However, it was useless because they could not break that horrific Immortal Force and Demon Qi martyr.

  Once they fall into it, if they are defenceless, only dead end, and if they are defensive, they can’t do anything!

  Unfortunately, however, the Moon Demon King’s wishful thinking will eventually be empty.

  And don’t forget that this horrible Immortal Force and Demon Qi, the magazine Divine Strength, is itself Zhao Fang Divine Strength, will be free to move, then Zhao Fang wants to move.

  At this point, people in the eyes, as if they were just accidental.

  A terrorist martyr fell directly in front of the Moon Fairy King, almost brainstorming, and the Moon Fairy King had to temporarily relinquish control over the royal armor and then confront that martyr.

  Zhao Fang moved, moved towards the horrible martyr!

  “Your Majesty can’t!”

  “Don’t go there, Sect Master!”

  “Sir be careful!”

  All kinds of screaming.

  People already know the horror of that martyr, and now Zhao Fang passed, why not court death?

  But Zhao Fang didn’t have half a hesitation, and Zhao Fang wanted it, even if it wasn’t for himself, even for human race, he had to get it back!


  Zhao Fang naturally knew the danger, and at this point he was completely consumed by the body Divine Strength, and if it was affected by the martyr, Zhao Fang would have heavy injury even if he was not dead.

  Even Zhao Fang already is ready for psychological preparations, and when he has to, he will block the attack at the expense of detonating himself in the body, a small world!

  The next scene, however, is to make everyone stupid.

  Because, just as Zhao Fang was approaching that martyr, the Emperor’s armor flashed out of rays of light, and struck out of Devil Race’s control and turned into a flowing light, moving towards Zhao Fang.

  “The Emperor has recognized Master!”

  Everyone’s stuck, nobody’s expecting that, in this bone eye, the Emperor will recognize Master!

  The royal armor, or the crown Set, can’t be chosen by anyone, but only by itself recognized Master, which everyone knows.

  But no one wants to, no one wants to, no one wants to know Zhao Fang as master!

  This change, so many people are stuck.

  That month, Demon King was more like a flame!

  What’s his purpose for this time to mobilize the royal armor?

  To let Zhao Fang die without refusing!

  But now it’s good that he put everything in his hand, but it’s all Zhao Fang.

  In the case of Emperor Set alone, it is not equal that Zhao Fang obtain a royal armor, even if it is not possible to obtain the special effects of Royal Set, but at least to obtain the unanimous endorsement of human rights Race.

  This is definitely something Devil Race doesn’t want to see.

  If this Zhao Fang is not killed today, the Moon Demon King already can predict his destiny and must not die again.


  Emperor, the impossible surrounds him!

  Of course, he seems to have forgotten that today is either irreconcilable until death, or Zhao Fang awaits the death of human Race, or his Moon Fairy King and all Devil Race’s death!

  “Kill me! Kill Zhao Fang at some cost!”

  The Moon Demon King yelled loudly, and at this moment there was only one thought in his mind, that was to kill Zhao Fang.

  However, Zhao Fang at this moment is the corner of the mouth.

  Nor did he expect that the Emperor’s armor would be advocating Recomaster, but since the man’s armor already recognized Master, much remained to be done.

  “Everyone, kill Devil Race!”

  Zhao Fang was equally unambiguous and ordered to do so.

  Now, however, this is a lot more than simple.

  Because people need to do it, but just stay where they are, waiting for Devil Race to come out of nothing else.

  Devil Race, if he wanted to break the martyr zone, would certainly pay a huge price, and it would be hard to come out and say that the calculation was hardly forced, and nothing else was dead.

  After all, he needs to face it, maybe dozens of attacks at the same time.

  How can Devil Race stop such a powerful attack? And the consequences of obstruction can only be death.

  Actually, now, the winner has been completely locked.


  monthly round Demon King believe oneself infallible was finally replaced by his extinction.

  Of course, this is the second, and most importantly, the royal armor has been Zhao Fang Qi, even succeeded in recognizing Master Master!

  Between now and then, human race can be said to be completely boiling.

  The Emperor Recognimaster is never a small thing.

  This is about the whole human race.

  However, within human race, there are still different ideas on this matter.

  For the royal armor, interested people are here.

  After all, the crown Set symbolizes human race.

  it is today that only the man’s royal armor is present, and that the individual royal armor is not too useful.

  But, after all, its symbolic significance is too large.

  Besides, there was a Sense between Emperor Set and one another, so who could guarantee that Zhao Fang would not get another crown Set?

  So naturally, there will be a lot of ideas.

  Zhao Fang may not have known at all, because the Recomaster of the royal armor had given him trouble that he should have had.

  Problems from inside human race.

  Human Race, there is never a lack of internal fighting.

  And now, again, it comes to Zhao Fang.

  no, just because Zhao Fang’s utility value is far greater than what he can get from him.

  It is also because Zhao Fang is indispensable for the entire front line.

  Because of the Front Army, a lot of them follow Zhao Fang’s orders.

  So some of the dark Influence is afraid to act.

  But now, they have reason!

  They believe that getting the royal armor will be able to get the crown Set.

  So, control over the whole human race, then they will certainly be able to order people to fight Devil Race.

  As for Zhao Fang, naturally there is no existence.

  Of course, all of this Zhao Fang has no idea.

  So Zhao Fang, at this moment, is still doing what he should do.

  camao Fang came back in peace again, which led to a dramatic increase in human Race’s morale.

  At this opportunity, Zhao Fang ordered a massive counterattack on the front line of Human Race, and there was also a good result between that time.

  And at the same time, it was also because of Zhao Fang’s impact on the battle.

  Another highly influential Race, prepared to invest in human race.

  Spirit Race!

  A special Race, even more than Devil Race.

  However, Spirit Race’s personality is extremely cold, not even emotional in their Race.

  Throughout the past, Spirit Race was just born in the spirit.

  They have completely closed themselves, rarely contacted Outer World, and little information about them. But just a short time ago, Devil Race was found Spirit Race, demanding that Spirit Race be persuaded that Spirit Race would certainly not have answered, and thus a battle erupted.

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