The third hundred 50 seven chapter meteor volcano

In these flames come together to blend all of a sudden.

A strong and dull explosion, coming from inside the flame.

Followed by.

At the same time, when the thick black smoke emptied, there was a flame channel in the endless flame that filled the half of the sky.

One hair is red, the complexion is red, the robe is red, and the whole person is like a flame old man, stepping out from the channel.

All of a sudden in the old man.

The flames of the entire Ancient Lava Land seem to have been pulled and moved all the way to the old man body.

this moment.

Old man is filled with one kind Divine Might.

It’s like, in this Ancient Lava Land, he is the irresistible God!

In this old man’s between the eyebrows, there are eight flame imprints.

Look carefully.

The ninth flame imprint, which has already appeared, is only slightly blurred.

“Half-God !”

Zhao Fang looked at the condensate and took a hot wave.

In front of this old man cultivation base, it is surpassed Martial Saint Peak, half foot into God Realm’s super existence.

“Damn is big, I knew I should bring it to Yunge.”

Zhao Fang smiled bitterly.

In the all of a sudden appearance of the old man, he knows that this old man is not easy to be with his generation, even if he is fully committed, I am afraid I can not defeat this old man.

after all.

Here is Ancient Lava Land, home to the old man.

“Great Elder, save me, this fellow wants to kill us!”

Yantai and others yelled.

Old man gaze at the room, he saw Yan Tai, saw the lying on the ground, has been fainted in the past, and saw Zhao Fang’s fingertips, Sword Qi.

“junior, you actually hurt my Fire clan clansman, really when Old Man ‘Fire Cloud child’ is good to bully? Not killing you today, it is hard to avoid the hatred of Old Man!”

Fire clan Great Elder Fire Cloud sub, angrily shouted, the surface of the flames of flame.

At the time of the whistling, it turned into a number of flowing light, under one volume, directly wrapped around the Yantaiyan tiger and others disappeared.


Only Zhao Fang and Fire clan Great Elder are left on the court.

“already long time no human broke into Ancient Lava Land, and for a long time no one, hurt my family clansman. So, Old Man is very angry, does not burn you into scum, Old Man vows not to give up!”

While speaking.

The Fire Cloud sub-boxes have a hot purple black flame, and the flame comes out. Even Zhao Fang, who is dozens of feet away, feels a heat wave.

Even the clothes were somewhat distorted by the heat wave.

“I’ll go, this damn what flame, good health Ah!”

Zhao Fang’s eyelids jumped, figure, but he hurried back.

“Can’t escape.”

The icy sound of the Fire Cloud reverberates over Ancient Lava Land.

Followed by.

The purple black flame attached to the fist, at the same time, rushed out, such as two arrows from the string, went straight to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation.

At the time of dodge, the corners of the corners of the eyes are smashed, and the Fire Cloud sub-doubles above, again condensing two groups of purple black flame.

Bang bang bang!

The Fire Cloud is like a cannon. Its double fist is like two muzzles. It is with the body and its overbearing flame. It does not intermittently display it. It does not give any breath to the enemy. Death will not give up the gesture!

Zhao Fang finally understood why the Fire Cloud did not directly rush, but chose this remote tactic that is beneficial to their own travel.

It turned out that just because the Fire Cloud son within the body anger has accumulated to the limit, to live to force Zhao Fang into a desperate situation, and then burned!

“damn, what is this?”

Zhao Fang smiled while hiding.

The purple black flame was not much at first, but later, it was densely packed, like a raindrop that sky poured.

Even Zhao Fang, who is pedaling the Cloud Piercing Shuttle, has a sense of power.

It is even worse.


“Player is swept by ‘Purple Ghost Fire’ and ‘Fire Poison’ deepens.”


“Player is swept by ‘Purple Ghost Fire’ and ‘Fire Poison’ deepens.”


“Player is swept by ‘Purple Ghost Fire’ and ‘Fire Poison’ deepens.”

“‘Fire poison’ invades the lungs and Player Strength reduces 15%.”

“‘Fire poison’ invades the lungs and Player Strength reduces 16%.”

“‘Fire poison’ invades the lungs and Player Strength reduces 17%.”

Zhao Fang wants to cry, there is something, this damn, as it goes, how long, his Strength, may fall back to 1-Star Martial Saint, even Martial Emperor level.

“System, you won!”

At the time of bitter laughter, Zhao Fang directly exchanged ‘Huo Dan” and swallowed it.


“You took the ‘Fire Guardian’ and from now on, you have 20% immunity to the Fire Element martial skill, which can resist fire, and the state lasts for an hour!”

“Fuck !Fuck !”

At an hour, I squandered myself a million supreme coins.

Zhao Fang feels that he is falling into the pit again.


Now, it’s not the time to pursue it. It’s a matter of urgency to get out quickly.

“Meteor volcano!”

At this moment, the Fire Cloud sub-filled with the killing intent but the arrogant voice, in this Space, resounded again.

“Rely on, the boss has to zoom in, the wind is tight!”

Zhao Fang Direct Exchange out one piece Middle Level Space Shattering Talisman, under the crush, at the moment of countless purple black flame, Zhao Fang silhouette disappeared in place.


Countless purple black flame fell, Zhao Fang was originally there to make an earth-shattering bang.

This sound almost shocked the entire Ancient Lava Land.

Many of the between the eyebrows flashed eight flame imprint Fire clan clansman, in the all of a sudden, the eyes are looking at the direction of the explosion, muttered to himself, “In the end is who, let Great Elder use the ‘meteor volcano ‘?”

At the time of the flashing eyes, those ‘gossip’ Clan Elders disappeared in the same place and came to the place where the explosion was.

劈啪劈 Bang!

The Fire Cloud child quietly looks at not far away, at this moment, in his ear, only the sound of flame burning.

In front of his gaze, before Zhao Fang’s position, there is a giant deep pit at the moment.

Deep and External, wrapped in the countless purple black flame, the originally weak vitality, even after a burst of madness in the purple black flame, the vitality was completely cut off.

just like.

The vitality in it is like a purple black flame swallow, turned into a barren and desolate place!

Zhao Fang If you are here, you will feel that you are running fast.

Otherwise, by this flame, he is afraid that even the bones will not be left.


The Fire Cloud suddenly caught a fire, in the eyes suddenly shot out of the forest baleful qi.


He did not feel the aura of Zhao Fang in the crater, even if it was a trace of aura, nor did it.

To know.

Even if Zhao Fang is killed, there will be a short spread of aura.

But now.

It is not at all.

Then there is only one explanation!

Zhao Fang escaped!

“How did this damned human, how did it escape? Even Old Man was smashed.”

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