Chapter 317 Ape Mountain

“What! Ape Mountain?!”

Pang Fei’s words made all around the original melee scene, suddenly quiet for a few seconds, the miners and the defenders’ eyes were ‘Qi Qi’ looking at Giant Ape.

The defenders were even more shocked when they saw the appearance of Giant Ape.

“Really Ape Mountain, he is still alive!”

The defender was shocked, looking at Giant Ape, in the eyes abyss, and even flashed a trace fearful thought and timidity.


On Giant Ape, there is something that makes them extremely fearful.

“It’s Ape Mountain !ha ha, he’s still alive!”

Compared to the defenders, after confirming the identity of Giant Ape, the miners were laughed loudly and appear extremely excited.

“He actually broke away from the control of the sentence chain! Ha ha, beautiful!”

“Ape Mountain Boss, we are waiting for you to come back for too long, you are finally back! Finally you can find Pang Fei to avenge!”

“Ape Mountain Boss, solve the unlocking chain, I am willing to kill the mining area with you, killing a bloody road.”

“Ape Mountain Boss, I think so too.”

“Ape Mountain Boss, and me!”

“Ape Mountain Boss ……”

The excitement, the original low spirit of the miners, in the moment of seeing Giant Ape, in the eyes is the screaming amazing intent, and the desire to survive!

This fighting intent is not for Ape Mountain.

It is the mining area defender led by all Fang Yi!

Ape Mountain didn’t look at them, his contain violent killing intent eye, coldly staring at Pompeii.

After Pang Fei was shocked, he quickly responded and saw Ape Mountain reacting like this. The heart of the wariness was at the same time, but the heart was secretly complaining.

He and the people in front of him have old grievances, or the kind of life and death.

“Pang Fei, I got three divine crystal mines that year, according to the mining area regulations, half of the money, you are greedy, not only will take away all three divine crystal mines, but also me, such as mining area abyss, in an attempt to fake I went to the mining area abyss alone, the last illusion of disappearance. I am afraid that I never dreamed, I will appear again?”

Pang Fei’s corner of the mouth showed a touch of cold.


The miners heard this and they were all shocked.

Although they had all kinds of speculations about the disappearance of Pang Fei in the past, they did not expect this.

“Three divine crystal mines? Pang Fei, I just want to ask you, what about the divine crystal mine?”

However, just as Pang Fei was about to speak, a voice full of anger sounded from Pang Fei behind.

Pang Fei is a stiff body, especially when he sees someone who comes with someone. His complexion is pale and falls to the ground directly: “Gold Young Master!”

“I just want to ask questions, divine crystal mine?” Gold Usha expression is silent.

Pang Fei is with the slightest hesitation, taking out the size of three pieces of watermelon, but emits is like crystal rays of light, dazzling crystal stone, respectfully handed to the golden arc. “When this ore is mined, it is still rough, I I intended to use the True Force to smooth out the roughness and then give it to the Young Master.”

“Is it?” Golden Uighur blinked slightly, and its in the eyes revealed the chill of a trace indistinct.

It’s like analyzing the true and false of Pang Fei’s words, and hesitating, whether or not to kill Pang Fei.

Pang Fei did not move, his heart mentioned the eyes of the blind, but did not dare to have the slightest difference.


The three divine crystal mines on his hand were picked up by Golden Ub.

Pang Fei has been nervous, and after the divine crystal mine left, suddenly gave a sigh of relief.

He knows that once Jin Wushu receives something, he will certainly not kill himself.


“I don’t care if you really think so, or I am going to smother it. But this kind of thing, I don’t want to have a second time. Now, this less gives you the opportunity to sin, and immediately kill this person!”

Gold Usha pointed to Ape Mountain and the sound was cold.


Without the use of gold, the Pang Fei did not intend to let Ape Mountain go.

The appearance of this person, the loss of oneself lost three divine crystal mines at once, but the most advanced crystal mine in the entire mining area, looking at the entire Absolute Beginning Mining Area, one year can only mine hundreds of fast Nothing more !

It can be said.

Each piece of divine crystal mine is extremely rare, invaluable and priceless!

These three divine crystal mines should have belonged to themselves, but now…

“Ape Mountain, if you have been avoiding the mining area, you may be able to keep your life. But now, you are recklessly present in front of me. Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!”

With a loud bang, Pang Fei became obese in the body of the meat mountain, and suddenly there was a sound of ‘pēng pēng’.

The fat on the body is like burning all.

The meat mountain body becomes a skinny ghost instantly!

With the gloomy killing intent on his face, especially!

And his aura, at the same time that this body has changed, is also skyrocketing.

Directly from 8-Star Martial Emperor, to 1-Star Martial Saint!

The miners saw this scene, and their hearts were filled with unspeakable shocks.

Although they have long known that the Culture Technique of Pang Fei’s cultivation is special, he did not expect it, so strange!

“You can see my true strength, you are dead and have no regrets!”

The word ‘remorse’ just came out, and Pang Fei’s skinny silhouette disappeared into place.

next moment.

Pang Fei appeared in front of Ape Mountain, his sharp palms, with a tumultuous thunder, and a sharp aura, slamming into Ape Mountain’s neck.

Ape Mountain is motionless.

It seems that I was scared by Pang Fei’s swift and powerful offensive, and I didn’t respond.

“Accept death!”

Pang Fei eye reveals Hey, it seems that already seen Ape Mountain was degraded to the first level, the scene of death on the spot.

But the next moment.

His body is suddenly a pause, a strong force, directly spread from his chest to the limbs, in the burst of the sound of kā cā kā cā, Pang Fei’s killing intent is one of the leaks.

And he himself was held tightly by a fluffy palm.

“What? This is impossible!” Pang Fei in the eyes is full of incredible colors.

Ape Mountain’s eyes are cold, the words in his mouth, revealing a chill of cold bones. “You don’t think I’m still Ape Mountain?”

Look at Ape Mountain, Pang Fei seems to be expecting, screaming, “No, you can’t kill me, I…”


When the words are finished, Ape Mountain holds Pang Fei’s palm and grips it with force. Pang Fei’s entire body is instantly smashed and turned into a mass of flesh and blood.

This sudden scene, so that everyone, shocked on the spot, full of incredible look at Pang Fei.

“3-Star Martial Saint?” Jin Wushu’s eyes are heavy, and he immediately says with a laugh. “This less gives you a chance, surrender to this less, this less can not care about your killed Pang Fei’s sin, or even You bring up to be the new mining area supervisor.”

“I have a Master,” Ape Mountain said indifferently.

“Who? Can you compare with this? You don’t want to force this to take action on you!” Jin Wushu in the eyes flashing.

Killing intent, instantly filled in front of two people.

Just in the moment of this killing intent.

“Hehe, I have to see, how dare you dare to teach Young Master in front of Young Master.”

A fiery red shadow rushed out of the mining area.

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