The giant foot disappeared, as if nothing had happened before!

But at this moment, suddenly, a fist shadow appeared.

How big is that punch?

Even that punch, the ready to cover the entire Ning’an world!


Another loud noise came.

This time, even if the Defensive Array of Ning’an was fully opened, the giant boxing was still trembling in the sturdy Ning’an defense barriers, and even many places were fragmented.

As for the soldiers who were armed in the defensive barriers, they were directly shocked by countless!

So terrifying Attack Power, what exactly is the attack?

At this time, Zhao Fang is also awkward.

He can see that it seems that the attack on Ning’an is not a Life body, nor will it use magic or Immortal Force.

His attack was entirely carried out with his horrible Fleshy Body.

However, what a huge monster is to have such a horrible and huge body.

You know, that foot covers half of the Ning’an world Ah!

What’s more, now, no matter whether through the mind or just by the naked eye, nothing is seen at all.

Can it be said that all this is fake?

But can the attack on the Ning’an world be a failure of the family?

So no one knows what it’s going on.

But the Ning’an world is really under attack!

“Fast, send people to investigate, what is attacking us!”

Zhao Fang can only send the discipline of the Immortal Sect.

After all, there are still many people in the discipline of the Immortal Sect.

They have all kinds of adventures and they have their own special Ability.

Dozens of daoist silhouettes are skyrocketing. Obviously, I want to go to Void to find out, and there is something to attack in Void.

However, at this time, the sky is a huge palm falling!

In an instant, the dozens of Immortal Sect’s Powerhouse were killed directly!

What is this?

The people in the Ning’an area were puzzled and shocked.

But in contrast to Devil Race, it is very exciting, whether it is the Devil Race of the Internal and External of Ning’an, is not shouting loudly.

They naturally know what it is!

That’s Demon God Clone!

The demons have finally used Demon God Clone!

Finally, someone came to Zhao Fang by reporting from the shouts of Devil Race.

“Son of God, this, Demon God Clone of This is Devil Race!”

Demon God Clone ?

Zhao Fang knows a little, but he didn’t think that this Demon God Clone was so powerful.

“Sir, Devil Race summon Demon God Clone is graded. Now attacking this Demon God Clone in Ning’an is obviously the most powerful existence!”

Zhao Fang knows this naturally, but the key to the problem is how to break this Demon God Clone?

“someone comes, speed up the formation, use the secret technique to contact Sect, see Sect whether there is a way to crack.”

Get the order, there are several elements of Immortal Sect disciple immediately set up a special sound transmission array.

Regardless of any sound transmission or other means of communication, there are distance limitations. However, the Immortal Sect has a special means of communication, that is, through the method of array transformation, a complete communication channel is constructed by the tactic method. The channel cannot be instantly transmitted, but it can also be Short Time Counter


Several Immortal Sect disciple constantly told Sect about the situation in Ning’an, and Sect immediately began to look up.

Soon, there is a result.

Devil Race In the study of Human Race, Human Race is not always studying Devil Race.

So, for Devil Race’s Demon God summon, there is naturally some understanding.

“Sir, according to the intelligence on the Sect side, what is attacking us now is one of Devil Race’s Top Level Demon God summon, which is based on the few thousand thousand Devil Race and the countless treasure sacrifice!”

“According to Sect, the Demon God Clone of this Rank strength is not what we can compete with. Now we have only two choices, either to resist the death of Demon God Clone, or to evacuate immediately!”


That is obviously impossible, Ning’an must not be lost, if the Ning’an world is lost again, want to take back is fundamentally impossible.

Once the Ning’an world falls into the hands of enemy, even if it is to build a second line of defense, at least it must give up dozens or even hundreds of areas of the country.

Such a vast area, that is, billion trillion Human Race Life Ah!

Ning’an must not be lost, even if all the people are now dead here, you must never lose the Ning’an world! “Tell me orders, everyone, stick to it, I don’t have to explain too much, you should understand that if we lose the Ning’an world, then Human Race needs to pay what kind of price, even the whole front is possible. Crash! So, even if

It is dead, but also to withstand! ”

Zhao Fang loudly shouted.

From the beginning of the war to the present, he finally moved first time!

Instead of using Ye Xuandu, everyone understands the importance of the Ning’an community. At this moment, from all walks of life, from the various facilities, each and everyone Human Race came out sharply, everyone came silently to the Ning’an border guardian nodules, they want to use their own Immortal Force or even Life Maintaining the guardian knot of Ning’an area is not broken


As long as the guardian nod is not broken, then the Demon God Clone will impulse into the Ning’an world.

adhere to! Only insist!

No one knows how long Demon God Clone can last, but everyone knows that if you can’t hold on, then everything is over!

It’s not just that they all want to stay here, and there’s the countless Human Race soldier who started the charge and died in battle. It’s also white!

Persevere, even if you use your life to persist!

Demon God Clone’s attack continued, one after another, without stopping.

The whole Ning’an world is shaking, and at the same time, the countless people are also falling down.

Either exhaust the Immortal Force or be directly killed by the aftermath of Demon God Clone!

Everyone is sticking to clench one’s teeth.

At the moment, the nine-headed Phoenix came to Zhao Fang. “Master, I am from the Sense of this Demon God Clone to the power of God of Ancient Demon. If I didn’t guess wrong, Devil God Clone of Devil Race summon should be the power of God of Ancient Demon. Perhaps, the god of Ancient Demon is also What secret technique is there, will be your own

Part of the power was saved from the ancient extinction of Ancient, and then defended Devil Race! “I have carefully observed that the attack of Demon God Clone is only based on pure physical strength, and the attack has no rules. It can be seen that this Demon God Clone does not have its own consciousnessness, but relies only on the distance.” Devil Race Priest Control

System, so I think maybe we can destroy this Demon God Clone by killing Devil Race priest! Zhao Fang thought a little, but he ordered nod: “This is indeed a solution, but Devil Race will definitely focus on protecting those priests. We have sent more people, and Demon God Clone will take action directly and send it out.” There are fewer people, maybe not at all! ”

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