The 367th chapter of Golden State!


Three consecutive notification sounds, at the same time, Zhao Fang, the whole person was suddenly dumbfounded.

The state has dropped 90 percent and not to mention that Strength is only Martial Ancestor level, what is this ghost?

He quickly checked himself.

Immediately found, next to his heart, there is a group of purple black flame, emits bursts of strange and heart-rending fluctuation.

That is, this purple black flame is the chief culprit in the decline of Zhao Fang Strength.

He wants to get rid of it.

But with dozens of methods, the purple flame is not only expelled, but is getting closer and closer to the heart.

In this scene, Zhao Fang was scared to try again.

That purple black flame, he has already kissed the body, it can be described as extremely sinister, can not be provoked.

If you let it touch the heart, Zhao Fang can’t be sure if his life can be saved.

“damn, what’s the matter, i your father, it’s hard to kill the Fire Cloud. In the blink of an eye, I am also overcast. It’s really a cause of reincarnation and retribution!”

Zhao Fang is a bitter smile.

Even the things that the Fire Cloud broke, he was not in the mood to read.


At this time.

At the magma giant, there was also a rumbled.

The collapsed body of the magma giant, the moment self-destruct opened.

Immediately there were more than twenty Green-Haired Corpse Slave that did not react and were directly smashed into slag by this force.

Later, Green-Haired Corpse Slave, Luck was slightly better, but it was also affected by the lava. The green hairs were all burned and became the fading bald chicken. The Strength dropped a lot.

This scene.

Don’t let Zhao Fang have a kind of blessing, misfortune does not come singly.


This magma giant is a poor boss, and there is no Fire Cloud.

Zhao Fang almost tears and put Green-Haired Corpse Slave off.

After a quick retreat, I came to the place where the Restriction was broken and completely exposed before the Earth Core Fire because of the bombardment of the magma giant and the Fire Cloud.

From the storage ring, take out a large stone bet.

Place it above the Earth Core Fire.

This stone bead is reserved for Zhao Fang by Old Shun and is used exclusively for Earth Core Fire.

But seeing the swaying Earth Core Fire, suddenly became a path of smoke, rushing to the stone beads.

The stone beads were calm and waveless at first, but they were completely included in the stone beads with the Earth Core Fire.

On the surface of the stone bead, there is a pattern like the Earth Core Fire.

“It’s finally done!”

Zhao Fang took a sigh of relief, turned and looked at the eyes and was destroyed. The top of the head had cracked the countless road crack, and there was a rock under the smashing stone, which was close to the collapsed edge of the underground Palace.

The body did not stop for a moment and rushed straight out of the hall.

“There is a Transmission Array.”

Zhao Fang followed Aura of Space fluctuation and quickly came to the Transmission Array.

It is at this time.

Transmission Array rays of light Greatly, it is obvious that someone is moving here. Latest fastest update

Zhao Fang heart trembled, in the inconspicuous corner, gave birth to a big hole, hid in and covered up all the aura.

Same as for a moment.

Transmission Array’s rays of light reached the ultimate.

On the occasion of the bursting of the SpaceVol, six people appeared in the transmission.

The six people of the between the eyebrows, both have ‘eight gossip’ imprint.

In their within the body, there is a burst of powerful flame fluctuations.

Obviously, these six are not common Martial Saints!

Six people are now behind, immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

“This, what exactly happened here?”

Among the six, the only female looks at the scene that was terrible in front of me, muttering to herself.

Other people’s minds are also in the same moment for for a moment.

But immediately, they complexion big change.

“Earth Core Fire!” Another Fire clan Martial Saint yells.

Figure , but it is very fast to the place where the original Earth Core Fire is.

In its behind, five lanes follow.

After the five people aura went away, Zhao Fang rushed out of the deep pit. “Rely, there are actually three ‘gossip’ Late Stages. You can’t stay any longer. If you find it, with my current cultivation base, you will die!”

Gossip Late Stage, that is the Martial Saint Late Stage, close to Martial Saint Peak powerful existence.

This kind of Powerhouse.

Even when Zhao Fang was in full bloom, it was not sure to win, let alone now?


Transmission Array rays of light flashing, the power of Space filled in it, but it instantly enveloped Zhao Fang.


Just in the All Array of Transmission Array activate.


“The thief is taking a break!”

“The thief pays with your life !”

But there are three silhouettes, like lightning.

The three people are exactly the three people in the six-person group that just appeared.

At the same time is also the three people in the Zhao Fang mouth, reaching the ‘gossip’ Late Stage.

“Come on, damn, you are going to send Ah!”

Looking at the three people who are getting closer, Zhao Fang is in a hurry.

Transmission Array is like the feeling of Zhao Fang at the moment. After the power of Space is filled, the Transmission Array rays of light flashes, but it is wrapped in Zhao Fang silhouette and slowly disappears!

“Give me a stay!”

Three people at the same time take action.

The full strength strike of the three Martial Saint Late Stage Powerhouse is enough to destroy any tangible material.

Not to mention the Great Array.

Just listening to ‘Boom’, three powerful attacks, in the All Array of Great Array, the Great Array suddenly collapsed, turned into a countless road shock wave, dissipated in this underground Palace.

At the same time disappeared, and Zhao Fang.

At the at the same time when the Space array was broken, Zhao Fang took out the High Level Space Shattering Talisman, but it was the crumpling with the slightest hesitation.


Over the state of Golden State.


Void suddenly ripped a crack, a bloody, long spear youngster, falling from the Void.

Crashing on the ground above, splashing countless smoke.


Outside the body of the youngster, there is a layer of Scarlet Blood Armour. At its same time, the red Armour offsets most of the impact.


The youngster had already been thrown into a muddy mud.


After helping the youngster resist this shock, the red Armour dissipated on its own, revealing the visual situation of the youngster.

The place where youngster falls, some remote.

Half a day, there is no carriage passing by.

But there are a dozen Spirit beasts, but not close to the youngster, they are shocked by the aura of the long spear emits in the youngster’s hands, dare not approach!

that’s it.

Youngster coma on the third day.

At the end of the mountain road, there are several cars slowly appearing.

Around the carriage, there are dozens of fine robust man guards, these men look slightly different from the average person.

In their between the eyebrows, there are five or six golden glow imprints.

And inside the carriage protected by the golden glow imprint, it is leaning against a gold coat, your face is cold and leaning on the couch, there are five or six deicates beside him. And pretty nanny serving, or lame, or shouldering, or feeding fruit.

Among them, there is a more maidservant, which is caught by youth in your arms.

His rough palms, grabbed and grabbed on the maidservant’s chest, straightened the maidservant’s gripping, and the ears and cheeks showed an unnatural blush.

When the youth saw it, hēi hēi smirked and rolled over the maidservant. When there was a movement into one step, there was a sound outside the carriage.

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