The death squad is a group of people specially organized by Zhao Fang. These people are all on a voluntary basis, and the number is only 10,000.

There is only one one for their Task, that is, for the strategic level Magical Treasure, etc., delaying Time!

From their departure, they are nine deaths and one life, and everyone knows this.

And what they use is no longer their ordinary Magical Treasure, but a special strategic level!

This is not a Magical Treasure or a far-reaching battle, and it is mostly a consumable item for a one-time attack.

At Battlefield, there are also people who will use it, but in fact, it is actually a large-scale battle that is rarely used on a large scale.

After all, this thing can not recognize people at all.

Once mobilized, it is an indiscriminate attack!

However, in order to win, Zhao Fang can only do this.

The task of daring to die is actually not complicated.

There is only one one for their Task, that is, when Devil Race launches the charge, use your Life to delay Time nothing more!

At the moment, a path of silhouette rushed out in front of the crazy moved towards.

Finally, after reaching the attack range, each and everyone’s strategic level symbols are launched directly!

That is a strategic level.

The might that broke out can be simple?

Therefore, in fact, it is only such a time that illuminates the symbol. In fact, the 10,000 death squads that rushed out lost almost half of the already.

However, they still can’t retreat. Their Task is to hold the strategic level Magical Treasure, and the array is fully charged.

So, they can’t go back now!

“Everyone, self-destruct attack!”

Suddenly, the captain of the death squad was ordered.

After all, the strategic level method is very difficult to make, and Zhao Fang can use 10,000 strategic level symbols. In fact, immediate is the limit.

Then the remaining time, Time, will allow the death squads to find their own way.

The choice of the death squad is a self-destruct attack!

Delay the time by suicide.

They clearly know what their Task is and know that as long as they can complete their Task and delay Devil Race, then Devil Race must be extinct.

A Boom sounded one after another.

It was one after another death squad warrior, and finally launched his own attack.

Zhao Fang silently at this scene, without any expression.

It’s not Zhao Fang’s cold blood, but Zhao Fang knows very well that in the face of Devil Race, there is no possibility of weakness.

Sacrifice is a must, not to mention the death squad that sacrifices thousands of people.

Even many times, for the overall strategy, the choice of sacrificing a few fairy countries, hundreds of millions of people, is also a necessary choice.

After all, This is Race war.

The cost of failure is not as simple as the death of a few people, but will be destroyed!

Devil Race If you beat Human Race, then the entire Human Race will be extinct by Devil Race!

By the same token, if Human Race defeats Devil Race, Devil Race will also be extinct.

There is no reason for the Race war, and there is no morality and morality. The only criterion is extinction!

Between the two Races, only one of the Races is completely extinct, then it is the end.

As for victory or failure?

In fact, there is no need to think about victory or failure.

After all, the cost of failure is to destroy the family.

The entire Race is gone, so what is the meaning of the outcome.

In the face of the death squad self-destruct attack, Devil Race did not hesitate at all, but also sent the countless Devil Race.

It is all about self-destruct.

Of course, in fact, they have no other choice at all.

If you can’t offset the impact of the death squad self-destruct with a self-destruct, Devil Race will lose more.

Zhao Fang doesn’t care about this at all.

Sacrifice is inevitable and necessary.

The sacrifice of the death squad will inevitably have the countless Devil Race for their funeral.

“Report, all the formations are ready!”

“Report, the strategic level of Magical Treasure is ready!”

A voice report sounded. Zhao Fang did not hesitate to directly order: “The second wave of attacks, start!”

Countless’s rays of light rose again.

However, at this moment, the death squad is still entangled with Devil Race.

It’s a pity that I have no choice now.

After all, even if they want to retire, they are too late.

The only thing that can be done is to go with Devil Race.

500,000 Devil Race is elite, just two joint attacks, it is the elimination of the vast majority, and at this moment, Ning’an is left behind but trivial tens of thousands of Devil Race nothing more.

It can be seen that the outbreak of this strategic level Magical Treasure, array law, etc. is the horror of what kind of.

Of course, Devil Race, which survived these two strikes, is the last elite.

After all, these people, at least against the wave of strategic Magical Treasure.

Strength should not be underestimated.

If it is said to be a normal time, then now, naturally, it can only send elites to go out and fight hard. After all, to complete the third strategic level of Magical Treasure, it is obvious that Time is not enough.

But now, Zhao Fang does not need to mobilize people, the reason is very simple, because Zhao Fang at the moment, and the nine strategic Nine Heavens Battleship!

Nine Heavens Battleship, this is the pure attack of Battleship, so now is the time for them to fight.

“All Nine Heavens Battleship, each chooses a target, free attack!”

The free attack of before is because the enemy is too dense, so there is no need to choose.

The current free attack is because the enemy is scattered everywhere, and if it is a combination, it is not as good as a free attack.

At the moment, on the nine Nine Heavens Battleship, the ready shines a variety of rays of light. In a twinkling of an, the path of rays of light rises.

Nine Heavens Battleship’s attacking tactics are almost always the Sword Array of choice.

So at this moment, I saw that from the Nine Heavens Battleship, the number of hundred thousand to the sword light flashed.

Under the control of the Powerhouse on the Nine Heavens Battleship, the a path of sword light turned into a long dragon, directly moved to enemy to kill the past.

One by one enemy is directly bombarded by this sword light dragon.

The horrible might directly caused one and the next Devil Race to explode, and the a path of sword light was slowly swimming.

The sword light played by Nine Heavens Battleship is so horrible, in fact, because the array used on it is not made of special materials from the Nine Heavens Alliance.

It can be said that each sword light is actually made by compressing Immortal Force dozens of times.

In this way, it is that each of the sword light itself has a terrible might.

Not to mention the sword light at the moment.

Devil Race is so eloquent that it can be said that it is not afraid of death.

They knew clearly from the moment they received the order. If they can’t break through the defense of Ning’an, then the countless Devil Race that enters the hinterland of Human Race can only stay here, so they have no choice!

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