The third hundred 50 four chapter Dungeon countdown

“Oh? What?”

Zhao Fang came to interest.

“You are optimistic!”

Great Elder has a big hand and his inner sleave spurts a lightning glow.

The lightning of the all of a sudden, the entire Space, is filled with a terrifying lightning current.

The strong lightning current is Zhao Fang, and there is also a feeling of horror.

But when the lightning current ‘crackling crackling’ sounded, a strain of dozens of feet tall, covered with a layer of cyan lightning, like a tree made of lightning, appeared in front of Zhao Fang.

In this ‘Electric Tree’ above, there are still twenty or thirty fist sizes, and the appearance is cyan’s fruit.

“Wind Thunder Immortal Lychee? No, that’s a pear?”

Zhao Fang looks at him, he is no stranger to the aura of Wind Thunder Immortal Lychee.

Even, extremely familiar!

At the first sight he saw, he recognized it.


The aura although is somewhat similar, but the fruit is quite different.

The fruit on the Lightning Spirit Tree has a pear-like appearance, which is many times larger than the Wind Thunder Immortal Lychee. It also contains the power of the extreme Berserk.

And the Unusual Tree that breeds such a peculiar fruit.

Looking at the entire Wood clan, there seems to be only one.

“This is ,Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree? Are you going to Big Ruins Forest to move it over?”

Great Elder nod , expression is a little regrettable, “I have used my family Secret Art to maintain the Vitality of Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree at the time of transplantation, but still underestimate the Golden Divine Ox, which has a Restriction in this tree. Once transplanted, Restriction will break out and even destroy the entire Immortal tree. It is not only Old Man, but also the combination of my family secret technique, and the Restriction might be suppressed to the lowest, which will save the Immortal tree. .”

“However, the Immortal tree is damaged and requires a hundred years of Time to recover. Of course, if you have a treasure like Boundless Water, you can make it glow in the very short Time.”

Zhao Fang looked around the Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree and kept looking.

Speaking of it, he still sees ‘authentic’ in first time.

“What is the use of that fruit?”

Zhao Fang asked at the dozens of fruits hanging on the Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree.

“You don’t want to underestimate them. These fruits contain the Wind-Thunder force of Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree. If you swallow it directly, it will enhance the insights of Martial Artist in Wind Element Thunder Element and even concise Wind-Thunder. Rare bloodline.”

“And, some people who practice Wind-Thunder Cleaning Technique, if they help, the cultivation base Wind-Thunder method is bound to have the effect of trick the results for half the effort!”

“Of course, this fruit is still best with Alchemist! The best way to get the most out of Wind-Thunder Immortal Pear!”

Listening to Great Elder’s words, Zhao Fang is quite heart-warming.

Take a Wind-Thunder Immortal Pear directly, take a bite, and suddenly force the power of thunder, raging in his mouth.

This is just a feeling of one kind, not really the power of Wind-Thunder.

When the flesh was opened and dispersed into the body, Zhao Fang felt that his summon on the power of Wind-Thunder between heaven and earth seemed to be strong. Latest fastest update

“It’s okay, it doesn’t do much to me.”

Hearing this, Great Elder was covered with black lines.

‘I Wood clan grand One of the two Clan Protecting Immortal trees, in your mouth, it is only okay? ‘

At the moment, Great Elder suddenly regretted that he should not give Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree to Zhao Fang.

“Well, I like this thing very much, many thanks Great Elder.”

Zhao Fang laughs and charges Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree.

The Great Elder on the side saw a smile in the trace indistinct, the smile, how to look, with a bit of smirk, as if watching Zhao Fang ugly.

‘This Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree, that is heaven and earth rare treasure, storage ring can not be charged, Old Man has cultivated Inner Heaven and Earth Sleeve, the sleeves are self-contained, this is barely charged, Old Man should look, What is the method used by Zhao Fang? If the charge is not good, it will be shocked by the lightning current of Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree, that taste, tch tch…’

Great Elder corner of the mouth The smile is thicker, as if to see Zhao Fang’s scene of the extremely difficult situation of Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree.

But just myself for a moment.

The smile on his face was stiff at once, and his face was incredible.

Zhao Fang stood in the same place, only the Void Hand caught, the Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree gradually narrowed down, and finally turned into a lightning, rushed to Zhao Fang’s palm, and then disappeared.



Zhao Fang is very simple and charged the Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree.

In this scene, look at the Great Elder.

After a long while, I smiled and opened my mouth, “change the state!”

‘hēi hēi, Young Master, but the man with his own bug, actually playing with the Young Master, this Old Man is too bad! ‘

Zhao Fang gaze at Great Elder, Great Elder immediately felt the strangeness in this gaze, and quickly said: “Cough, I remember, Azure Wood Immortal Tree is still in an important period of recovery, I will not stay here.”


Not waiting for Zhao Fang to answer, it disappeared directly.

‘ Count you run fast. ‘

Zhao Fang looked at the system and randomly looked at the System package. In a grid, it narrowed down the countless times of the Wind-Thunder Immortal Tree, lying quietly where ira.

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth reveals a trace smile.

He is ready to leave, after leaving Five Elements Ruins World, he planted this Immortal tree in Zhao Clan.

With this Immortal tree in, Zhao Clan overall Strength, there will inevitably be a qualitative flyby!


“System Prompt: End the Time from this Five Elements Dungeon, there is still one month.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle.

‘So fast! However, it doesn’t matter, the other Tasks are basically completed, leaving only the ‘Earth Core Fire’ required to fix Immortal Treasure ‘Fire Crow Mountains and Rivers Cauldron’, and ‘Immeasurable constant sand’. ‘

Zhao Fang went to Ice clan before and asked about Great Elder.

‘Nine Nether Water extremely rare, if there is, in addition to Ice clan, it is estimated that there is no second Influence! ‘

“As for Immeasurable constant sand and Earth Core Fire, it is also the same as Divine Object. This Supreme Treasure, maybe only gold clan Fire clan, if you want to find it, you can look at these two families.”

This is Great Elder’s original words.

‘It seems that I really need to go to the two races. ‘

Zhao Fang has a slight movement.

Call Zhou Lingwang, to tell him after he trained Four Great Legions.

Then leave Zhao Yun.

One is to point to their cultivation, and the other is to protect.

after all.

This is the root of Zhao Fang’s future conquest.

Although, with his relationship with Wood clan, Wood clan will not do this kind of thing, but it is still necessary to go out and stay one more eye.

‘Young Master is single to Fire clan gold clan, even if he encounters two Clan Elder ancestors, with Young Master’s Today’s Strength, he can’t be defeated and can easily leave. ‘

Zhao Fang thin smile.

Cultivation base After being promoted to Martial Saint, he is full of confidence in his Strength!

After the arrangement, Zhao Fang asked Mu Chuanfeng for a map of one piece Five Elements Ruins World.

After sweeping a few eyes, I went to the location of the Fire clan closest to Wood clan.

Just, what he didn’t think of was.

The trip to Fire State, the sinister, almost made him take his own life!

Afterwards, every time he thought of this festival, he regretted it very much and regretted not bringing Zhao Yun!

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