Chapter 361 The Lava Giant


When the fire spirit smelled Zhao Fang aura, they all rushed like crazy, Zhao Fang startled at the same time, corner of the mouth twitched, “fuck, is it necessary?”

Zhao Fang snorted and pedaled the Cloud Piercing Shuttle, which was more like a ghost than the fire spirit. When they had not formed a bound, they rushed out of the encirclement and rushed toward the Main Hall abyss.

Do not know why.

Those fire spirits saw Zhao Fang rushing into the Main Hall and gave up chasing.

It’s like, in front of the Main Hall, the king of their Supreme, who dare not approach the point.

The abnormal reaction of fire spirit fell on Zhao Fang in the eyes, which made him a trace of vigilance and wariness.

Inside the Main Hall, it is very empty.

Only the Main Hall is in the middle of the position, and a Red Flood Dragon column is raised with a Red Fire.

‘Strange, the fire tiger that fellow did not say that Depths of Earth’s Core, there are Fire clan six ‘gossip’ level Clan Elder oversee? How is it empty? ‘

Zhao Fang stood in the Main Hall for a moment, but never saw the silhouette of the second person.


Of all the Main Hall, there is only one person.

How did he know that the ‘gossip’ Clan Elder of Oversee Earth’s Core, when he felt the meteor volcano at the same time, was a nesting move.

At this moment, even if it is always coming back, I am afraid that it is still on the way back.

Therefore, this scene is now in place. Latest fastest update


The red smoldering fire, the flames are suddenly dark and dark, and the light is indefinite, as if it will be extinguished at any time.

But Zhao Fang was at the same time at the flame, but it was immediately overjoyed, “Earth Core Fire!”

That Red smoldering is the goal of Zhao Fang’s trip, Divine Object ―Earth Core Fire.

He swept all around and confirmed that there was no other fire spirit existence, the True Force transformation of the giant hand, directly to the Earth Core Fire.

But just at True Force Behemoth, it’s close to Earth Core Fire’s all of a sudden.

The change is sudden!

call! call! call!

Nine flames, like flashlights, appear in the Earth Core Fire all around.

The True Force’s big hand was quickly burned into the original True Force as it approached the nine flames.

After doing this.

The nine flames are intertwined with each other, and in the Earth Core Fire surroundings, a Chi Huo hood is formed to cover the Earth Core Fire.

“Fuck, there really is Restriction!”

Zhao Fang touched the still hot hand, and the complexion was a bit ugly.

Just now, Xin loses his time to cut off the connection with the True Force big hand.


Being purified and restored, it is more than True Force.

“How is Restriction broken?”

Zhao Fang is frowning.

“Hey! Hey!”

A strange sound suddenly came from under the Flood Dragon column where the Earth Core Fire was located.

next moment!


Centered around the Flood Dragon column, within 20 meters of the circumference, a real fire of a large area large area suddenly bursts.

At the time of the real fire, a large body, composed of countless fire spirit, emits a rich and hot aura lava giant, step by step.

In the all of a sudden, the temperature in the Main Hall suddenly increased by several tens of degrees.

Even outside the temple, there was a whistling sound of the Fire Array.

The lava giant one step stepped, the magma flowing on it, but it was beaten on the ground, and suddenly there was a big black pit.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fang only felt that the scalp was numb, the figure could not stop retreating, and its complexion was an instant gloomy down.

On the top of the magma giant, there is a golden boss aura.

Next to it, there is an infinite blood tank.

On the scale, it is only slightly less than the Golden Divine Ox.

“Grass, the aura of this lava giant, even if it doesn’t reach Martial God Realm, I’m afraid it’s not far away! This Rank’s existence goes up to death and hits the wool Ah!”

Zhao Fang doesn’t want to, don’t want to, turn and run away!



Just after returning to the inner layer of Ancient Lava Land, the Fire Clan Great Elder Fire Cloud, like Sense, has a hot eyebrow, and surprised and angry. “Whoever entered Earth’s Core, it ignited ‘Earth Core Fire ‘Restriction?”

While speaking, his body turned into a flame meteor, and the blink of an eye disappeared in place, rushing toward the flame mountain.

But when you see the collapsed fire ladder, the Fire Cloud sub-complexion is more gloomy, and the whole person aura becomes extraordinarily tyrannical, like a Vicious Beast that is about to go away. Both eyes are bloodthirsty cold light!

“Don’t let Old Man catch you, otherwise, Old Man must marry you!”

Suddenly roared, the Fire Cloud no longer stayed, stepping a little, heading towards the bottom of the flame mountain, a humble room.

There, there is a Transmission Array.

The location of the Transmission Array, extremely secret, is the Emergency Array that was set up by the Fire Cloud.

Throughout the Fire Clan, he is known to a few people.

When the Transmission Array rays of light disappeared.

The silhouette of the Fire Cloud child also disappeared.

When it comes back to the reappearance, it is already in the corner of Earth’s Core Main Hall.

He hurried out and rushed to Earth’s Core Main Hall in the middle of the Palace.

Halfway through, came across a giant tiger with a cracked appearance.

“Old Third’s swallowing tiger?”

The Fire Cloud sub-eyes condense, and then the complexion changes slightly.


The injury to the tiger has long since reached the edge of the collapse.

Seeing the Fire Cloud at the moment, it is a gratifying and peaceful color, and the tiger’s eyes slowly close.

All of a sudden swept through the strength of Berserk.

Two blood-stained silhouettes appeared in the body of the swallowed tiger.

“Zhenhu, Yantai?”

Upon hearing this sound, Yantai’s fingers trembled slightly, and it was difficult to look up. When he saw the Fire Cloud, he suddenly had a hope in the eyes, “Great Elder, save me!”

Great Elder said nothing, his hands smashed, a palm shot in Yantai’s chest, and the surging Fire Element energy poured out, the source of constant flow into Yantai within the body.

Yantai body was shocked, but with the body injury, but under the nourishment of the Fire Cloud power, it recovered a little.

Then, the Fire Cloud sub-hands fell on the Yanhu, and the same was true.

Yanhu fainted and woke up.

At the moment I saw the Fire Cloud, the face shows a grievance, the expression, like a child who was bullied outside, showing his weakness when he saw his parents.

“Great Elder, be sure to kill that person.” Yan Huclecle one’s teeth.

He is so big, he has never hated a person so much.


“It’s the person you used to drive away.”

Wen Yan, the Fire Cloud gaze, “This is the person who alarmed Earth Core Fire Restriction?”


The two people of Yanhu are also scared.

They were swallowed up, even though they survived the terrifying explosion.

However, he was seriously injured and it was not clear what happened later.

“Go to the side!”

The Fire Cloud son left this sentence, and the figure turned into a fire, and rushed to the most central Palace.


As we approached Palace, there was a burst of terrifying fluctuations.

The Fire Cloud feels the lava of the Lava Giant, and the heart is slightly at the same time, but the footsteps, but there is no slightest stop, just one step stepped in.

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