The 380th chapter destroys the soul

There is no heart of rebellion.

It seems to be suppressed by some kind of power.

This is the feeling of the soul-sucking at this moment.

After confirming this phenomenon, the Soul Eater Complexion is extremely ugly.

He did not think of it, 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner revealed the imposing manner dignity, actually against other souls, so restrained!

And he is a strength, and he is in the soul of the above.

The soul is gram, his Strength is also infinitely weakened.

“damned !how can it be like this !”

Soul Eater roars, you can only look at the eyes at the point, 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner inside the devil head into the soul-sucking area, will soul soul Soul Spirit, one swallow.

In this scene, I saw blood in his heart.

In order to collect these Soul Spirits, he did not spend much time, how many sinister dangers, how many treasures of Heaven and Earth, but now there are millions of souls.

He intended to upgrade the soul-eating might to Divine Rank in Five Elements Ruins World.

In fact.

He is only half-step away from this goal.

But now –


All of them are broken with the all of a sudden emerging from the countless magic head in the Cover Sky Banner!

The soul-sucking face is remorseful, but it is immediately like a ghost.

“junior, do you dare to ruin this Sir Soul Eater? After this Sir gets out of trouble, it is necessary to refine your Soul Spirit through the soul fire for nine hundred and eighty-one days, so that you will not become a reincarnation in this life. !”

The sound of the soul-soul is like the curse from Hell in the underworld, so that all the people who hear it have a feeling of one bone.

Only Zhao Fang, complexion is dull. “If you like Soul Refining so much, let’s stay, my Cover Sky Banner, there is still a main soul. You can serve your clan Supreme Treasure, presumably, this is for you. Words, it’s not a good thing!”

“Good thing, your sister Ah!”

The soul-seekers were mad, burning Soul Blood, and the power of blessing on him suddenly weakened a lot.

His body seems to have restored a trace of agility.

“Small bastard, and waiting for this Sir, this Sir will soon get out of trouble, then kill you and win 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner.”

The soul-sucking roar, as if only the heart is full of infinite killing intent, he has the power to get out of trouble.

But it is at this time.

Not far from the Soul Eater.

The golden light flashes where it is wrapped in layers of Black Mist.

And then, the golden light is getting brighter and brighter, and it seems to break the Black Mist.

“No, the fellow is going to get out of trouble!”

The soul-seeking complexion suffered a bitterness. It was really a leak in the house. He managed to break away from the 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner, but he did not expect that Zhao Yun was faster than him.


What makes him uneasy is that once Zhao Yun gets out of trouble, relying on the strength of the other side, killing himself, simply is easy!

Think of it here.

The soul-eating soul is in a hurry, and immediately can’t take too much, directly burning half of Soul Blood.

In the rumbled sound of the ‘pēng pēng’ with the the body, the soul-seeker finally broke away from the suppression of the Cover Sky Banner.


At this time, there was a sound like a thunderous explosion in the ear.

There is a golden light whistling in front of me.

However, Zhao Yun, who was trapped in the Black Mist, was also out of sleep at this moment. He was walking on the Fury of Golden Dragon. When his eyes were swept away, he moved to the soul-eater.

Soul Eater was shocked.

His own strength, can’t compare with Zhao Yun.

Today, it is more spontaneously burning more than half of Soul Blood, body weak to the extreme, let alone confrontation, afraid that even Zhao Yun’s blow can not stop.

When Zhao Yun was trapped for a long time, the soul of the soul-seeking soul was already filled with ruthless killing intent. When the gun was raised, the sharpness of the rays of light would penetrate the chest of the soul-seeker without any hindrance.

The soul-seeking soul within the body does not have a blood flow, but a body shock, followed by an endless Black Mist, from the with the body.

The body of the soul-seeker slowly slows down and eventually turns into a Soul Spirit state.

Zhao Yun expression is cold and is about to make up the last shot. “Leave him a life.”

The voice of Zhao Fang sounded at the right time.

Zhao Yun stopped and, under the guidance of Zhao Fang, rushed out of the cover of Cover Sky Banner.



Zhao Fang shakes the Cover Sky Banner, and the Black Mist rolls in, and when it rushes out, it will already cover the area where the Soul Eater is located.

10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner, the crazy swallow of Soul Spirit with the soul of the soul.


Far from the Desolate Domain, a natural place.

In the ground abyss, the endless yin venting entrance position, sitting in a black robe man.

This black robe man, figure is slightly blurred, it seems not existence, it will disappear at any time.


The black robe man slammed his eyes, in the eyes shimmering with thick sorrow and hatred. “Small bastard, you ruin my spirit, take my soul, if this is not this Sir, leave a special intention, leave a special The spirit, at this moment, I am afraid that it has been annihilated in heaven and earth.”

“So bloody and vengeful, don’t let you drink your blood, this Sir, can’t let go!”

Said, the black robe man figure swayed and disappeared in place.

It didn’t take long.

In a cloud-filled mountain, the black robe man silhouette appears, and with the slightly respectful look of all around disciple, it goes to the magnificent Main Hall in the middle of the mountain.

At the glimpse of the black robe man, the plaque on the high hills of the mountains and rivers reveals three imaginary words, but it is a daunting word.

Soul Refining Dao !

“What? Found my Soul Refining Dao Supreme Treasure, 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner?”

Inside the Soul Refining Dao Dao Lord Main Hall, there was a shock and ecstasy that could not be concealed.

“ha ha, the soul-sucking son, you made a great effort this time, tell this Dao Lord, 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner, where?”

Soul Refining Dao Lord stared at the black robe man and asked.

“Not in the Black Devil Domain, it should be in the Desolate Domain, Central Spirit Territory !”

“Desolate Domain? That abandoned wild land?”

Soul Refining Dao Lord brows slightly wrinkle, “Are you sure?”

“Dao Lord, this Elder is willing to swear by Life Source Soul Spirit, if there is half a falsehood, let me never reincarnate, and live in the world, become the Soul Spirit of others!”

Black robe man said solemnly.

Soul Refining Dao Lord startled, and immediately smiled: “If you are a soul-seeker, this Dao Lord still believes, but it is a matter of great importance. I have to confirm again, Elder and Edo.”

Soul Eater is indifferent, “When is Dao Lord ready to go? Ben Elder is willing to play Vanguard!”

Soul Refining Dao Lord blinked a little, after thinking about it, “After half a year, when the heaven and earth barrier between the two domains weakened, Ben Dao Lord would personally go to the Desolate Domain and bring back my Soul Refining Dao Sacred Object. Of course, too Revenge for you!”

With the strength of Soul Refining Dao Lord, you can see the Soul Eater at a glance.

“That Elder, thank you Dao Lord first! I am going to prepare, although the cultivation base of the Cover Sky Banner is very weak, but there is a Powerhouse next to him!”

While speaking, he is about to leave.

But before he stepped out of the Main Hall, he felt the behind bursting into the Yin Wind. In the all of a sudden, he saw one piece of the mouth and swallowed him directly.

“Demon Dao, you can’t die!”

Soul Eater suddenly understands that the complexion is pale, but it is screaming.

“In any case, your main body has been annihilated. This time the spirit wants to reach the point of the main body. I don’t know how to wait for more youngsters. It is better to complete this Sir. Rest assured, this Sir has swallowed you, your hatred, this Sir will naturally report for you!”

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