Chapter 368 Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art !


Bit by bit.

Blinking, seven days passed.

The disappearance of Zhao Fang did not cause any waves in the mining area.

after all.

Like his ‘little person’, there is really no need for the attention of the mining area supervisor.

Almost very fast.

Even the mining area supervisor has forgotten that there has been such a person in the mining area.


Even everyone forgets.

Blade Slave will not forget!

“That little fellow, it doesn’t look like a reckless person. Why did he enter the mine abyss that day? What is his intention?”

Blade Slave blinks, he doesn’t think that a small fellow who sees his true cultivation base at a glance will die so easily.

Among them, there will be a stupid!

Can make him puzzled, he also entered the mine abyss after the event.

In addition to the mining tools left by Zhao Fang, there is nothing else.

Judging from the traces left on the scene, he can be sure that Zhao Fang did not wrestle with people when he left.

Then how he disappeared and why he disappeared, there was some patience.

“Unfortunately, this little fellow walks, Old Man, I am in this vein, it is completely boring and lonely.”

Blade Slave shook his head and smiled, but there was a drop in the sound and vicissitudes.


Inside the stone cave.

Zhao Fang opened his eyes. “It’s time to start!”

At the same time where his voice fell, there was a sudden red fire in the Void in front of him.

This flame is the source of the fire that the lava giant broke out that day.

Simple is to maintain the body of the lava giant, the key to the battle.

Its value is not inferior to Earth Core Fire.


If you let it continue to grow, it is possible to create spiritual wisdom, which becomes one of the rarely and scarce Heavenly Fire between this heaven and earth.


“Find the original spirit, open the Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art and include it as 1st layer Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire?”


As Zhao Fang’s voice fell at the same time, the original Linghuo was inhaled by Zhao Fang with the body, suppressed. In the Qi Sea.

In the all of a sudden, the heart of the fire, the purple black flame, inexplicable beats, seems to encounter opponents.

Actually, I went straight to Zhao Fang within the body and went to Qi Sea.

Zhao Fang clench one’s teeth, the brow is wrinkled.

After the purple black flame drills into the Qi Sea, it kills each other with the original source fire, and finally swallows and merges into one.

Form one kind of new fire.

This new fire is purple and red, and it is filled with two different feelings of overbearing and femininity.

But might, but stronger than the single existence, is much stronger.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art, first heavy Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire small accomplishment.”

Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art.

It was Zhao Fang who rewarded the ‘Broken Mirror Round’ Task.

This Culture Technique is blunt, that is, the heaven and earth Heavenly Flame, a martial skill, fighting with Heavenly Flame.

Heavenly Flame might be strong and beyond imagination.

Coupled with the martial skill, this work is second only to Immortal Technique, so it is known as Tiangong.

Therefore, all who practice this work.

Just keep in mind one criterion.

That is the swallowing fire.

This is a bit of a glimpse of Fire clan.

The risk brought by the purple black flame was resolved, and Zhao Fang was not satisfied after Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art small accomplishment.

Instead, Void Hand grabbed a few hundred Ghost Spirits.

These Ghost Spirits are also something that lava giants have exploded.

after all.

The shape of the lava giant is composed of countless Ghost Spirit.


“You swallowed ‘Ghost Spirit’, Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire experience + 5.”


“You swallowed ‘Ghost Spirit’, Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire experience + 5.”


“You swallowed ‘Ghost Spirit’, Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire experience + 5.”


After the Ghost Spirit swallow on hand, Zhao Fang’s Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire, also finally reached Great Accomplishment.


“Congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang’, Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art, the first heavy Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire Great Accomplishment.”

Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire : Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art The first real fire, every time to display, consume 10 million Divine Skill Proficiency, with terrifying destructive power, suppress the same rank, suppress Fire Attribute Martial Artist…

Just a glance, Zhao Fang corner of the mouth showed a smile.

The scare of Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire is somewhat beyond his imagination.

In particular, it is even more surprising to restrain other Fire Attribute Martial Artists.

“With Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire, don’t you say that in the future, who is in front of me, is it like a big knife in front of Guan Gong?”

Zhao Fang grinned and smiled very openly.

This time.

Not only did he resolve life and death Crisis, but he also rebuilt Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art to Great Accomplishment.

His Strength has risen a lot again.

Even if he is just 3-Star Martial Saint, there is also a challenge to Peak Martial Saint.

Even there is a certain chance to beat it.

As for killing, it is a bit embarrassing!

“Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire !”

Zhao Fang Void Hand At the time of the arrest, but there is a red fire in the palm of your hand.

Followed by.

Red fired into a Red Fire Dragon, and under the glimpse of Zhao Fang, he slammed the ore above the hole.


The ore of the cave bursts open instantly, and more than half of the ore is directly formed into a liquid under the impact of the Red Fire Dragon.

Seeing the red spirit’s might, Zhao Fang smiles even stronger!

He stood up and landed in the veins, his eyes coldly looking out of the veins, cold said with a laugh, “Now, it is time to find gold Wushu!”

Just as he stepped out on one step.


The veins where he was located suddenly burst into a sharp shake.

At the same time when the veins are shaking, the countless ore falls down.

Zhao Fang frowned, but there is no dodging, the surface of the red fire, the fallen ore, in contact with the Red fire.

They are all melted by the terrifying high temperature of the emits, which turns into a hot liquid and falls on the side of Zhao Fang.

For a moment, the veins were smooth, but at the bottom of the veins, there were bursts of beasts.

After hearing the all the a sudden, the Zhao Fang complexion changed slightly.

At the bottom of the vein, there were two beasts coming out.

One of them, Zhao Fang is very familiar, it is Nine-Headed Lion.


At the moment, the Aura of Nine-Headed Lion is a little weird. It is weak when it is weak and unpredictable.

Zhao Fang is looking forward to the Nine-Headed Lion when he is looking for a red fire.

It is at this moment.


The veins are shaken again and again, and the situation is several times more than before terrifying, giving people a feeling of collapsing at any time.

“Oops, can’t wait any longer.”

Zhao Fang also feels Crisis, and if he waits, he will probably be buried alive by the collapsed veins.

Even if you are lucky, you will be seriously injured.

“Little Nine, come back!”

Zhao Fang looked to the ground, suddenly roared.


There was a response from the ground.

Zhao Fang complexion One hi.

Followed by.

On the occasion of the ground tremble, a Nine-Headed Lion, who was covered in golden rays of light, grabbed a torn wing and was licking it.

Seeing the wings in the Nine-Headed Lion’s claws, Zhao Fang groaned and immediately showed a shocked expression.

“This is … Dragon Wing?”

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