But he daughter didn’t have anything, except for the human being!

  Well, the four Devil Race’s guards are just afraid of being clear.

  If he let four Devil Race’s guards take daughter away today, then tomorrow he daughter will surely be tortured by these four Devil Race!

  How can a little girl without cultivation base bear four Devil Race Powerhouse nuts?

  “A few Sir, this is the little beloved daughter, and if they need Cauldron, the young people are willing to dump their homes for them…”

  “Where does that many bullshit come from, do you think we still have to ask your opinion?”

  That Inn Boss said nothing, and one of the guards was kicking out, kicking that Inn Boss straight, and at the same time, stretching his hand, stuck the woman.

  Dad, Dad, help me!

  young girl panic, he can’t fix it, but he’s not stupid, actually, if he puts it in human race, Ben’s supposed to be a refiner of talent!

  Just because physique was special, there was no way to get Demon Qi into nothing else.

  Inn Boss panicked, actually, with his cultivation base, he was able to fight the four guards, but he was afraid to do it, because he knew his job well, and more clearly, Zhao Fang in Inn!

  Inn Boss on his knees, constantly begging, but unfortunately, the four guards gave up!

  And this is all in Zhao Fang in the eyes.

  Zhao Fang was respected for all of these abandonments that came to the abdomen of Devil Race and suffered all kinds of suffering, but also for the bravery of Human Race.

  After all, without them, human Race could not have had much information about Devil Race.

  Without them, even Devil Race’s raid, human race would be prevented and seriously wounded.

  These men in the dark, Zhao Fang impossible, let go!

  Shortly, Zhao Fang silhouette came in front of the four Devil Race Guardians.

  There’s no bullshit, it’s a direct wave, a powerful one, leaving four guards behind.

  Save the woman at the same time, Zhao Fang coldly looks at these four Devil Race guards!

  “Who are you? I don’t want to live!”

  Four guards were somewhat frightened of Strength in Zhao Fang, but not scared Zhao Fang.

  After all, their identities are special and they dare to beat them, that’s when they hit Crown Prince’s face, so they don’t care that Zhao Fang cultivation base is much higher than they are.

  At this point, it’s a face.

  Zhao Fang doesn’t crush these four people.

  If not because of the plan, he would not be in love with four people.

  But if they don’t know what to do, Zhao Fang will never be welcome.

  It’s a big deal. It’s a change in the plan!

  “Fuck off!”

  Zhao Fang coldly sounds loud.

  但哪知道,这四人非但没走,反而是猛然一挥,一枚Demon Qi 便是腾空而起,于半空中炸裂。

  These four fellows, where they’ve eaten such a loss, they’re gonna kill Zhao Fang cultivation base, whatever status they are, and they’re gonna ruin their good things.

  “Well, I see you’re the human Race assassin, and since we found out, obedient accepted death!”

  At this juncture, surroundings also have a number of people of Devil Race, some of whom are superior Devil Race.

  For everything that’s happening here, they’re all in the eye.

  It was angry to hear Zhao Fang was caught in the name of a human Race assassin.

  In the eyes, what they saw was that the four fellow fighters were cheating, but the name of Human Race was put on hold.

  You know, in Devil Race, don’t say human Race at this moment, even if you’re found to be human Race, that’s definitely dead!

  “Huh, how did Crown Prince feed such a bunch of waste, blatant hats!”

  “This youngster is only afraid of being done, acquitted of these people and detained on the name of a human Race assassin, trying to survive, it’s almost impossible!”

  “Hey, unfortunately, I didn’t think that Devil Race learned the human Race’s hypocrisy!”

  the surroundings have been debated, and many of them have arrived, and they are also the original members of the hearings.

  Queen Devil Race Crown Prince’s escort is divided into three categories.

  One kind is just like these four people, and wherever Crown Prince goes, he’s been following, and he’s been nurturing.

  And Second Type, who is the royal Crown Prince Guardian of the Devil Race Crown Prince at any time, does not belong to Queen Devil Race, but Task Force protects King Devil Race Crown Prince.

  And third Type, the local guard, the so-called local guard, means that Queen Devil Race Crown Prince is everywhere, and then the protective force provided to him on the ground!

  The three protective forces constitute the full escort of King Devil Race Crown Prince.

  At this point, it is so many people who have come to receive signals from the four.

  But listening to surroundings, the vast majority chose to stand by.

  For the relatives of Crown Prince who bullied the people, it was all known that it was just a hindrance to Crown Prince’s short-lived personality, so nothing else had been done.

  But let them take action to help these people, that’s impossible.

  But the four guards don’t care, and they don’t see any other guards in their hearts.

  In the eyes, these relatives were the closest to Crown Prince.

  This is the most trusted person of Crown Prince, who can hardly benefit once Crown Prince Denky is the king.

  In the eyes, the rest of the guards, but in the bunch of bunkers, normally, don’t care, encounter things, or expect them.

  Soon, a team of relatives came by.

  The four people walked fast, the gu gu half a day, and no one knew what they were talking about.

  不过,因为Zhao Fang 所在位置的缘故,倒是看到了这些人的表现。

  It is clearly the head of the head, and the eyes are bright at this time.

  Don’t think Zhao Fang can also guess that it’s just those guards who moved out of it, or that they’re going to give this little girl to Crown Prince, or that they’re going to give this little girl to the head!

  当然,这些都不重要,重要的是,Zhao Fang 也看出了其他过来的那些皇Crown Prince 护卫的反应。

  It seems that this royal Crown Prince’s escort is not so united.

  If that comes, then this thing will have room to operate.

  Zhao Fang walked out and said directly to those guards; “Dog, like, I don’t care what you are, give you a chance, now get lost and live around you!”

  Zhao Fang deliberately said that, in fact, it was to provoke these people, at the same time, to hide their identity.

  The clothes of Queen Devil Race Crown Prince, who is accompanied by escorts, are different from others, can be clearly identified by anyone.

  But Zhao Fang dared to say that naturally, it would cast doubt on what his true identity was. This will not easily be involved in the dispute.

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