The 377th chapter of the public!

“What’s the difference? Jin Family junior, why bother to understand in front of Old Man? Old Man’s purpose is very simple.

Li Cunmao glanced at the golden wushu, said with a light smile. “That is to destroy you, and then, the mining area of ​​this place, the hand of my Spirit Empire.”

“Okay. Since you want to be a senior, then this Absolute Beginning Mining Area, junior is a gift to senior.”

“én?” Li Cunmao startedled. In his memory, Jin Wushu attaches great importance to Absolute Beginning Mining Area, far more than common.

Before, there were several bloody battles, but they were all fiercely swayed by gold and black, and they were not afraid of death, and they stopped Absolute Beginning Mining Area.

It can be said.

Absolute Beginning Mining Area is the life of Golden Ub.

If you want Absolute Beginning Mining Area, it will mean that his life will be mad.

But today.

He is so casual to send the mining area. The meaning of contain is somewhat unpredictable.

Li Cunmao looked at the eyes of Jin Wushu, and could not help but explore the flavor.

But soon, he saw the clue.

The old face of the spring breeze, instantly gloomy down.

“Senior also noticed?”

“Where is this vein? Why are they falling apart? Is it good for you?”

Li Cunmao’s gloomy’s gaze, staring at the golden sorcerer, his chill in the eyes, almost all out, like a Vicious Beast, staring at the golden black art.

“Senior is stupid to ask this question. This mine is my hard work. Do you think that I will destroy it? Just to prevent you from getting it? Even if I have this idea, but let the veins collapse all the way, even if it is a feat It’s you old, you can’t do it. How can I be?”

Gold sneer sneer.

Li Cunxiao brows slightly wrinkle, he did not even care about the collision in the golden Uighur, but the vision flickered, “what is happening.”

The Spirit Empire imposing manner comes.

The purpose is to capture the veins.

But now, the overall situation will be fixed, but the veins that have arrived are so changed.

Just as he was so hard to get a golden mountain, but after the puncture, he found that it was just a layer of gold-plated dung.

The gap between this and the depression is estimated to be the deepest experience of his party.

Jin Wuzhu turned his head and his eyes looked at Zhao Fang. In the eyes, there was an undisguised killing intent. “I knew that you would do this kind of thing. On the road that day, you should make a shot.” !”

“Unfortunately, there is nothing in this world, there is no regret. From the moment you pulled me into your mine car, the collapse and destruction of Absolute Beginning Mining Area has already begun.”

Zhao Fang is not afraid, cold said with a laugh.

“én? Is this a ghost of this person?”

Li Cunmao looked at Jin Wushu and waited for Jin Wushu to answer. He looked at Zhao Fang, or looked at Nine-Headed Lion’s gaze.

“Ancient Divine Beast, Nine-Headed Golden Lion!”

Li Cunmao almost took a cold breath.

His attention was completely on the golden blackery, and he did not notice Zhao Fang, let alone Nine-Headed Lion.


Because Jin Wushu intentionally guided, he let him find Zhao Fang’s not simple.

“This beast, bloodline has long been cut off, there are a few 1000-year in the world has not been traced, Old Man is also in the Imperial Clan ancient books, by chance. I thought it was the Divine Beast in the legend, but did not expect that today there is actually Have a chance to see the body!”

Li Cunmao took a breath and looked at the Nine-Headed Lion’s gaze, which was already full of greed and heat.

The Ancient Divine Beast is both incomprehensible and unfortunate, so Divine Object can be met and can’t be missed.

As for Zhao Fang, it was directly ignored by Li Cunmao.

Trivial 3-Star Martial Saint cultivation base, in his in the eyes, is no different from mole cricket and ants!

See Li Cunmao eye reveals cold light, gold black spell expressionless, but my heart is sneer.

He consciously, with his own strength, against Zhao Fang, is simply very easy.


He always felt that there was something hidden in Zhao Fang.

It gives him an extremely dangerous feeling.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to show Zhao Fang, in order to see Zhao Fang and Li Cunmao dog bite the dog, and take the benefit of the fisherman himself.

“én? That is…Dragon Vein?!”

Looking at the Nine-Headed Lion, Li Cunmao, who is more and more happy, noticed the contents of the Nine-Headed Lion’s mouth. His eyes were instantly wide, and the a trace was incredible.

With his knowledge, nature can see at a glance what Nine-Headed Lion has swallowed.

That’s not a common thing, but the true spirit of the Dragon Vein transformed into!

Although it can’t be compared with a real dragon, it is not a small thing.


This spirit brings together all the essences of Earth Vein. Once killed, the Spiritual Qi contained in Earth Vein will collapse instantly, causing the Earth Vein to be barren and barren. From then on, there will be no more Spiritual Qi, and it will be abandoned.


He is still curious as to why Absolute Beginning Mining Area suddenly collapsed.

But when he saw the things in the mouth of Nine-Headed Lion, he immediately understood, “It turned out to be your ghost!”

Immediately, he sneered again. “The beginning of the veins, it seems that it was not saved. But Old Man can’t run a sneak peek. Since there is no Taikuo ancient mine, grab a lion and go back to Mount Old Man!”

Just while speaking, Li Cunmao is a detective to catch Nine-Headed Lion.

This style, comes extremely fast, like lightning.

Almost as he raised his hand, his palm appeared in front of Zhao Fang.


Nine-Headed Lion made a low-pitched voice, and all nine heads were simultaneous to look at Li Cunmao, no matter what the nine heads are.

But now, what they show is only one point, that is anger and killing intent!

Like the High-Rank Spirit beast, the anger after being challenged by a low reptile!

With the beasts, Nine-Headed Lion was nine, and at the same time, an attack was launched. The attack merged into one. In the all of a sudden with Li Cunmao’s palm, a dazzling golden light was brought up. .

All of a sudden.

Heaven and earth were replaced by this glaring golden light, and no other colors were visible.

When the golden light dissipated, Li Cunmao’s terrifying big hand, disappeared and clean, seems to have never appeared the same.

The dignity of Nine-Headed Lion emits is even more intense!

“Tier-8 Peak !”

Li Cunmao said almost in a word, in the eyes, there are unconcealed surprises.

“I didn’t expect that Old Man’s Luck was so good that he met Divine Beast in the legendary, and it was Tier-8 Peak. If you were one step, you could enter the Divine Beast and completely awaken the bloodline!”

Li Cunmao is excited, there is no attack on the gloomy and wariness after being broken, and some are just excited!

He looked at Zhao Fang, his cold eyes, through the ruthless cold light, “junior, give you a living path, rolling from the back of Nine-Headed Lion, this beast, you can’t control it!”

“I can’t control it, can you control it?retard!”

Zhao Fang responded faintly.

But when this statement came out, the whole field was quiet.

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